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Later From Santa Fe.

Later From Santa Fe. image
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Inclependence, Aio., Aug. 13. The Santa Fe mail arrived to-day. - By it we have information that the troops at Hatch's Ranche, under the command of Lieut. Franke, had a skinnish with 75 Camanche Indiaus. They were on a stealing expedition; two wcro killed and several wounded. Shortly after the herds of Montira were surrounded and driven off, and other depredations comniitted. It was deemed prudent, undr '.he circumstanees, by the officers at Fort Union, to send reiuforcements to Hatch's Ranche, and another engagement is soon looked for. Maj. RutFs command on the Pecos, it is said, has had a battle with the Cainanehes, with what result is uot kuown. Evcrything indicatas a general Indian war, and the Lidian tribes will soon be compelled to take part. They are becoming so bold uow as to attack the traías. Harper had one hundred and thirteeu head of cattle run off in daylight, and is now left to work hia way ia with two yoke of outtlo to ttie wagon. ïwo .oldiers wera followed in to the camp at Pawnee Fork a few days since. The troops under Major Sodgwick are attempting to follow the Indiaus to the best of their ability, but the red dogs are too wary for them. Beut's Fort, at last dates, was threatened, and so groat was the apprehensions of attack that sixteen Indian prisoners recently seut thre were released. Unless tho mail parties are strengtheued we fear thoy will not get through in safety hercafter.