Sharp Practicr

Hon. , a lawyer by profuseion, and Governor of the State of through chance, regardless of the re sponsible duties of nis offioe, and indifferent to the dignity portaining to it, has been practiciDg his calHng in tLe courts of his State. At , we are informed, he was engaged as counsel for prisoners indicted for some offence which we could not Ifiarn. He lost kis case ; the prisoners were found guilty and sentenced to the State Prison ; but tho immaculate republican Governor possessed a higher power (bestowed bv the people who voted for him) than either the jury that ioimd them guilty or thejudge that genteneed them, and he exercised it. He pardoned the sooundrels whom bie legal acumen could not acquit ? He let loose upon society men branded with crininality bytwelve dimntorested citizens! Instead of crime, here is a premium offeied for its perpetration by this el republican Governor ! Judging by his aciion, every man that can afford to give Gov. a heavy retainer may go on and cominit any crime - even ', murder (as the death penality is aboli$hod) - and ho may rest satisfied that a pri?on cell will not bo his abod. The above intormation comes from republicaD authority ! What a pretty pass we have arrived at, to see tho Executive of an independent State enter a District Court i bandying words with shysters, perhaps, and attempting to exonérate crimináis ! And when he fails, and a jury of twelve citizens convict the rascáis, Üien to see him turn round in the face oí both judge and jury, and abuse that power which vvas given to him íor high and merciful purposes, by pardoning on the spot tho seDtenced convicts ! Oitizens of Michigan, arise and crush this hydra-headed monster, republicanism, and suffer yourtehes to be no longer the dupes oí wily republican demagogues, vvho, you 6ee, make princifles, right and justice eubservent to thoir ow'u aggrandizernent !
Criminal Justice
Criminal Pardons
Michigan - Governor
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Michigan Argus