NOT ICE. NOTICE tS HER EB Y glon tha't tlie F.ii-rili(-rs win .■ i , ■,.; ■■,.:.,!, t.. LbeCitcuit rl tlie ut il.-. ,,'..,, w bo Ik'M u Ihu C Uouae in Uu: i ., . . iu Kii.l (niiiil.v i" the 4Hi Tuonlay dl oalobei next, at the opening o( said ouirt , or u tlicn :■!■[■ sik a hearing can Iki had, to yaeato cr-ii;iin : tr.-.l - .■ ,. ;ill.-v In KMI ui! tfliutts Adllllioo I., tl,u , . ■ Vi;.,liUiiii mul State of Mii ■':.:.. i it t , Afl ■ betwoen and 'cMitifcooiu t„ ),., ' iit.-.-t,. :i„r1 li.iilli.rly i .I nlree . The Alli-y !■■ two ntl.l (wcnty-thrCC, 11 (.r ShnK' ■ p.:i.l on llie outherlj of eaid Addition ai lies conUgnous to lot twentjr,'..,r v,, ,, much of thi alley m lie coatiguoug to l0to thrw and fouraad lot flvo iii aid addWon. MAKT1NUS I.. SHÜTTSL i . k, CiK)Kï Attorou. 768w8 Yprfihuitt, July 35, l Marsh al 's Salo. Circuit Out of the Ü.S.M DiKlrictof Michjgan. '" ' Bfr viKT të'oi '';i Bxecution, fssued out of the Circuit Cmrtoftbei niíedStatet tbö'fHfetriet nf Michi. (,;,.,; g dato thé thltfd day ihlrd daj of July., A. 0. 18 ■' ■ wherein Wiüiam A. 8mith, flfiüiam Sta Ie, .Ir., ani ïra Hniitii, -Ir.. J 'iaintül.: . ;uni Marshall I. MorrUland ., i H. Shftvi , int. defendants, tlirccted and doltvered to the Maranalxn said: district, w the said (Tambal by I ia Deputy, L. M. WallinA did on the fifth day of July, A. D L860 íevy opon i'io foll$rlng describëd landa or vi. wtijUi-west qoarter ofSectionNo. .; [ tin: titiy aerea from nff the east rtiic north-east quartor of section No. ninetecu; ■ lüilf of tin1 Qorth-w i quarter of section , :: ii '. tb&south-eagi qaarter of thn southt-tcr of Section No. efgbt; alliu town two nouth coutáhrtife hi all thrcohundred spd thirt '"■res ol" land more or lesa. Notice Uhcioby gn ■ r -i tv0i:+ door of the Coori ffouM in theriftofpfètnber, ..atl8ö0, at ÏS C'flofik, M. describftd er preses ui , : bereof as raay be aecesssry to -satisly sata ex . twndtter wilh all coste thervon. .t s. BAGO, T". S. HarSBél. By N. B. XVK. Deputy. Ann Atbor, .luly IS, 1860. ÏÖ7M Murtgage Foreclosure. DEKAüI.T HAVING BEEV MAPK IM the condUkn ol ,! ■ ■ ■■ 'i' j' John Vfeloman to Wil lam X, Kayuatd, the 24th day of Julys iu'D. 1858, aiK reco.dt ■! in" the Register' OUice iu tho Cyuuty of WaKh in UI er No. 24 of Mortgage, at p ige 661. on tb July, A. 1). 1868, at nftèeo Diinuièfi pasl !' M., by iviij( h aefaulf iho power of sala contii ui' 'l :;i a r.-: inorigage bocfilDQ opent Uve, niid uo suït or proceod a% bavingbeon instiluted at law to recover ihedebt secured j saidjnoEtgage,orany part theréof. and the utö of ooe hundred and sixty-six dollars and tl.-i i v inttt ccots, being nou claimed to be duo thereon. . jivun (hal the said inortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgagod premist to wit : ''Lotii number oleven, twelve, thirteen and fourI.. :;, ■ i RlOCk ■■'■ BOUtU, TODgC tWO C t . ílCCOrdillg ÍO a Vt:ü:iiii s. llaynard's becond addJtfon in Aim Arbor," in aaid coünty,or some part thcreof, at publlc vendue, al the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, on the fourth l;iv of August next. at noon.1 Wh.S. MAYNAKU, Mortgagcc. E. W. WOROAS, AttV. Dated, Maj A. D. 1850. 74SW Mortgage Foreclosure DfyV T ttAVINÖ HIOKN MAIH-: in the condilion of a ■uted by Michael KnrEght to S. Ha vnard, dated thcfiftconth day of Doccinber, A. I). 1858, '!;;-.■ ofth RietefttrofDeadaibT WnshW:i:tv ('oiiiiiv, oo the seventh Jay oCJanuary, A. D. 1859,. at fotir o'clockj I'. M.,jn Uber íío. twenjy Öve, nf Murign1 pae 'J'iJ ; ifhich ii I Wortgagc was duly asigned ■ -.-■M WilHam S. M:iyn,itri to Charles B. ThcinpHOU, on tbc ü'Jí I) t!.t of March, A. I. , 1860, in writiiig m 1 the .m bas bom duly recoxaed In the Ónice af tbi Rag ■ ii ofiteods, n iAhcv 25 of AlortgaiiCf at page 204, for which dofault iht power of sale coutained in said MrtI : ve aod qo suit or provedings haring I tau Kt rooover iii' deit seoored by ?;i!i M . o aoy part theroof, and on which thnr ■ i to be due tlu snm of tbirty doDara aud tiiat tin1 fiirt her ium of three husdred dollars with intetest auauall; will hcreaftcr becomed : aj CoXliOws, to ii ia4 iHimiüi pinim ii' from tho fiff-:iiii .i.; i rieoembwr, A, I' , J!""1'1. Notioe is, there thal the said léfortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of th Mortgaiicil premists, to iHtï - l Qunibet oni ( i ' ia bloch 8ve (5) North, range teu (Iu) V.i.-'.in Lawrcuce & May aard 's addltïon to the City ii Arip Arboi, oi some nurt th,eïeof, at public venáue at thefrontduor o the Court Houm, in the City of Aun OU ti:. l!:ilLÍ"i i',;i v ('f .Jll' lii'Xi , :it. ten o'clock, CnABUÉ Iï. THOMPSON, Asslgoée. Dated, r.-i Arbor, April S, 18Ö0. Chancery Sale, IX [iurfitiance aud by vïrtue f a Decrce of the Cïrcu Couri for ihe couiitj of Washtcnaw, in ChancoTí' made July 13th, .. D. 1869, i" a cwe in oni.l Cour) ba tween W'iiiijiii Hulbert; GWbplatnarit, and toral Towcr, Debby Ann Tover, Daniel Kellogg, mul Justin Kellogg, Perendanta, InliallseUat public rendue ai the Court Hotrso in theCityof Aan Arbor. nu the 25th day of Augtisi aext, m mum, the soatb sixtj-seven and one lifth aeres of the south east quarter, nml alsö t!ia Rontb ono Bfth of the south west quarter o( section No. Lhii l sis, in Townehip No. tbree south of rwv tivu cast. lyïng In Lodi , in Kald county, wtpt aboal oné fourth of aa L ; Russcl Jïrigg, amïouoacto ■:■ :. i to Stephen Androa. Datbd, July ïoth, A. D. 1S60. C. B. VAN'n.EVE, 7 5 fit d Circuit Conty Commis'sionér STATE OF MICHIGAN', Fornth Judicial Circuit iu Cha m 11FNKV EL l'limi.E. ■) SuirWndiOg in the Circuit R1CUARV W. CLVRK, ICpurVfor tbo cSunty oí ftnfl I Washteoaw, in Chancerr ADD1S0NG. BICÊFORD, fatAnn Arbor, July 2 vs. 1S60. GEOROE E. I'A'IMH.KF, J 1' ■'! affldavit to the patísfaction oftho Cfwirt. tbatthedweoOanthi thbtcasedcefl nol residelo Michigan, but Is a resident of the State of California. ittonol r. M. Qooley, eolioitor for "iKlant Cause hía appearance entered in thia causo, aod aotice Uiereof to beservcd on oouiplainant'a solicitor wlthïn thrèe montli idate of tbia orderad tliat incosenf hisapiH'aran ■■ be ca ise hftanswer to compialnanta bül to be file.1 and awpytfaoreofto be Rerred on oomplafuatn'n solicitor withiu twenty daya of tho service f a copy of sanl biU and in lïi-friKii tl_u-it'fs:u.l bilí mnv W taken as confo5HrT byhim. Anditfta furthcr ordered tbat within tWeotr days conjnJainaqtB cause a cpy of thja order to bc publisüedïnthe Michigan Argus, a pubHc nwspaper publialiM -it Ano Arbor, in stndoounty, amï that snoh pnb lication be couUnueï to said papet at loat once : week, foreight succeasiTe wevks, or that theycême this . rsonally served on said defendantj at teant ij a bèfore tho time above prescribe-i for hisnn PrDite; C. II. VANCl.RVR Circuit Court Com. for Wshtenaw Co. Mich. &ÏEAÏ"BAMÏI1S AT Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's. y I HAVE AGAIS REPLENTSnED OUK STOÜE WITH f tin1 most ;,p!eiKtM rftack of o o x-f tliat WAS ever offer1 n any mie estnbli.Oimmt m tho Mate, all uf which we offer for OO[H] O03 p K O (U) O M aJrloii ns cao 6c Eound in the Union We want IVIoney ! GVcat Sacrifices o Anyiliing c.liaf to obUiin it, not exceptïog OLD NOTES AND ACCOUNTS We cordiallv in tf ALL CASH ('CSTOMKRS tncalland examine our Goods and Mm, We als invite our Prompt Paying Customers nfl and 6uy thetir snpplfes for tbeWinfer. TothAM ii.iilnul onefi that are aíraid U cali, we say to tUeui, t.ikw cour ace _ SlüriXi Your ■X7H353.1 without l'ingt'i1 wftitiug for higher, iirircs, mm1 in, old scores, anJ tbn ■ prli-e a( nill nnkp. np all lotees. It g har11 ,.iy to ejiunxexiile oux (joodf, fo,r We have Everythingl A tar-c asoiimont of CAKPEING, CBOCKERÏ DEY GOOJJS, MEDIOINESj GEO0ERIE8' PAINTS, OILS, IÍATS, OAPS, Eobts, S 11 OES YANKEE NOTIONS, &c, &co óze. M.WN.MU, SItBBIÍíS í WXÍ -:'
Public Notices
Courts - Washtenaw County
Public Auctions
Mortgage Foreclosure
Maynard Stebbins & Wilson
Old News
Michigan Argus
Jason Cross
Martinus L. Shutts
William A. Smith
William Steele Jr.
Ira Smith Jr.
J. S. Bagg
N. B. Nye
Charles B. Thompson
Michael Enright
William S. Maynard
William Hulbert
Loyal Tower
Daniel Kellogg
Justin Kellogg
Debby Ann Tower
Russell Briggs
Henry E. Dibble
Richard W. Clark
Addison G. Bickford
George E. Parmelef
J. W. VanCleve
Churchill H. VanCleve