HB - - (jREMILLE & FüLLER, HAVIXG ASSOCIATED thenreelvea for Öi purposo of dealiriL' in the varions articles in the Drug tra'U, offer for sale a full aasortment of Pure and Genuine Medicines, Wines, Note and Letter Paper, Uquors, Are, Fancy Articies, Perlumory, Klavoring Eslraoti, Conibs, Faber's l'encils, Brushe.-i, Arnold's Inks. Hair Dye.i, Popular Patent Medicines, Jarnos Adama' LirerRalsara, Ayers', Hoatetter's Bittera, ÏIollowayB, Hootlan'i's Germán Bitter Browirs Truchas, Townaends and Bryant'n PüUnouary Balsam, Guyjsott'3 Sarsaprilla. TAIKTS, OILS, GLASS, &o., &o. Zinc, Varnishes, Patont Dry.-r, Hibcrnia üreen, Burning Fluid, Camphine, Tilden Fluid Extract, Sugur Coted Pili, nnd Granules. N. H. Proncript'nns compounded with neatnt-Bd an'l a,.-patchbyexperic.iclpe.on.í. BRKry1LLB JOHN' T. Fl'I.I.ÈR 742. t Scrofula, or King's Evil, is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out in disease on any part of it. No organ is fres from it3 attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, disordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above nll, by the venereal infection. Whatever be its origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending " from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ; " indeed, it seems to be the rod of Ilim who says, " I wül visit the iniquities of the fathers upon tlieir children." lts effects commence by doposition from the blood of corrupt or ulceious matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubcrcles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul corruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of Ufe, so that scrofulous constitutions not only suffer from scrofulous complaints, but they have far less power to withBtand the attacks of other diseases; consequcntly vast numbers perisl by disorder which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the 6ystem. Most of the consumption which decimates the human family has its origin directly in this Ecrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or : ore aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ; their persons are invaded by this lurking infection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and invigorate it by healthy food and exeicise. Buch a medicine we supply in . . . - - i AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy ivhich the medical skill of our times can devise for this where prevailing and fatal malady. It is combined from the most active remedíais that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the ystem from its destructive consequences. Henee it should be employed for the cure of not only Scrofula, hut also those other affections which arise from it, Buch as Eruptivb and Skin Diseases, St. Anthony's Fire, Bose, or Euysipelas, Pimples, Pustules, Blotchi-.s, Blaixs and Bon.s, Tumors, Tetter and Sai.t Biif-um, Scai.d IIead, Ring-woiim, Kheumatism, Syi-hilitic and Mercurial Diseases, Diiorsy, Dyspepsia, Demlity, and, indeed, aix Complaints ahisino from Vitiated or Impure Blood. The popular belief in " impiirihj ofthe blood " is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsaparilla is to purify and regenérate this vital fluid, without which sound hcalth is impossible in contanúnated constitutions. Agne Cure, FOB THE SPEEDT CUPE OF Intermlttciit Fever, or Perer and Agüe, Remittent Fevcr, Clilll Fever, Dumb Aune, Perlodical Headache, or Bllious Ilt-oiiachr, and Billón Fever, Indeed for the vrhole clai ot diirmti orlgllint luí; Ín blllary derangement, canied liy the Malaria of Mlaamatio Countrie. We aro enabled here to offer the commnnlty remedy whlch, while it cures the above complalnta with certainty, Is still perfectly harmlesa in any quantity. Such . a remedy is invaluable iü districts wbere these affllctlng : dlaordurs prevalí. Tltla "Cum" expela the miasmatic polson of Fever akd Aooe from the system, and prevent the development of the diseaae, if taken on th flrst approach of it premonltory syniptoms. It ia not only the best remedy ever yot discovered for tliis class of complaiuts, bat also tho cheapest. The large quantity we supply for a dollar brlngs it within the reach of every body ; and la biltous districts, where Fevkr amd Agtjh prevaüs, every body should have it and use it freely both for cure and protection. It is hoped this price will placo it wlthin tho reach of all - tho ior aa well as tlie rioh. A great suporiority of this remedy over any other ever diecovered for the speedy and certain cure of Intermlt tents is, that It contaln no Qulntne or mineral, consequently It produces no quinism or other injurious effecta whatever upou the constitution. Thote cured by it ar left as healtliy as if they had never had the disense. Fsver and Ague is not alone the consequence of tho mlasmatic polson. A great varioty of disorders arlse from lts lrrltatlon, among whlch are Nturalgia, Rhttimatitm, Gout, Headaclu, Blindnen, Toothaclie, Harache, Gitairh, Astltma, Palpilation, toinful jtfftction of the Spleen, Mysteries, Puin in the Bowtlt, Oilic, Paralytis, and Deravgment of the ütomach, all of vfhich, when orlginatJng in tbis cause, put on tho mtermittent type, or become perlodical. Tbia "Ccre" expels the poison from th blood, and consequently cures them all alike. It ia an invaluable protection to immigrants ftnd persons travelling or temporarily residing in the malarloua districts. It taken occaalonally or dally while exposed to the infectlon, that will be excreted from the system, and cannot accumnlate in suffleient quantity to ripen into disease. Henee It is even more valuable for protection than cure, and few will ever sufl'er from Intermittents if they avall themselvea of the protection this remedy affords. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., LOWBLL, MA8S. MAYARD. STEBBliNS fe WlSON.nd by all Druggists and Dealers evarywhere. J; BtJRRILL, Trav'eling Agent. "" NOTICE. WitHTESAW CO., CLERK'B OTTTCE, ) July 30, 18C0. j NOTICE IS HEEEBY GITEN' Ibat tho Inspectora an Dlrector's Mauks for chrol (iistricts in fiaid Coun ty,h!tvabeen received, and aro roady for dittribution City and Towo Clork will lea e cali and olïtaic the sime. HOBEKT J. BARKY, Clerk. straycd T?K0M TUE SUBbCRIBER in tbe Townsbip of Palino, JP on Wednesday, July lltb, ona span of dark bay horos, the horsa bas a star in the forehead and two white bind Toet, the miro has no partictilir marls. Apy tcfcrmalicnwhich-viïl lead to tberecovery of saiJ horari, ,it h Hbermlbr rtwtïdêé. Addrese JMH LIW1Í BCS8, alii, Mich. Ax apcricnt Stomachic preparatlon of ÏRON purieÊd ín )xyiïen and Carbon by combustión ra Hydrogen. Sanctonofl by the highest Medical Authoritiea, bolh in Ett ■ope and the United States, and proscribid in thoir practice The experienee of thounands daiiy prove that no preparationof Iron can be compared witb it. Irnpurities of the blood, depressiuus of vital eaergy, pale and otherwise sickly complcxions indícate it necesuity In alrnost every conceivable case. Innoxious in all maladiea in whicb it has bsen tried, baa proved absoiutety curauve in eacli of the foUowiug ootsplftmts, viz: In Ocbllly,crvons AiTortlons, Kmncatlon LFysppsin, Constipan on, Olnnhnen , Dyscntery, Iitclplcnt Consumpf Ion, Scrofuluus Tuberculosis, Salt Rheum, MismcvHruntion, White', Chloroais, Livor -Gomplaints, Chrtmic Hadackcst lïfuümatism, IntermiUent Fcrers, Pimples on the, Face, &c. lucast; of Ge.vkral JJKRitiTT, whotbor theresult ofacuto discaae, or of the continuad diminutton of nervous and muscular energy from chronic coinplaints, ouc trial of this re.ïUrative has proved auccosa'ul to un extent which no description norwritten attestation would ren der crcdible. Invalida ao long brd ridden as to havo become forgotten in their own neighborhoods, havo bu'1aealy re-appeared in thebusy world as if jut returnod from piotractcd travel in a dtstant land. Boni very vig nal instftncea of this kind are attested of female sufTfrorn, emaciatcd victima of apparent marasmus, sanguïntoifi exhaustion, cntical changes, and that complica tion of nervous and dyspeptic aversión to air and cxerche for which the physician has no name. In Nervocs Affectio.vs of all kinds, a ml for reasonn fa inilirir to modical men, the operntion of this preparation of ron must necessa ril v besalutary, for, uulike the oíd oxides, itiHrígorousIy toaic without being exciting and overheating; and gent!?, regularly aperi.-nt, even thü most obstinate cases of costiveness without ven beuig a gastrtc purgativa, or inflicting a disngrecablo sensation. It is this latter property, arnon? Otbeif, which makes it 30 cmarkably c-Ffoctual and permanent a remedy for 'üea, upon which it a!so appears to exert a distinct and speciflc action by disperaing the local tendency whicb forma them In DrsrBP3iA, innumerable asare ítR causes, a singlo box uï these Chnly beate Pilis have often Kttttevd tor the most habitual cases, includmg the atíeudont Costiv ness. ín unchecked Diarrhcea, even whc advanced to Dysen tery confirmod, emaciating and apparently raalignant, the eíTects havin? been equally decinive and astonishing In the local paina, loss of fle.ih and strength.Oebilitatin cn"SCh, and rcmittont hectic, which generally indícate Inclpi-rnt Con.tumpiion, ín sevüral very gratifying and intei-03'iny; insiances. lu Sorqfuloui Tubcrcttolsis . ihis medicated Iron has had far more than tho good effeets of th mst cautiouab&lanced preparations of iodine, without any of Iy r well known liabilnics. Tho attentiou of Témalos cmnotbotooconñdently fnTÍt(.'d to thl remedynnú resioratice in the cases pcülarly affecting them In Rkeumausm, both chronic and ínflammatory - n the latter, however.moro decide'Uy- it has heen invariably well roported, both as alleviating pain and reduciug the awollinsaod iítiíFnfss of thejointi rmd niusecls, lu liitermitUnt Fevcr it must necssarily be a great rme 'y i mi energetic restorativo, and itf progresa in the new ettltments of tlm West, wffl proba bij bo one of high renoffn and usefuloess. No reinedy has ptet been discovored in the wbolo history of mpiicine, which exerts sucli prompt, happy, and íully res tora ti ve effecta. Good appeíite, complote diestioi., raptd acquisition of etrength, with an unusnal dispoaitioD for active and cheerful eserciso, immedlately folio w its use. Put up in noat Dat metal boxes containing r60 puls, price 50 cents per box; for sale by üruggists and dealers. Will be sent free to any address on receipt of the priou. ill letters, orders, etc, should bead'lressed to B. B. LOCKE,&Co , General Agent-, 477yl 339 Broadway,N. Y. A NexTiÍBRIVAL -ofBOOtS C1Ï3.C3. SllOOS Of all deacriptlons, and mil ' e TiLliV C4.V BE B0UGH7 IN This City. Albo a large ansortmcnt c' TOKiOS KiöAROiyJIFATOCaEp Of all kiuJs ma.le In the medt Pashto nable S t y l e s BT GOOD AN EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, -oxmFRENCfl CALF BOOTS are N'OT sprpassed thfe eide of New York City, fcnd are warrantod uot to kip. Our STOGASAND KIPSt. made ' the best material Our stock of Moroooo Booteed for LadlM iü the t'ie bost in town, with heels or without We IValce to Order, and never mies of surrLNa the firsttirao eo giveusa cali and we will show you ourstock frce ofcharire Wc have scured the services of two Kx perienceil Journeymen who do ourmondint? in the Neat t't lUamicr, and on shotest notice. Öur motto ia Quick Salea and Small Proüts. j Thanlkful 'fr past farors we hope bypaying tricf attenI tiunto our business to merit & liberal fihare of your patrnag1 for the inture. jp Bememberwe are not to be nndorüold, "ft MUORE & LOOMIS. Ann Arbor Marble Works. W. F. Spalding, & Ou, TT AVE on hand a fine assortment of American and 1TA L I A N MA II B L E which thoy are prepared to manufacture Juto MONUMEN'S. HEAD STONES. TOMB TABLES, TABLE TOPé &c ., fcc., tbc, Ac, in &U tholr varietie, and In a WORKMANLIKE nianner. Having had considerable oxperience in tlie business they flattrr Lhemelves that tbey will be ablo to pioase all who may iaTur tham wit'u their ordorf . Their priesa are au LOW AS THE L O WEST, Those irishing any tlliDg in tholr ":n nre respectfully in 'ited tn cali ÍV. 7. SrALDING, h o. ii Arhor. Au. 12, 1859. 70Ï ' f SIL VER PLATINO. 11HR SUBSCKIBER in now prepared to do all bimU of Silotrf, P rineither on Copper, Brasa, nr Germán Silver, also to replatc SPOOXS, FOBES, TRAYS, CASTERS, BÜTTFJï KXIVE? kc On the the ehortest notice, Piice reaaonnblü Ord?rs m i - bu left, either at the i"esidence of tbe Subscribir, (One door orth of Uu OM Academy.i or at WoodrufF & Sperry's Bai:ioter Factcry. WM. M DAVIS. Ann Arboy, June 14tb 1SCO. 7SCm3 City Me at Market. rpJEÜNPERSIRN'fTD. AT I3IS Jlarket rrar the Post U-jr-o-o.-s-la. 3M-o-a-t-si-, whicb tboy will aïways be found ir. rcadlucseto cut npiT. SOIT CÜSTOSIEltó. No Fiisa v7i!l 1 sj,a,rod to kcq tbuir DiarUet Clean, ail Meats Sweet anl patroni nwy re'.y uroa getting tbc beft KP.1EIB birakp, chops, etc. , 'hut c au b? fvunA in tbe City. CAL, AN-DTRY tTS. PROÜTOT i-.. irbw Maj I, IMfl T4fra -rtKÏ1 RESPÉCTFULLY OFTËR T H E I R TfeöTITESSENCES OFLIQUORS in their itcKnovleciqed purUij to the trade. Aidrr as - ., CA1L ER.LEI& iimstR, CHICAGO !LL. ..i -1ïsÈfi5 C1"r""'n3 Agent "VVIinu'djtJÍI NEW GOODS. Wc iioüjiT rcoci1, iiig mix Mc nñ utoók f SPBING e SXJOSlilEi GOOD9. Ovviog to thfl Great Falling Off in Trices East, NEW & SEA8ONABLE GOODS ! The Ruling Prices of Mareh and April Our Stockia LABCG nnd VARIKn, snel offers Superirior iuüucemeuts to tllOM wihiug FASHIONABLE SUMMER Ü00D3, Our assortmont of HTS, BOOTS AND SHOES Crockery & Fainily ü, occrits, WAS NEVEE BETTEU, Havlng jecided to reduoc our CHED1 TLIST, we otfer our Goolï to OASH IBU-IDtJSí At pricM thtatcannot foil to be íatisfr.ctorv, WINES & XtilGllT. Jys Ain, Ma.v 17, 1880. 747 tf Riile Factory! A. J. SUTHER1.AND HASremovciihif G'in Slioptothe N;w Dlock u Hu ton ireet, flnuth of th1 (ourt IN bsr.outaa cconc Öoor, where he Ib prepared to furtiieh Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Ftasks, Ponches Game Bag.t, anñ Everj ether article in l:is Line. On the mntl rcasonnbln termf, nndto do al', iiindi t REPAIRING n tho shortest noMce, and in tlie bosl tnannei , A fui) ftesortmeut always kept 'Jühsiid, ond nmdetoer. dtr. Money Wanted. W h o will LeudMoney1 T AM REQUESTED BY SEVERAL FKRSOXB to obtui: 1 inoacy for thcra at Ten Per Cenfc Literest, (Or More.) For any ono willinfr to lond, I cnn at onco invest on good unencnmbered abtintiant REAL ESTÁTE securiu nny Ruma of raoney aud seo that tbc title and mjcuriU are all kiour. MOT The borrower pnying all etponsr, Inelndln recordmg. E. W. MORGAN, Ann Albor, Gct. 7(18ó9. 71ötf MRS .WINSLOWT" Aa wpcrienced Xurso and FerafilePhy-'CLao, preseutt u tüe attention of mothcrs, boe Soothing Syrup, For CliUdrcn Te et hing. wbich greatly facilitaiasihe prooess of tethiug, by scfi cniiig tho gumn, roduciiig all wül dflaj ii'l pain and apaam dic action, r.nn in SÜRE TO RE-IULATE ÏHK BOWF.IA Depend upuu ït, tnotbers it will giT8 rewt to ynurstjlre AND RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUB, 1NFAN. We have put up and boUI tliis article f'r ovr tes years, aud canny, In rorifïtlcnoc nntl ti uth ol a b ie to SOOTHING SYRUP, " of any oth _L . Z er mcuicine- NttVKtt has rr kaiuiu, in a siv GXiB ÍNSTAME, TOXPFEfT A CURE, wben timely used. S'ever did we know ao instance oí diísatisfaction by any caw wtao used it. Oa Hip oontrary all are delígbted with its o.eratiüii8, and speak in termc ofgbiRhest commendation ol its mngical effects mi medical virtues. We ipaftk in tUi matter (tw lial W llo ItttO'ïV," after ten ycars' experince, niifï piertsc' uur repuiation lor tlic fulfiUniiit. of Iiaí wo lici-e declare. In almost evovy instance when the infant ia sufferin from pain and oxh a ustión, reli' i will be found in Üfteon or tweuty niimites after the Ijrup in adraíni3tert'd This valnablo preparalion Is ttip preHcrtptioD ofoDr H tho raoírt EXPKRÍKNCKD nnd PKII.KUL.vrii.SKS n N Fnghmd, and bas been tud with nkvxr-faiunq KOOK THOTTSAXDS OF CASES. If not onty relieves tbe cbild from pnto,b1 ii.vfgorate tbc stomadi a.nd buirolSj eoriwta nriditv, nnt. gtvH 1 bc and onergj to the wliolc syslcm. It willaluiost iniUintïy rolieve GRIPIXGIn thBOWRtS, ml WIND Coïlc. itml overeóme ÍVt? VtTTTrS Vi ÍPTTiC (llivill-íons whicb , if not t ÜK ( til J-iD K ÍL.IM U p e o d I lv romediorl,cuO. TEETtíING inAíftth. Ve the iBEHT ■ s;l SUKEST KEMÈDY IN THE WüRLI. Id all case of DYï? KNTERY and DIARRIKEA IN' CHIUlREN wbathtr U arisca f rom teetbing, or from nny olber rause. Wr would eay to ever mntber who Iiar a chiM sufTcring from any of tho forrgoi complaiutf; - do not iet yhir PKEJUDU-'W, XORTHB PRBJl'P] OK OTHt-H-rf , stuud bflwen vour suffi'ring cbM snd tbc Km that vl be SURE - yes AIÏÖOLUTELY SURE- to follow t use of tbismclicine,if tiraelv used. Full dinoti-'n fot nñcwll] accrnipnny eRcli bottlo. Kone genuino unleu tbe facsimile of CURTÍS & PEKKJtfS, New 'ork, i ou thêouiai de wrapper. SoM by Druníits thr mghout the worM. PrSiiflpalJÓAlce. No. l.tOdn Street, V. Y F.iceonly 25 Cents peí Bottle. EMPIRE BOOK STORE' jo+ J. R. WEBSTER & CO., CITY HALL BLOCK, Opposite the Franklin House. A BE XOW OPEXIKG. DIüI-Xl FROM PUBI-ISHEB3 r AXD ilünufacturers, & N'ew en.1 Complete atock of LAW & MEDICAL BOOKS, School Bookt, Miscellancous Book, Blank Booli. dan STATIONERYi Wall a.nd Window Paper, Drawiag and Máthematieftl Instruments, Muslo, Juvenile Librariet!, Euvtlop&a, luka, Cards, Gold nnd nthrr Pens Window Cómico, sí hades and Jrixtiire, POCKET CÜTLEKY! Aud evorythiog porUinlng to tlic trato, and more ta whicbthcy oal8 Ihrlto th attentton QÍ thrt cu'intry. Tn coníucting our bi ríiuvís, w aU.UI l-i itXl that can be tbal no rcasonable mas, WOIBU) or ohllo shaïl fine! auy fault. We possu facilltits ivhich will tnabU ui to srply our tüiti'rs at tbe Lowest Possible Fiurcí'. We pmpose tourll for READY TAV, at i UtB hiim II. Te upëffl profit on our gi'Ods, bal Cash Saloswiil Admit of Low FIGURES. TS'o have ng?6d th sfrvices of JAMES I". ?PAUIN'G, hevefurc arii jiyp;iiad to furüish Visiting, WedAivg aml all otker Cards wrdlen to order, with neatnesi and dispatch, by mai' or otherwise. Tbo "Empire BoOK Stors," i manno-l by a %co 'ove-.'-,' nl thSF 'II alwoys b {uund ou Uu "qur(-r fli-ck," i-oH'ly ana willing to fitlonü to uü wttb pltMiflure, ubu wil! favor thBiu with a cali. líemember the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co. Acn Avlor, May, 1S60. ' H ÑOTICE. WTIISREAS MTWIFE P.UVLIXA Cl CVI., baa MI my bed aud board ivithout injt 0u or prorocfon thorpforcl hweoy fnvbid all panana tratktgliM aftrr'thia dato. MAK im 1 Sak, July 28, 1860, F íi K S II F 1 tTl 1 . tL -w at SatberUuid & Boll'a more, ís reeeiTinit, aoTu'.'iyií'l Krirl.iT mornlng '■' eS "■""'' fr'n Uto Miotiixoo White Flsh uní MT-kiin Iwrt. "' rnt4 ín prlm 5!r Ttt thtn ' Aon JaW, JulyI,lM0. Bwt&J
Grenville & Fuller
Patent Medicines
Dry Goods
Moore & Loomis
W. F. Spalding & Co
Ann Arbor Marble Works
City Meat Market
Wines & Knight
Empire Book Store
James R. Webster & Co.
Public Notices
Old News
Michigan Argus
Robert J. Barry
Lewis Bush
William M. Davis
S. Proctor
T. Walker
A. J. Sutherland
E. W. Morgan
Pawlina Crowl
Martin Crowl
George D. Irish