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Icrrick's Sugar Coated Pilis 3 7' 0HILDBE8 i'RYFORTHKM I „o - . This remurkable r rpmMf-'- 4. Aiinricar. r nit'ly in !- tf VT-'V fc, ttídj the rtorfd y ■ utorm. Over nv mü. lioiii ij f boxep nrc toM v 7. . ifi.l y. ( ' ïiijiOkcd 1 ' ' irelv of I'jt.wpr, . ■'.]'■ '''''■ Hut ma and ex - ■''-, trf!;;ts, 1h(!r cffact od '" '"" f$ 'ie human RT-ttin ia ...-■fory " 'rCï'iy' ar-.d surcessfii], " flrlinr Ifíarkr ■tívtIj on the tyvi, ■ of the body, thpir utu i attended wíüi the happig ifwt. In 'old atsruuc cispsof í-íckness. nmtU ■ : ■■- r. peittM frequent!,) - o r" sv.-tcm, thtit gort hfjét-h ís tl r-swlt, Ho chnnge ín enphrvmi Bt rr 'ïirt ia uocmfjr. fbcj or-r 'lo miiny othr ki&dfl, T nrt; rtTMUted tg friv ctlon, ortbc pilce n-runJed. TLjr are eooft.drol ibeaper, afifer, proHicr. anl in 11 rvtfMta UMfffor to ny burgntire pil] n the vorld. a3TLï! Jit-c. rorv ir iwítiíljr tí pill with evffar c nía nut cd with l'r. HcrricK J flrc 'ouniorrcit, nni ifTtf-', wilt de Airm, nu ibe vck. HerrlcL'i pflli tnckc&Atly au: op 30 In a boT,tfrA p Inriï sheet of dIrecti6Bf t ftatf cll f0? 5 cents pwbosj i boxea for 91. Herrtck's Kd 8tekkgtueniini Pkasti:iï3. T te gr ent Stnnglhw ona Pain Destróyer. The B=st and chcapett. Household Remcdy in the wvrld. Tbose rengwnd IlaHtors cure pains, mvknoKaui] dm. re ifl In the boek, tMei and breast, in Ot? ous IiKle4 =o eertain aro thej to do tLIs, tht tb proprMer mirraníí -hem. Spread f from reains, bataou nd gum oq ïonutiful i;i-i In.ithrtrra!!trAthciiiifculÍBrlr adatod to lm want. i of FrmnUs and othr-rs. Their p!'etícD !" mi7HrFKl - pqunü.v to the stronj; i:jhl ,the dvUosta womnD iml tl'.c feebi inlaat, To eftcli anl 11 hj w!U provo & ïalmnd abletting. Tlieirugpi npTcablft nd vithovt mnoranco op truuble. fjich Piaster will wt-ur f: um ou ;o four montbJ, and fn rheumntir complainis. pnan md bruites, froquontl effect cures when 11 utlcr remoHes fail. Kuil 'iircctioriM ill be found on ti.o '., f; -, Public tpvafcerA, roMlbti, mitiiatrrn rf thc ; t tndothers, wil] fitrengthen thefr Itíngs aníl Ilnprovè ttieir rotees bj v.eaiing thtm oa tholr brcust. I'rlc 16 )L ;onts. &8" The nbovo artlcles nre sold hv all tbö alen ín nn Arbor and by PruRgists thrcuRhoüttbf Utut4 Stn tn , ""fina dag and South Amorica,at wholeale bj allltra 3raggÏ3ta in the principal citit n HKKRiCK K. IÏROTHE1Ï, IfT37 PjtcncAiCininvts, AHmwj, N".7. ilyer's Cherry Pectoral Important Natiocal Works j Publkhad by D. APPLFTOK & CO., U6 AND 348 BROADWAYSEW TORK TIkï followbig trorks are sent to Sttbtcriben in r.nj pari .f the country, (i{Qa recaipt tí itiaii pik,) bv ü.H r éx,f 38, pnpá'd: THiüNEWAMERUJÍ CYCLOPDTA; A Popular Lic?ionry ot Ccnera! Kncwlvigs. Edt'l j ko. RjrifiT snd CíiAKira a. Da%' a, nicei hy a nvimercm -elect co ps of writeri it aU branche of tcianoes, Aft md Liteiature. Tfato work. is beinyí publlabf-dln about tavo voli-mps eacb contall nj? 76Otw-írnlvmn pago.i. voi. i., ii., ín., rv. v.( vi., vn , vm , rx. ira now roadr, eac)i conlalsltag near S.iHH.orgioAl art :lei. An a'.tditiocil voluráe rrlli be j ublilicu ouc .i Lboat tbrec monUu. Hri' e, la Clotti, W: Sluxp, Í3.5C: Half P.obsIp., S4.M acli. iho ííflw American Cyolopaíla ís popular wtttoat tylip superfieial, learned without bonnj pftdflfltie, eonvprft■iH;v biit suffi.;iently detailed, fnwftoln {tcrsooal ímo and party prejurtice, fresh and yet acculate. It 1 complete tfft'emnit ofail íbnf is loaoirn tipnn t-Trrj-iriportaaí hopic within the scope of human iuteUigwü'.a. - Kvery Important t-rtit-lo in it bas bcto apecially Trr.ttea for it pageèby men vboanauthoiitiei upen tho u-pia cu irbícb thcj Bpeak. Thoy aro required to bnng tb.a íubject tip to the present, moiucnt; w st&tejust how It stands mo. AH tho ítati=tical informatíon ia from th$ laiest rei'ort3; tli gügvajj bical ftecnunta kocp pcoc with íhe líitcst efxptoratioiw; uUtorictl uiatteis lncludc tlio t"o:-ihest judt vic-w.r, thc bicgraphíral nntice?. wir k rnt 'oly of theduatl but also oí' thc Uvtog. H ú a Ubrary tf itdf A'RIDGESÍEXT OP THE DEBATES OF CONOKESS Being a rulilical H;ory of tho Uotíed átates, frem Ü;o organization of tho flrut IVleral Con. Cresa in 1789 to 1SÖ6. LAitoda&d et rnpiled hy Bon. Tuo. IL-Ri' 'in tho Official Rcx.rc8 oí Congreaa. Tbo wotk n ill be completad iu 15 royal octavo rainiim uf V50 pagos aoli, li of which are iiow ready. Au d iifinnl volumt' will be ]H.bli.íhod once !n threemontb. Co'h,a3; Law fcleei, IlaU ifur., M; IU1Í Calí. S4.50 eacli. A WAT OF PROCCIUXG TTIE CYCLOP-EDU OP. DEBATES F-rra a club cf fo;;r, antl rrrlt tbfipricc of fourlock, and ave cjpie3 irlíl be :cut at tbe remltter's tixionm; fot -.Hrriagd; or for ten ituBWfloWi, UtcS copie ill W ■cut sí OiM exi-on -,■ R i Ciuviftge. To Agenitf. Xn other work will so libcrally renard the osorfiiní tf VfctntP. A.v A'.KNT WANTKD IN' TOIS CüCNTT 1CJ inU known on application to the Publishern. Ana Arbor, Kurob. 18W. fiM?üra' - Be? Tnos., agent t Kín i. rfiul'ht Booktitore, Ï"p8ilanti. M. W. HAWLEY'S Celebrated Embrocation, For Human Flesh and Animáis. ÍN oalllug tho kttertlol. of the Public to tiün Medlclns, we would y that lt hM been fully trled, and hnndreds who have nsed it speak tu the most oomplimentirjr terms of lts wonderful effect upon Human Flh and t'.i brute oreatton. It Is fast galning popularity. Vfbmrcc lljed It ia reoelved wltb acciamatlon of íoy, and M eoanced lo be the gratest Eemcdy for Aobai tai Paini 4veroffered to the Pabilo. It mterly effect over diseai, when applled, glv lt a eelebrlty unsurpaafied by any esternal preparattno now In use. Tberefore we ca say, with the utmost oonfldencs that the Embrociü) wlll Care EhenmaHsm, " Burn and Bcald, " " Weakness of Joint, w " SweltinKö and Tumor Hemorrhoilsr Pils, ■ " Cbilblain " Toorlmche and ChnnpiA Hand, ■kroetion wlll Curo Oíd Sores and Oriaai, ■ Boils and Com, " Contráctil Musolcï, ' Oallüofallklnd, " Klng Eone and Poll ïiU. " Callous and 3prin, Sakrocttion will Cnie Bweeny nd SHfust, " " Sprlnehault and Flitnta, n " Scratobea or Greaw, " Kxternal Polioiis, rt M Band Cracks, " ' Lamenes and Stralns, SobrockUos wlll Cure Foundered Fest, " Marge " Cracked Tcati, ' " Garget in Oows, " Foot Rot iu Bbeop. "" AtJBtTB, a. t„ March S, 18. ■W, tb nndertlgnsd, do certtfy, tht we hav used M. VT. Hawiit's Oilibkatid EjmocTio, for Inflammntorj End Chronic Kbeunifttiam, and olieerfully recomni.uj J h th best remedv we hve tv uscd. J. M. Morris, M. D., Jatnea I-. Hevrioc, L. W. Clement, Orrin Hnrd, rtr Fiero, 8. F. Oould. J B. Eoblnson, of Prophetstown, 111., mjb : I tocia it kb best Liniment I have erar known. It gtve nnlTersiü wtlsfactton, and I eau tcatify to Ui efficucj from m; owb xperienoe. MnnfctnrKi by M. W. HAWLEY, Auburn, X. T. G N. TUTTLE, Aubnro, N. Y., Geaer! Agent, to bom all orders should ba addrcsted. Bold by all Drogglsu asd Mercbant thnrafhont tb eouütxj. """'■ siatEi.KrLi.. m""caïpion. rrtU ST7BST.IBEE HAS JC3I BETTOS ftom tb. I I st, Tvith. Uis g o o B s WÜWB HE TS Tó SELL AT THE Xj o -w ost p nicH, FOK CASH, Fines t QÏÏAUTÏ sn-Ua Itnanufacturöthcm luto dcrfttó iry'r, I m WARRANT EVERY GARMENT I na to bc FFL Li Af .7JÜ, wWoli fong lnucenii locnitooierslopatronlie-mj-reinprofwiMï.lopbcci nhore qmvniitios of half made goorta aro kopt forw.le InT 'O "IT smoxs, and c;m ïivf j-mia Fniic.-KiK.-iI' fiiltW OOM ' ai in ; Ll.4l rmïa-'i-Ti, I am bonnd to aell cj: jr-J8t h?3 m- 3K3 btk, - AND- BETTEB GOODS, lh..n „p„ )tvr in-.;inr ostibliihmeut in thU oitr. Aan .Svbor. Pent. 8. 1S59. UU Ayer?s Aguo Cure,