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Last week we bad just timo to aanouuce the unanimous nofaination of Georue V. N. Lothjiof a; the Democnit. c candidato for Congress i;i thia district, and to inscribe lus name upon our bar,ner. This nominal io i was made with a full understanding that ftfr. Loturop was not a candidatd for the nomination, and witb a knowledge that he prefurred gomo one else. But the Democraey of tlie district had unitedly singled hina out ns the fitting man to lead the deinooratio hosts on to victory, and would not listen to exjuse m declination. Tho delegations from. Jaekson, Livingston, and Wasktonaw, presoutcd him ui.aümoas'y astheir fiïst choice; aud Wayne at first incliued to divide, united heartily on tbs favorite of the district. Mr. Lothrop, as a Domocrat wliom the party iu its palmicst daj g had delighted to honor, could do nothing lesa thau acoept this fiattering testimonial to bis ability as a man and bis standing as a Democrat, and ho has, therefore, forraally accopted the noiuir.ation. His letter of acceptanxie will be foiind iu anothcr column. Mr. LoTiinop is persotially known to a majority of the voters of this district, and by reputation to every voter in tbs district and State, and it is hardly neecssary to give a personal sketch of bis ca reer. As a Inwyer he stands in tbo foremost r.nk of his p: O osb'.o i, as a speak r ha has no superior in the State, as a politician he bas ever and always been a Democrat, and as a man no partisan opponent will dare attempt to impeach bis character for probity and honor. Ho has had experieuce as a legislator which fits him to take high rank on the floor of Congress, and bis extended acqniufancc with public affairs, and with the prominent men of the naüoa will give him. a commanding infiuence and posltion teldcm attaiucd by a new meinber. These facts, combincd with tliat other fact, that he is a Democrat, that ho stands squarcly upon the Democratie platform, and endorses without reserve the great underlying principie of our political fabrie, the capacity of every politieal people for self goremmeut, and the consequent right of States and Territotories to rogulate their own domestic affairs, ought to secure him a triumphant election at the hands of tho intelligent volers of the First Congressional district. And we think it will. %3" 7 alvrays liko to sea onr friends fjol well, and aro g!;ul that the Republicana aro W c-11 pleafed with the nomination of John 9. Barrt. We can indiilgo thom in tho idoi that Barry nlways did run behind his ticket, and that he will run behind in tho present eampaign; but, then, we warn them not to calcúlate too much upon his "sliort co minga" leut thoy wake up to woeíul disappointment on the raorning of the 7th of November Bahrv ís tho people's man thii year, and " our Blair" had better stand fro:n undor. jSpy The Hillsdalo County Bemocrat and nomo others of our exohauges, print the name of the Democratie nominoe for Commissioner of the Land Office Stkphes L. Sjiitii. We know S.mitii like a book, he was a school mate of ours only a fuw years ago, and is a geuuine specimen of a live young Uemocrat, and wo know bis nauio is Samuel. Will all our Democratie exchangns seo that his name is correctly insertad in tliéir oolumns, and then they will not bo likely to make errors wken they come to print their tickets? - The Bemocrat also prints the name of the candidato for Superintendent incorreetly. Tt sliould beFuAN'cis W. Shearm N. Jlii.d the middlo letter, and the Sjear not Sheb. S5L" We havo been infurmcd that Esquire Felciier, of Jackgon, has challenged Judgo Ghangkr, to meet him on the stump and discuss the political issues of the campaign. The Demócrata at . Jackson expresa no doubt that the "Squiro will give the Judge fits." When tho diseussion takes place wo chalí hopo to te there, KtST Gen. Cass arrived at Washiug. ing on the 11 th inst., and resnmed tte discharge of his duties ns Secretaiy of State; It is anu?unced that TuD Hyati La3concluded to prosecuto fiftoh Senator who vatd for hia imprisouiifont : n the Statu Courts of the States in wliicu ' they reside. lie will endoavor c köo up he fiurce until aft er eketiou.