Legislative Nominations
publican Senatorial Coavention for the 8th district was held at Saline on Wedncsday. The candidates presented were ■ Hon. Cukstkr Yost, tho present member; Hoa. Andrew Hobison, itepresentative frora the 4th district, and Dr. Webb, of Pittsficld. A spirited contest ensued, a contost not conducted throughout in the best of humor, which resulted in the nomination of Pr. Webb. Yost was laid up for advocatiug the división of tho County at the last session. The Iiepresentative convention of the 3d district was also held at Saline the enne day. Some half dozen candidates were presented, aud Hon. J. VV. Childs, the present member was uominated. L2T "Our Blair"is reportcd as having said reeen tly, at Kalamazoo, that Geo. B Cooper was legally elected and rightfully tht member of Congress fi-om this district, and tbat Howard had no just claim to the seat ho hol ds by the avvard of tho House - Ann Arbor Argus. " Is reported as having saul.' Who "reports" him so? We don't believe ho evor said or thought iny such thing. - Kal. Tehgraph. We think if the Tehgraph had read attentively ita Oityj cotemporary, it would have found in a recent issue a comrnunication charging " Our Blair," vvith enying eubstan ially what vo havo eaid he was reported a8 snying. It matters not what the TJegraph believcs, but it is certain that all honest Republicana have thought such thing?. Blair's honosty may be made a question by the Tehgraph. The Democrats of "old Oakland" are in the field with a full county ticket, and evinoe a determiuation to "put it through" despite of all opposition. - Hope that they may elect every man. SS" A C. Baldwin, Esq., late editor of the Pontiac Jacksonian, has been noininated for Seuator in the 5th district. He is a go-ahcad Demcrorat, an able man, and will make a good legislator, that is if the Demócrata of his district are up and doing.