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BANK NOTE, LAD WAKHANT, SPECIE AND EXCHAJNGE QDOTATIONS. Carsfully Revlsed and Corrected OTry wesk. fRArCSiCURRKNT AT HM Banking House of D. Preston & Lo , 72 Woodw.-'. ATe.. Detroit July 0, 18C.0. BAKK NOÏIC-l. Detroit City Bank, ■ Cánida, (ali Sulvciit Banks) N. England and N. York, (Solrent Bank) S'ew Jersey nnd Delaware, Ohio, Kentucky and Virginia, - - Ta , all notes pur at Pittsburgh or rhiladclplua, Biink of tho SU to of Indiana, U.VCURBENT KUN DS. Illiuois Winconnin, Missouri and Iowa ouying 1 X Dl .. 'il " ! saUiugl to IX " N. Carolina, S. Carolina and Louisiana, ■ 2 Indiana ütock Note, IX j Georgia, S and 6 United States Post Office Scrip, ■ Bank of EugluDci Notes, L, ■".. 4.. Bank i,f ïecumsoh, Michigan, - - - ' d Exchange Bank of D. Cali & Co. - - ■ OUR RATES FOK BILLS OF EXCHANGE. Bujring. Selling. On New York and Boston, M X. On Washington, - On Buffoln, 4 On Cleveland, On Cincir.nati, On Chicago, X 9c dis. for Í100 or upvrards. GOID AND SILVER. Pujing. Selllng. Am. Gold. lot of $100 or upward, X American Silver, LAND WARRAN'TS. Burlng. CpUing. 40 Acbh WARRiSKi 41 46 TÏT il 93 1C 160 ■ 123 U0 llevovolutionary Scrip, (per acre,) 80 et. DO ct. PREMIUM COINS. SILVER COINS. GOLD COINS. Span Pillar Dollars, 105 Sovereigna, 4 84 and 4 84 Medican Dollars 1 04 20 Francs 3 83 Five Franc Pieces 96 26 Francs 4 06 French Crown 1 06 10 Franci 1 00 Oerman '■ 1 05 5 Francs 5 Pnuatea Thalors 69 Tn Thaler Pieces 7 80 GuiUer 88 X Thalar Piece 7 85 Englisli SiWer, (shilling Ton Guildor Piecs 4 0 1 23c.; L4 60 Spanish Doubloons 18 00 Old Am. Half Dolls. 1 03 Patriot 16 50 On lots of $100 or up I California Gold $lüs 6d warrts, 1 ïc. additional $60s and $20a ldGold Duat, $16 to $16 60 per oz. Spa.uish cbange $1 15 per ri. or 22 cents for quarterw, 11 for shillings, 5 for sixpsneea. On lots of 20 oz and upwardn, $1 18 per ox. DAVID PRESTON fc CO., Bankers. 72Woodward Atp., Detroit. Office houra,from8, A, M., to 6, P. M. spe CT-A LiffcynoBa . IWl. O. ü. HPansenger trains now leave the eoveral Station ia hit Cuunty,as follows. OOING WE8T. Mail Ei. Marshal Ae. Night Ex ypsilanti, 8.50 a. K. 6.35 r. M. 9.10 PM. Ann Arbor, 8.10 " " Í.00 " " 830 " '. Dexter. 0.35 " " 730 " " 8.55 " " Chelsea, 9.60"" 7.65"" 10.10 i. H1 GOIN8 EAST. Erening Ex. Marshall Ac. Maü Ei. Chclaea, 5.15 i. M. 8.15 i. . 4.85 m.. Dfitor, 5.30 " " 8.40" " 4.60"' Ann Arbor, 6.55 " " 9.10 " " 6.15 '■ ' YpsiUuti, 6.15 " " 9.40 ' " 5.35 " ' MRS. WINSLOW. Aa experienced nurseand female physici&n, has a Syrup for children, teothlng, which greatly facilítate tbi proces of loething by softening the gums, reducing all in flammation - will allay all pain, and fa Hure to regálate thi bovels. Depend upon it, motbers, it will give rest to yourselves, and. relief and kealtb to your iufants. Perfectly ssfein all caaea. Secadvertiae ment in anothor column. ijq-The Grcat Benefactor of hls Itnce.- The Great Healer of Mankind! Herriek'ê Sugar Coated Pilis Th' whok World United! Sick People thivk.' After which act. You'd acaree expect,at this late day, With stanl ngcuresa book to AU ; Thi is the case, themillion say, With the cures of Herrick's i'ill. They come from Kast, and North, and Wast, And with glad tidingstne papers flll, Because they are the cheapest, safest, best, And superior to others in Herrick'i Pili From Root#, and Plant, andFlowern thj're; They always cure- they never kill Thousamls now in their graven were ïaid, WereitnotforHerrick'i Pilli. Each Pili with Bugar Is coated e'er- A raro discovery of matchless ikill , Tlioir like was never seenbefore, Until it appeared in Herrick's Pili. For years he's worksd tohealthe sick, Witb joy elate hin bonom ftlln: For tensof thousandR now rejoico At the magie Power of Hirnck's Tilli. ï" HERRICK 'S MATCHLESS VEGETABLE FAMILY PILLS have inundated the world with their popuUrity. Over five mili ton of boxes are used annualy, giving employment to eighty-five men aod womento putthem up, Their cures are numbered by thousands - their praises on the toügues of all, Citizens of Washtnaw Co-, and elsowhere, have you ever used thn?Put up in English, Spanish, Germán, and Fren ch directions. Large family boies, 25 cents! Five boxes for tl. Sold everywhere. See adyertisement on 3d page TmcLoxDON Stkrboscopio Cohmxy's business hasincreased to euch an extent that they have deemd it neceseary to establish a depot in New York for the upply of stereoscopïc goodsto the trade generally. Thy have arranged to forward to their Managers overy week a cas of goodsthat shall contain alï new subjectt as well av first-clanH standard pictures and they will then be euabled to offor a complete assortment of stock of unequaled character, at prices considerably lower than those of any other houte. It must be evident to dealers in tersoscopic goods that they will be consulting their own interestg by do'ng bunines at the New York Branch of the London Stereoscopic CJoMPAifT, ai at Hzadqüartüm. Orders can ba sent to Thko. Lbsset, manager, 534 Broad way, New York. Stereoicopes of all kindi and prices, frora flfty cents Viws and groups from 1 ,00 per doïen upwards ly71S Important to FemuUn. Dr. CHEESEMAN'M PILL.S. PREPABEn BY COB'KUÜ8 L. CnEESBMAíf, M. !., New York City. THecombinationof ingrediente in theae Pilis are the result of a long and extensive practico. They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all irregularities, Paiuful Mensurationa, removing all obatructions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpatation of the heart, ahites, all nervoui aíFec; tions, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, &c. , disturbed sleep, whicharises from interruptiou of nature. TO MARRIEDLADIES, Dr. Cheenemíin's Pilis are invaluable, as they will bringon the monthly period with regularity. Ladina who have been disappotnted in th use of othea Pilla can place the utmost couüdence in Dr. Cheeseman'g PüIb doing all they represent to do. X O T 1 C K . Tkerê il ove condition of the female system. in which the Pilis rntivot be taken without producing a PECULÍAR BESULT. The condition referred to i PREGNANCV- the resuïl, MISCARRIAGE. Surk u the irrefutable lendency of the medicine u restore the sexual funaiovs to a normal condition, that evtn the reproductive power of nature cannoX resUt ii. Warranted purely vegetable, and froe from anything iujurious, Explicitdirections, which ehouH b reart,aocompany each box, Sent by mail on enclnuing $1 to Db Cobseuus L. Cuiesemax, Box 4,531, Poit Office, New York City, BS" iSoM by one Druggtèt in evcry town in the United Suti. -i K. B. HL'TCHINGS, GrireaAi Age-t fob thi ümteb Siítks, No, 14, Broadway, Uta Ttork, j&" To whom all Wholesale orders hould be addresaSold o Ann Arbor, by Mavnaro, Sizbbin 4s WusoK, and G, Gbexville, 7S6yl Ayer's Cathartic Pilis. THE GREAT ENGLISH BEMEDY. SIK JAMES OLARKE'S Celcbrated Fruíale Pilis. PBOTECTED Jl. L E T t E E f BY EOYAL Ml!ojiX FATENX Prepared from a preteripiion of Str J. Ciarte, M D., Phyrician Sxtraordittary ( the Queen. Tuis tnvatnable medicine Is anfttfling In th cnre of &U thoae painful and dangeroai diMasei to which the fcniftle oansUtution ia subject. It modf ratd alt oxcubm a:id reaores all oUtructiona, and a peed? cura may be rtlled on. TO 5IAHKIKI) I.AUIKH it ia peeuliarlj uited. It wiU, in a short tima, brinf sa the monthlj period with rtgularity. Each UuttJe, priM On Dollar, Ixara th Ooreraaient 8Ump of Great Blitain, to prevent eoanterfèlt. Thiêt Pilis ikoutd nol i UUn 6y ftmaltê irtf ( FIJtST TBAEE MONTHS tf Prtgnmnrf, af IJWy art tire (o bring ot Micrriajret but I ny c4A4r iñu íif art to. Ia ftll cum of Nerrous and Spinal AfTectiona, Pala In tb Back and UmU, Fatigne on aligbt urtlon, Palpita tion of the Beart, HjmUrica, and WUtM, theie PBls iB ITeot a cor wheu au othsr maana haTe tailsd, wd , Uthough a pewerful rmedy, do not eontain lron, calonMÏ anOmcay, or any thing hurtful to the oonstitutiwn. f uil dtnotioiis acoompapy eh pwkage. Balo Agent u the Unittd Statoi and Canada, JOB MOM, (Lat I. C. Baldwln Co.) Rooheitor, Kt. Y -41,00 ad peaiagt atampa nclowd to any ao Aga, wtll inann abottie of to l'ill l.j retun Ool, by (J. (RVNVII.I.E, Aud Arbor, an.l by Drugpisii '"ererv town . MICHIGAN SOUTHEllN & NOUTHEKN INPIANA RAII.ROAD. 18C0. BraHffl ARRANGEMENT. 1860. Iraiui now run ou this'Tüj, ?urdnys exwptod, as ftrv,Tnlodo'or Chicago ,U0 2 ManlOP. M. Ar'rivingtin'chtog1 from Toledo and Detroit al 8,00 P. Vrrt,8áflWroit fToMo, t7:O5A.M., a:50 P. " ArarivJ 'in tet'roii from Chicago at 6.S0 P. M. , nd 7 .05 A'rrivi! in Toledo from Chicago 4,C0 P. M. TiJ 4.50 A. M nnd 8.411 P. M. I earo Adriau for Jackson at .,.„., Jacksur. for Adrián at 5,00 A. IC, nnd 1,50 P. JJ. CONKKCTION3. AT TOLKDO-WHh Cleveland & Tolodo Rail Roa.l, wlth "ííteSo'fílwiu."" Trunk Kaihvay, wlth reat Western Kailway, also, with the Detroit andMilwaukec, R At'nsw Albant : Salf-m R. R.CKura-WIUl Train forlafayatte, NewAlbanyandLoui.ville At Cincioo- Wilh ChicaKo and Bock Wond, Gdn, Mil.aukoe, Chicago. BurlinRton and Qiiincy -North West Raihvay- Chicago, Alton and 8t. Louis, lllmois Central, andto all l'oints West and South & Trainx are run by Chicago time, which is -0 min ute slower tlmn Detroit time. WoodrufTs Patent Sleepmg Cara accompuny the Niilht Train on thia Route. 9-No change of car between Detroit, Adrián and f "patent Ventilators and Diustcrs are ucd on all Sumnirrain. „ameasby auy olher Rail Road m CAMPBELL, Gene-al Bopotn4ent. BOOT -ANDSïIOE MAKER'S STRIKE. THE JOl'RS WILL GET THEIK TIUCK TOB T1IE1R mt and Boots & Slioes will be high?r! Will have to pay more for your goods. 1 HAVE JÜST PURCIIASED AN EXTENSI VE STOCK OF many of them, on account of üie LiVRGE SÜPPLY Iïi MARKET! PER CASE LESS THAN It Oost to Make Them and nhall Sell them till I have to Pay more for them at th EXTREMELY LOW PR1CES na noA below. MENS' BOOTS. Men's $3,50 Calf Boots, for 12,50 '' 4,50 French Calf Superfine, 3,50 ■ 3,50 Atnerican Calf doublé 6oled, 2,75 " 3,25 Kip, 2,50 " 2,50 Summer, 20 " 3,25 Doublé Solé Stogas best quality for 2,75 GAITERS. Ladiee' 50 et. Gaiters, for 37 h 75 " Gaitera for 50 " 1,25 " Gaiters for 1,00 Ladies'best qnality of Gaiters witb and without heel8froml,25 to 2,50 Ladies' Leather, Calf and Kid Boots and Conerress Gaiters from 80 to 1,00 Men's, Boys', Misses' and Children's, of every desirable kind. Trunks, Valises and íatchels ! All the abore gooclínd miny others, will b MUCH XiESS FRICES thn hT Ever Been Sold in Ann Arbor. "Wm. S. SAÜNDERS. Ano Arbor, Mtrch 20, 1860. 780m3 Bonnets! Bonnets ! Bonnets! rpHE SUBSCEIBER HAS A LARGE itock of SUk na V E L V E T BONNETS, et lata styli-ü, that hwlll sell t eest nd ii JL-e-s-s T-h-a-n C-O-S-T-, to Blote them out. Prieta ranfle from onb to TEN DOLLARS. ta. Cnll and to them. ut the New Detroit Store, fcxehange Block, Wï, N. STRONG. ICE I ICE! ICE! ICE! ÍTIHE SUBSCRIBER is preparea to furniRh Families and A allpersons wishing it on. hort notice, Will dcliver to families, 10 lbs. per day at $ 1 per month Largar quantilíos at 30 CENTS per 100 POUNDS. A1I ordrs left with Thompson & Son nill bo thankfully recived and promijtly Oxecuted. CLE11ENT R. THOMPSOM. Ann ArUr, April 24, 1800. 3m"4 Ho-ward Associatiou, Püilaclelphta. A Benevolent Jnstitittimx establiêhtd by special end"vmentt Sor the relief of the SKk and Dútraseed, ajflieied tiiik V'ru'nit and Epidemir, Diseaie, and eMptr.ially fur thi Cwre o f Dueaee of the Ssxval Organ, DUpensary fret to paiiertË tn all pcrt$ of the United States, VALÜABLEREI'ORTSoDSpenEatnrrboea.andottierrasues of the Sexual Organí, aad on íbe N'EW REMEDIES emyed, Bont to tbe aBlíctod ín soaldd ouvelojxg, free of cliai-ge. Two or tbreo Stampa for poetasO b 'ill be cptable. jttS ddïsDi:. J, SLEXI?HOCGHTfJlJ. Actlng Eurgeojs TLüTírñ AíícoltTlod, fTo í.aouth Kintb S1ret, PülTSÍjl.