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Acceptance of Mr. Lothrop

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Tt) lïio I . ■.': District: iigressional conventíon which -i:n!i ', Ann Arbor on the 9th nti it luivo place 1 ma in nomination a; their ca V ! ■.'■ ''t Hepresentativ? in Co , Iho Fret District. !■'■'- ,. unsolieited by me, Gut I ■ r; ■! ,1. -'. isired to bo c::cused !V :: ii. -S' t tuit I at n rvalue the honor . OÍ" SU : :l : r:i:;i lliri.i (V ;:.) !u. patriotic ■ : : As a ; f i of rena mid 1 dunne, i.i -i.s niy in -.i ,.,- fbn tl gratttudo: but e rivate and pe -n interest !i::u led v. to the j ution to avoid all politienl u;uii!:ations. l brul no tb mi 'oiding tuc active labora of the oampain. [ fisèl ronoli ! too deoply f.r that. Au;l I rocognize the duiy which ovori ciiizon owos li is country in timoi of iaat political moment. ! Bat I had haped to ba permittcd tol Sirvo in the democratie coluuiu as a private soldier. But the convention, with full knov.!edge of niy owi! éariiest wishes, d ?oided othérwiso. 'l'bcir aotion makes my duty iraperative. I bow to their decisioTi as tbe mándate of the democracy; and to lbo best of my humblo ability, with a zaal aud fidelity inspired by the greatucss of our cause and thgravity of the crisis, I shall strive to discharge the service thus devolved upou me. My principies, I believe, nro well known. 1 embrace without any reservation the principies liïirmed by tho late democratie national convention. My haart anti royjudgment alike givo an ur,divided allegianco to that great principie for which our patriot fathers fcugbt the battlo of national Independenoe, and which I balieve now offers the only just practicable and safe solution of a danperous sectional controversy, - I mean "tho great principie of Populae Sovkreignty. ïhis, with tho other question of National and State policy involved in the present contest, I shall aim faithfully end zealously, but with constant courtesy and kindness in all personal hearings, to unfold aud explain to the people oi' this dis triet. I have a profound senss of the responsibility which belougs to the place for whieh I am made a candidato. Tiie interests of this district, agricultura!, manufaet uring, and commercial, have all becjme of great magnitude. At this time soiue special questions have arisen of doop moment to the commerce and business of our commercial metropolis. For the effective care and promotion of these interests I we'l know that thero is required au ability much greater than I can claim - I eau only pledge in their bohalf the best sorvice of whatever abiüty I have, and a fidelity and integrity of purpose of whieh I venture to hope my life and character, now woll knosvn among you for many years, will give no doubtful assurance. My own private affairs and my previous engagements will necessarily occupy my irumediate attention. But at an early day I hope to make a series of appiintments to moet tho people throughout the district.