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New Firm! New Goods! D. L. WOOD, & CO. Alt; UoW rCCfciviilg and opening ü ïtarge and Beautiful -OF- S t ap-lo and F a n c y DRY GOODS! aBOGBRIES, CROCKEliY, L ADI Eb' AND fl.h'ENS SII0E8, ft. e. S,r. AT THE OLD STAND OF D. L. WOOD, These joods have been lought since ihe reemi decline in priees in the Eastern Markets and wiü Ie sold correspondingly e Ut: Al'. i We 'would jvspoctfiilly invite the citizens of Ann Ailiitr mul the surrouiuüng oounty to CALL AND EXAMINE ÖÜK GOODS ! As it is no trouble to show them, and we bopc BT FAIR AND HONORABLE DEALING To morit n Hboritl sharc of their-patronftge. D. L. WOOn. Va. G. POSTER. West side of Public Square Aun Albur, April 20. 1860. "4.Tlf tí U ITER MAN HEAD -QÜARTERS! Til E AiOVf COMPLETE CLOTHIIG EMP0R1ÖM In Michigan ! COKTA1N8 TUK (Big? ARO ILA'SilêT STOCK OF GARMENTS EVER OFFERED FOR SALE IN T E 1 S M A R K E T! OUR SPR1JNG & SU MM ER es o ms ma We keep evo-ything which thefaslnoii and times demand, and c&n scll them cheaper th&?i any other Establishment in the State. WE HÁVÉ MORE THAN 1OOO JLxn On. Coat; OY ÏA'ERY VARIF.TY OF FASHIOV, Sucta as Saeke, Half Sackt und Fto Ccats, &c, man ulacturodbï ounwlve, fiom the host qualitipt ol pieresaud ÖarBeillw; Also il large aseortment. of DRESS AND FROCK CO ATS, Of evcry quaütj, of Brown, tíiue and Fanry Color. We have the LA TE S T S TYL E S f -OFKrnm ihe finest pattprns, plnin anl fancy, in yide wiJci world, The mot fasttdiout can bc satisheJ by ovir large nw nowlyRek'CtPdRtochof ul'J ñ Y O & KI O & P O 2 COLLARS AND SHIRTS, Of all kinilfi. CraTatü, Shirt Iïosoms, HandkorchiotK, Pupendors, Uiilbrcllan.G-irpetBagx, Trunks, &c. Tlie rich pst Glovee, from tho fmest silk to tiie softcst Mountain Kid.alnaiiv to [H, 11"' hand atnatj oostomer. Yon can tiuflevpi viíiing in ourestabliftbiaeiit whicli the wt'rld oito the trading commuuity in mZ JBLi L Tf JEt .Bt JBL ÍWk: 3 -ANDOLOTII FOR CUSTOM WORK.' "Yie have ftlto Ufl finest French andBelgianBroad Cloth, Fancy Caatmerefl] Fancy Silkand Marseilles VestinRK, &c. jföï We ould aiao cali tho atteutiou of the Studonts, especiallvtbe j?ra(hiatingclasB, if any of them waot a íiOOD FITTING SUIT,let them come to SONDHKIM, m order to get a good fit. Tbankfal Tot past patronage to our oid customers , v.n Invite as any new oues to come and give u a cali. D m't fail to sce Ouitcrman's HeailH'arterB, btfore po log elBéwhere. M. QUITERMAN k CO. Ana Arbor, April 11, 18G0. 743tf PaËsiTAH R I VAL -OF- ISTIiTVV GOODS, -AT- S T R ONG'S New Cheap Gash Store. -i!;i:aT BAKGA1NSARE OFÍEEED- a K-ie lineof Silk Parasols from 4s to $3,00. The best of Watch Spripg Strol Skirln, Five Cents a H- 0- O- P- . Tip Top 36 Heli Umbrcllas, only 12s ntluT sies Ín pvoportion. Alargestock of Prints vevy luw LACE AND STELLA SHAWLS, LACE AND CLOTH MANTLES, STRIPED ANDXLAIN SHEETINGS, YANKEE NOTIONS, EMBROIDEIÍIES, Hats & Caps, Grocories Crockery ftc., &c. AIpo ft large Stock of Ijniies' ?hoes, At Prieta 10 per cent less than usual No trouble to show Gooih. Cali and examino, at Strong'a CHEAP CASH STORE. EXCHANOE BLOCK, ANN ARBOR, 1 VV. MORGAN, Agent fbr Mutual I.ifc Tnsurance Company, St-r York. Accuimi.Rted.Asrift.t, .... $5,360,000, lïng ÜQsuraneé Cotópaiiy in the U. S. Kiiickviltofïccr Life Insurance Company, Xew York, - a first claaB snje Co. - terms reiisomtblc. Humbold) Firt Insurance Company, New York, Capital, with a lnriíP surplus, - - $2OU.0tJO. Peoría Marino it Kirt' Insurance Co., Peoría Dl. - hntk % No. 1 Kirt Internalice Co 's. ' ÏOTtf flbpltof-, .... $500,000; '' WITJl TITET1MJSSÍ THE OLDÍnF RELIABLE Clothing Emporium! ! NO. 3 P JKEU IX B L O CA', 11 A IN STREET. ■w-xxx. xVjeLcaxrE3n., . retumed frora tli Eitatern CiLics, wilb a Uirge rabteatock of SPRING AND SUMMEE C3r O O 3O S ! '..lii'h ].(■ is ivw olTej.t. at uiiiistiülly AmoDjg liif A.-ui inifiil muv bf Iilmh1 DROADCLOTIJS, CAÍSl ME RES, D0E8K1NS, & YEtíTINGS, -,f de#criptiotw, Apecially tor whjcli lif i cutiing and makiag to order 9 in tlif liitrf 1 ;in-l best .f; : mth a superior aasortineüt of UFAD Y MADE CLOTHING! TUCNK8 C.M:: FT BAOS, OMBRELLAS, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, with mimerftu olber aiUcles usiw.lly found D simllaï ■■ "ti l-i:J i' AS ANEMPOFIUM OF FASIIIOÜI, t' e AubsirfberAaitoM. liimsolf, tbnt his long experienoe aii'l Kenornl necean, vill enable him to give thi ti.iti.-factioD tv til who m5 trusi hún in Lfae iraj of manuniVicturing ganutfirts to order CA 1,1, EARXiY! . order. WM. WAGNER ÏO HOUSEKEErELiS. 8'OMKTHINO NEW.- B. T. BABHITS Best JVUvkmí. Saleratus. Ia mantifnctnror) ffofh eominon =:t[t, aadiellj prepare entlffly diCfereol frora other Salcraius.lyj All the filotprious matter xtracted in sucb :i! lj yi manner ai ] I, Bisouit, and alljW U kinds of Cake, without cont&ining a partklc of R - ii ■■■ïius Tvheu Uig Bvcad or in baked; j le 0Í .-'i to g%8, -Miii p;is-Ce tlirougU the Bread auil BíkcuíI ivlailo baklnff, d . f tlii'4r reroajna imt cornmon Salt 5 v ly ";iti.-v, and Flour Yon wülreadilj itbeftsteof tbis SaJcratus, thai it i? en tiro lv jj] iiffcTont froia otberSaltitQtus. j ackcdln one ïouad papers, cach J perbrañíied, "B. ï. Babbítra Öest Sledicioal y !?O datera tus;" aiso, picture, twittcd leáf of bread, 2 UO ith a gï&ss of cffcvve&ciug ivatcr ou the top. - Q ■Vhea jou pucchase onc paper you skould pro srve the wrapper, and bc particular to get P aoxt esactly like the ftrst" brand a? above, j 70 directtottsfoi' raakiugBroad witb this tfal v I v era tus and Sour MUk pr Crearo Tartar, wïllac coappany cach packagc, aluo, dlrectiom lor ' niakingall kinds of Pastry; afeo, for making f Soda watei (U)d Soldlltü Poffdieaa. 2 MAKEVOUROWN SOAP with ui " B T. KABBITT'S PITRE CONCENTBATEDf ü POTA3H. Warnrated ioublc tbr strength of ordinary H ■ : -b . pui up in cans-- 1 lb,2 Ibs, 3 Ibs. 6 t] tnd I21bs- wlthruUdirocttonafor making J ANJD Hard aini Soft Soap. Consumcrg valí Qnd thi m tbe cheapt'Bi attitíe ío market. r ■d and for sale by J B. T. TÏABBrfT, j ■ 66,68, 70, & 74 Wadhinroii st.New Vmi:. Q rf A and S'o 38 India si. Boston. ï? 4 ■ ' V NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Accuraulated Jan, 1860, $ 1,707,133,21 MORRIS FRANKLIN, President, J C. KENDALL, Vice President, PLINY FREEMAN, Actuary $100,000 DEPOSITED Bith tln.rnmplrf.lW of the Pta( of N'cw York. Divi riends averago40 per cent. umua'.ly. ASSETÖ TashinRnl;, t 31,S55, tnVéStied in MeoHtlM , creatM unflcr thplawsof Sl.dc of New York an'l of the ü. S. , 258,870,79 RealEstata nd Kixturcs, Nos. 112 and 114 Broadway 182,450 04 BondH and Mortgagos drawing 7 pci et. interest 583,998.30 N'otcs recoive for 40pr con! .oiprpmíum3 on lift policfes, bearinj; lQ(6r68t, 675,315.85 fjnartt'! ly an'l Senii-aiinual premiums, due Bubse., nut. to .iMiimry l.lSfiO 20.550.SS Intereiitaccmedup to.Ian. 1, 1800, 3ii.-lSS.77 RídÍb ...-.-ñu-I opto Jan. 1, 1880, 1.70S.S4 l'icjuiunis on policica n hands of Agf nt, 26,44918 $1,767,133.24 Pr' Wiai.o and I.KW1TT, Mrilirrd Rxamlnorn. I43tf J. GlLIiEliT SMIT1I, Agent. SEWING MACHINE. TTT Ewouid teapeotfuUy infnrra the citÍ7,fi of ANN AIÏ VV BOB) and all Burrousdiog country, that we hava opencd rooms for the m1 f Hie following well Imown Hnd pupiilar Ëewing Macliim . GROVER & BAKER, WEST &WILSON, FOREST CITY, THE PEARL, CLEVELAND SLOAT, & RAYMOND. Any persQm wlshing t examine our assorlment wil] picase favor us witb a cali fit our rooms, directly over the Gun Sbop, in Thompson & Sulhcrluud's block, t'rom 8 to 12a. m., and 1 in 0 p m. O. T. W1LUOT, Á. J. Jn'TOKRLAKD. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. MIK 91 Alt Y A. HKUBEAT 11 tako charge of this Dei)artmont of our busioeEs and do all kiorls of FITTING AND SEWING, And ffivo instructiuns in tbe use of Machines to sucha wishbav o% uire a knowledge of them, W1LM0T k SCTHERLAND. Aon Arbor.Feb. 26, 1890. TJTtf LOOMIS & TRIPP, SucceiHors to Chapin át Looniis, andCha.piu, Tripp A Loomis THFiibovo finn of ïrfimoiH & Tripp ha"inp pnrchaeod the entire interest of the fonner compaaiea wiü eonttnuë the businetfl at the old Btands, whero tbey wil! be rcady, on the Uortert noticwto fiuaU orders ín tUa lioc of Castings and Machinery, in the most workwanl&c manner, rtn'l on q terms f any other sbop in the Stato.Among'Uie %tulous artick'Siuunutactmcil 1 us, we WOtíñ t-nurneiulo STEAM ENGINES ■ f alljliiinls; Mili Oéartng mul dxtntea, irronibtaad catt; allthp rarioil miUngtfor utöag MM repalrlng Horse Powcrs & Thrcshing Machines (inch as are at prosent., or have fonntrly itRpn in nsc in thiB pari of the State, as well afl al] Ule varim;.; kindBof caatlqgt and machine woik callcdforby farmers ;od mechanicii inthls section of the country of 7i tbc various patterns, up in Mzcsanri priráfl, will bo kopt constuntly üiï hainl, got the niusl niüdrra HÚ iiti - proved style. ■HUBBARDS WROUOHT IRON REAPERS & MOWERS. Eiavlna rrminivnccil manafacturlng this toni chine, ríhr'1 and ooñibined. tlio Itumofs aminrited iq cali and suc a specimen ín uur ware room pnrchasingelsewberè, bolieviuá thatthlB oaaohiue ni'cd unly to be scen to cunvmoe llie fiiruifr of IT8 SUPERIOEITY n e r üip Roanen anl blowers in tliis market. ful fot fennei paÁionfige t t ïi ■ oíd i ■ would sollcit a. eontlnuance from old fri''uds,rtii;i atvial li ;ill vi.hinK fur anything in our lino of businrHs. LOOMIS k THIl'P. Ann Arlor.JLiy 18lh, 1859. 69Ttf DE FORKST, ARJISTRONG & CO. DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, 8O & 82 Chambcrs SU jV. Y. ■yori.P XOTIKV TUK TRAPE Ihüt are r.penhi VV Woekly, in ntw aad brautiful patternp, the AL8Ö THR AmosU-oag, A New Print, w]%.ïph excels oVery Print In ihf1 Countrï fo perfect ion oLeX60Utton and dnlga In full Maddcr Col or. - Our Priutri are olievptfi thau any In iourket , and meeting wth, extensivo sale. Orders promptly (CtTSSded t tZ%yl R EMO VAL ! ar. i a. isr stbhfer i for a short umi: removed ixio Wm ALL ABT S 8 HOE STORE, untnhccanjo back iuto his own BuiMin which be h now buildlog, an'l wouKl b happy to sec his old friends and cus: N. ï. ïc. Creftna by the QaJkaq can be Eupplfed U par tics at a sbort notice. J. HANOSTERï'ER. Ann Arbor, March 1-, 1S60. C2rX"OLtt DE?.ec3Lxxotiion. IN CLOCKS, WATCHES. ■ :i é9HülH!IHffllino'.imí'i:ai:MÍI,[!U!':'1pfl'. ' AND JKWELRY. O. BLISS, HA'IN(; mr!i arnni-mi nïvri! 't f!:'-1' ■ ' rrM. Upreuurcd tn scll Watchee,and iiinuy otlicr ftrticlei, al Greatly Ileduced I'iices! GoodSilver.CyUoder VVi.i. ■!,.■.. $s nn " Í' Ilunlinir Cate, 1'i.tiO Ancl-ors c. . .. 1806 Oold Pen' mi'b Sihta UoMnra, l;00 Platel Ten Sboon, fS " Tabie ftpoons, S00 A llborhl discount tnnde to Dealer. JewBlry Hnd ininy othértbhigBln pfóportion Sil ver and Plated Ware ! Ha nl'okeeps fcrsalt; the cetebrated ÜLX&iorloaxi A atolles, Every VVatch warrantocl to giveentirc lattafactloo. Ho has, hIho. Q fino flflsortni' M s 1 TABLE & POCKET CUÍLÉEA ! 9CI85ORS, SUELES, ami i;AZOHS..-iinJ nvuriily Ol Musical Instruments, With StrlüfTS, UonUn, nnd Tr immiojis for the BBtne BB1TXANIA WARE. llallct, Duvis & Co's Celcbratcd Pianos. Am! a urca( m irty of' Notions tOO tó men tloc in ;i i1 adv) t tisemen nU ef whicli ill br. aulJ CHEAP FOE OASH! Particular attention paid to ihe rrpnii . : kin il ii Bna wotches, sucfa na mAklnK and Sóttln'g inw Piuiona, tf t fVp , anJ CyÜoders; algo and Jeive'ryncKÜy repnred and warrautod. No 27, centre oj PAasnix Bloth. CALVIN BLSSI Aun Arbor, .T.m.,1:,, íc.v, ÏNmJRANCË AttbeStoreofWlna&Kotght,U Agenl fot lim foll owin tliAlclass Ilifaurftnec (JompHilie%: 3P a: cíes 3sr i ss: INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORn. Cash Capital - - - 5200,000 00 Cash Capital, July lst '63,419,084 66 Conway l'ire Insurnnce Co., Oí' Couway, Mase. Capicnl paid np, - $150.000 00 Asseis (Oasb), - - 269,963 12 Liabilities. - - - 16,1-10 03 D. C. Rogers, Jas. S WLitney, Searctary, Prctidetit: DIRECTORS. J 8.WH1TMEY, 1. BODMAN, w. KI.1.1OTT, ASA IIOH [.ANTI ü ". M. ';l I, VU V, V, D MOHGAN WAJT BBMKNT, JOSIA1I Af.LlS. A. II I Dl' I.K S W. ÍJ. DlCKlNSüN, W.T. CLAI-i', 1). C. KOGBIW. Aun Aiboi Rcfercuces! De, E. VVK.i.I.S. ).. JAMES. L. DO r.NUCIl JAMi.S. UAPT. C.f. OOODIUUil. t J, W. KN1G11T. A(i-eiit Aun Arbor, Micbi{.;nn Mrcb 18. gITëTifïsalê -ofBOOKS & JEWELRY! SCHÜFF & MILLER BfKTO MAKT. ROOM FOR SPRINGT ISTOCHS., ii.tvr detonatned to fielt their MI S CEL LA NEO US B0 0ES - At- PUBLISIIEE'S P II 1 C ES, And give to Each Purchaser a Present In value firotn öOCeuts Up to $100. WITH E AC' II L00 E SOLD. a. Culi o.ulv ftod ewmiiiie 'luir Boalu h!1 Preflenis. Ado Arbnr, MaichS, 1800. "Slitr. EXC1TEMENTÜ Th o s e New GOOJDS AT A . ■ P . MILLS' CHEAP CASH STORE, (South Side oftheFuMie Square,) aro criMiting a grcai excilemtut, and tboM wltlÜM lo uiiike thcir SPRING rilECIIASES, are invitad to cali and atnliw 8tyli .w prices be fore purchasing. Niee Clialiies from Is to 2s. Lawns, Bcragcs, Foulards, Crapements, Balzarines, Bühanls and Fanc'y Silks in gvoat varifty, jin'l of the latent paLtoiiirf. Silk, Crapc, and Cashmcrc Shawls vn-y lovr. A Splcudid Stock of Prints from 6 ets. per yard up. Hoop Skirti at_one half the lUfual piicc. Ilats and Cajis, Ladies andChildrcu's Shoes ! ! Summcr Cloilis and Vesünm in varioty of Patterm, which I am preparüd to mako up ii'l WABRAKT A FIT A full a5sorlu)int of Domestic Goods, Crockery and Grocerics, all -r hii-h 1 ofTrr at the lowcst cash juices. fl2U 1 am not to be uhdcnold . a. r. mus. G-roceries & Provisions. SLAWSON & GEER, HAVINt; 9stftbJkhod tboniKelvesin the Grocery buiincsB ■R'ouUl nrorm liicir friendi and CUStO that lheywouM be happy toscethem at theiv store, wkere they havcon Lauü a Large and Choice Stock -OFFamily Grocerics, inchnling; cvery thing inJthoüHe. AL-íoProvisionsof all kiuds,Sugaru tf tbo tMfqiiaütv, Byrups of ;ill kiu-1 , iJost oí" ('ufïors, Firt claaloan,eta 3P.n.Bc fhodttce bought anti soUl, iint. the Iiihosi pricepaid in Caih. lic has ou hand a. cuustaut sujípiy uf Water Lime and Piaster of Paris, wlüch will be soMat the loweït ratfl . Tho subswibwa wtoh tf dlsthiotly osdentood that they will Dot bu uñdersold byiüiy establishmcot in the city 5LAWS0N & GEER Arbor April 15. l1859