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■■' F 5PEC TFUILY OFFER THCIIlfóSM SSSENCES OFLIQUORS j in V.inr cKuowlecH-ed purvt-.j ta tl-.s f , i trciiv Aildrcs! CHJCACOILL. f Mf. NEW 600D$. W re imr rccyirinj mr mond rtoók of spbing fe s XTivir m !b iv Gftring to th Great Falling Off iu Trices East, ïï sliall iel! NEW & SEASÖtt ABLE GOODS ! The IÏJing Prices cf SCarch and April Oar Siocivf-i L.lRGB and YATïIFP, and offers ■ riur inducetuenid to tUoa ui-,hmg PASHIONABLE SUMMER GOODS, Our KKftortmrnt of ïiT3, BOOTS AND SHUES C'rtjclicry & Faniüy O. oceri.a, WAS KEVER EETTER, Itaylng deoidvj to reduce onr CRED! TUST, sre offer our Goois to OAS33EE 3BTr2"X33Ft.!Si At prlcos f.htat cannot "wil to bo fliUisficiory. WINES & XKIGET. A:.'N' AKDOR, Muy 17, iSGC. T47tf Rifle Factor ví A. J. SUTÍLERLAND rTA3remoTndb!p Gun "hoptntbe Ntw Block't) Hu' ■ tonstr'-'-t soi. th ..f th Court !1( ïsr,jrtue arconi Ücor, wherc hc Is prep&ed to furtiish Guns, Pistols, Aranrunition Ffas&s, Fonchcs Game Bags, avd Evorj ot!er article ia Lis Line. On the mns1 It-nni, nrd to do inds f n the shcrtot notico rd In tlicbcsi mminoi Aluil í-íeortir.jntalwajf k'pt OBliotd. oud made to o'. der. Mo n e y W a n t e d, W h o w f 1 1 Li si d Af o u e y 1 [ AH REQCEMEB BT KVOlAl FF.RS0X3 tu W!r ! mouey for thein et Ton Per Cent I .itera st, (Or Moro.) F'jr mij ore wíllinír to It-ridj I twn at otjít ÍSTH1 o: :-r"O! unsncumbeiid aban! P.i-.'AÏ. BRUTE necnrlt,! ■in numï sf lonnoy nnd ce that tii titlu m! tteurltj arpAM. RiariT. 5 Tho borrower pnjlr;L aUcir.en?", Incluitirtt; r gu: ling. 't. v. iíOKQAJí, Aun Arljcr, Gct. 7, IÜ'jS. Tiólf MRS .WINSLOW, n IXfflisDCOi ur o :mk'. rcmnk-PïiyficisTï, presenta t" ttitt :if.'jj-i' u of moUtert, her Soothing Syrup, Tor Ch;I(lren Trethiöf. vbich greatly fp.cilitateR the procesa of twtbing, by st-flijüing the guma, reeïucing all inflammntion- wiü nM&y a 1 pain and zpaHniodic action, and is SUfiE TO REuULATF. TUK BOWXIA Dflpond uponitj motiicrs it willgive retit te yanyttÏTW. AND REUKF ANi HBALïII Tü YOL'R I.NFAXT3. Wü have put up and oM tiiis nrt'cle f'T o rei ter, ychiê, and -art s-y, In oitiUltn.t au.! 1 uh ui '." Tí is. wiNsTöWS" Vn tiet 8YRUP, J" :v OL';. , L _____ _ er iiie'o'ño- M"' VbM HA 1T í-AíKcl, i. A SI GJUE INSTA CE, TOBFFKn' A CIRI , viitn tiinely -MÉ Ncver dia wp knuv n mitancti ( di isati.ifaclion by any oue wbo u;od it i.'u ih. 4fcjt,r.-ry. all are deüghtod with awatiottl, anï jipal; in tr_if ofhigheat commenüation of itn mfi(tal tfft-cts ; ix1 ried ctü virtues. We Rpmk in th;-s mattftt "ü lai nt do hnow," nftor ten jettv1 exjKíií-ncc, i.rl plr4 our repntnttoti fr the fulñllm -nt of hnl wc heie tleclarc. In almst trery inatAnco wherthe iuiant is sufiferïnrj frón psin and cshauwTion, reü( f wüi be found in fiftouu or twutj mkiufe afici 'Jia iyru is admimstei-ed This valnable prfprraH'':!) Ík il)' ■ r''.j':ripfion of ono of the raostEXP-RlEN'CFU an4 SKILFL'L NUBStö in Ken Eugl-ud, aa.l has beco iuiJ wah KLEHf_üjyG Lia_bla THOCSAXDS CF CASES. It not only r(;licfe3 the child from p(n, but Inrlratw (he atomach and buwels, coivcct:. nOttlitr, aul gia t De and energ.r to the nlioJe Bjvt8 It wíUaíiuoit íuetijit5 relieve GBHWOtnlhBOWRXJh ftid VIOCoilc, whic_, if not -f t)K ' XiÍji..lKfc,JN speed Ut remodied.on.l TTTsTFIIfify öndealh. W the! '' pt . kÏJ SUBEST KEMËJjy IN 111E WUKU1, in all omw of ïffe' ENTERT and DIAKKUOIA IN ('HIUBEÏ ivhothdr ! arïaes frorn tcttthing, or f rom any othe cfluee. Wc would aay to 070r mother who has a child sufferíng frem any oftheforegoi coraplaints - rx nottet tovh ntWUDJCK), NORTIJE i'KBJt'DJ OF OTIOUt, ttni! brlwftcu vour iaufforing child anti the rt. that wül be SURE - yes ABáOI.UTELY PURE- to follow t use of thin medicine, f timely used. Ful] directimis {n nsit-will eccropatiy each bot tip. Norio vonuine unlnfl tl facsimile oi CURTÍS & PERKtfl, New York, Uoo Üi ouiside wrapper. j 8old by Drumits tbr 'Ughmit thr worM. Frin'lpnlOAlce. Nn. 13Ccclar Stiort, TV. Y 1 F ice only 25 Cents pex Bottle. E M P I R Ê BOOK STORE! tot J. R. WEBSTER & CO., CITY HALL BLOCK, Opposito the Frankiin House. A HE XOW orEXIXG, DIRECT FROM VUEIAÍHKBS AX1 ilauufacturers, n lfw fiaï 0oniplftt9 5toeli of LAW & MEDICAL BOOKS, Schoei Bookt, MUcellancous Book, Blank Bocht, dan STATIONEHY1 WU ad Wiudow Pnpor, Drawiag nnd Mat.herrmicil lustrumnt, Hiato, Juvenüo Libraries, CiiT'tlopcs, Inkt, Carde, Gold -ind othfr PenB Wiodow Oornico, abados íüA Ftxtura, POCKET CUTLEKY! Ad eTerything tcitiiüïn? te tha hM'le, and xuow to whicüthey wimld iuvlto theflttoctiun oí tho cuuntry. Inconducting our bopinosa, we sha'u d all that w. hp dono,R(i that no rcaouablo omi, wenan or cbüd iiui.ll iiud auy fault . Wo possGBR faoiliti3 wUioii wül enable us tb R'ipply our stomers at the Lowest Possiblö Pfgtirat. We prnpoEe tasllfor REAOY PA V, at a ámill arranco. We o.ípeeta proüt ouour goods, bat Cash Sales will Adniit of low FIGURES. Vin hira snga jcd tbc lerricos ot JAMES F. PFALDIXG, heveforeare preijared to furnish Vititmg, Wedding and all otAtr Cards writien to order, wilh neaiafss and dispatcTi, by mai' or othensise. The "EktikbCuOk Siors," Is mannoil by a goo-1 'crew,1 nd .hcy will always be fouml on tho "quartvr doek," ïwAj and wülmg 16 attent '.o 11 witli Jk-ajuro, v.-'ho wjll favor tkiiui wit'a a cali. líeraember the "Empiro Book Stmo." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Oo. Ann Artior, May, 1860. T4j City Mcat Markei. T'SÍÜIfiaSSWSEB, AT HS Utxfcat Dcar (to Pu-1 1 Oiiici kotp coaataaily oa hanj a i'uji ataortiaest o. vh;ch tbry will alwave b' fü'4'd m randiueMto etit upen SUIT CUBTOllltBa, So PiliS viill d s;arcl lo k) tbeir markt't Clean, and Ments 'Sweel aud patrom mfiy re!y npon retting tbo best ro3t.steaks, caops, otc ,tbatc8ü l'öfoum! iatheCitv CAL. AXÖTKY US. 9. PRO'TaR ' ï. WAÏ.KKK. r.rA:ko;."..t, MM. . fïSffl ' j Herrie ■ . : . 1T CUiLöJSES CilY FOR THEM ! j$ Tii;s rvin&ri n 1 1 f , '... 'v.„ Arr.ofcev.'i 't ui.," - id cerX %, f :;i' ■ - ntrU b . tr [Ivo ra!I ■I boxts Br ol' nu.-ill j. (Vmr,oa h n t ivlv of Flnvrra, -, :'VJ; Rwts. Httlsams anflox■-r cUwt ui . v i hmnaa ;.Ura u ,"'jr I-1I nthia..tory - ' V t '' i 1 SUCCOSSfui. A'.'BjJ d rfü )- cm tlio h'o"4, '...P" llutrl, -li! m.l tukh asse of llic it'.'dT, iL-.;r u4 j ia f.ttr:.,-; v, ui iw ha}.p!in1 I'1 ■ itn-li . ;, Mn'Iit'v - Ml ;. -we ririalt.' Ni ■-"-■-. T:,.-t r.evoii . i", ic.,.m kiií'íií. 'in!;, ríe vancrwi tg ir, ■ cribe plica :- fi.n-li-l. lltej kk womtlen:4 '". !(.-.■ . ■■'', ir..:;i.T. mul illlirttfMUUMrkrtll I n.T largntlve pi! iu tl.o mrU. 6T Thfld'uraw.rr of i pil] w-th s ■■■ ■.ritli Dr. ll.rr"i:;k. ■■■■(, ivillJniorM.iuii -tt. ■ .-'.. ilorricl.' iü v "' ii h bCK. !.-■■; u ;.ir_tthfol ! dinettoüt nii'J 'il (w. 16 conti j-crlss; í boxea fur S!. I nEirnicK'ï ILid STr.ooTiiExrrw PrvKR3. The grept ilr,nslhcr and p,nn Dfstroirr The Btit aw(t tfieapttf. Tlwuselild Remedí) in thr wurl.1. ThM rraoT.a Instem cnttlB, n-ml-niui m-A (Mi. irrsw in !:■ I, ■,. ■■■ . aiJo, aiii broast, in (!e-hour. Iniiw.:, so certain are thrv tn do thl, th1 tho roprt t.r irerranla tiirm. R]utl f i;(.m tuis?, balMM UU] nm.i, ..n llul kitl l.-1nt!;"r,rfo'ersl]irini.(rii!,ir!T nJB-.te.l to ■ tii v.-usts c,r F.ire'i.i ind otkira. Tbc;rapiJi!k)L ■ Dlversai-wuwlh-tothcstmftiia'in.thoMicstt rju and tO teih:c inluit. To Mh km) lU thrr 1!l A talm nnd n. bls!n r. Thlr uso nirrefaljlu' kdJ vltlwu: iir truuUt. Kach PhuWrWttlWMWfrDííuM to foor mooths, nnii in rlieum.i'.ic eompliiutJ, .:hi-u nnd hruita frequftitly effect coron v:ij: v'c ub rrm 'i-'-' fi'. ruil dirtctiom #111 be fnunJ on tlibn-;:4 c.;h. Pukl I -;m-.I i , pOefllit, miDUicm.l ti.i-p.. m.1 r,wil] tiengthn tLeir l;n?l!lndmr v.,.,.. l,y ivciliiug ilitir. on tlwll k.-tn.-t. 1'riM 1ÍJÍ cent. GSi' TUc iib-iTo art!clnfl are roM Vt all tl:o deAicn r. Ann Arbor and I ■ ■.i_':ioü::iic Uur-a .-.■ f'ana das iml South Aiiv.M-im, at wholesnlt byollie-g-j Dngjl.,tt in fha nrtDciptl eltk IIERRICS BBOTBf. ■-""' Tü raCAlObil, Ali,ri7,!iT. A BLÖODLESS VIGT 1 SOO0,COO Boxea Soíd, ■Jar- KAGNETIC PLASTEE, TIHT? cnormousqr.antii_y of thlsTnrnluflbltRvmedT hafl Lhe short time it has bcu (jefure tbc publis. f m m ■ c ter tlüa Oxtraorillziary uecn is Btfiiplj Lp ot] f.h" truth ac3 TrJ'ic of t::cBrtlclc. Xo one bar íj.q }M(NETIC PLAtiTR w!thrat bfcomir IUfrtea.1. ftpifforms all ilüt :3 p:';Tr:-i"l, .-vi u.rneè vri%h it 'jrr rccfjir.'jn-if.tios. Xruly tbii j i a Vhdjpi j' ■ ■ pcectf j ad bldodlesi - bul bei!'1'-'1 rot lenv glortoiu lLn tii1 'ri' am )ie of mr, with its trnin of cnroa rh.1 do&iiliïiiyn, i'itt MACXETIC i -..:."ii-.n is tüe Un-att-i Strecc;ibo"'r nn'l hln Dentrojer tht Pcleiwe hes y% diMovnvd. If reu pi.t Thfs p1'! ranywhere, í I'ain U thcre,t,ho FUtter ri'L; ,ick thèn ontH th Pulo hu a.n TA IN ÜANNOT EXlVr lïhoumatUm. T.rrn "-.n?. tifTom V -.knot, Te'jiit1, Xcrvou :iií!rp, Neuralgia, bnpepgtYinghfl snJ nc! fl, rains nn'i nc'i:s ui ever ktna, re 1.MÜKI IA'iELY RE. LIKVKi-, nn-i ivith a litilo I-t:c:ico. PF;i!.MAVtNTl Y, CGREi), by'thc maqicn] InHneoor of tbp VMïtÜBM ILAjL'LR. It ij iho 0imp ent. gQrefft s fot, plM iw ;e-t, md cbeanept rfmody i.i exutc&ee. lts RppDoatli n U urivoi-fi - c Mrllv td tN1 5'.inir rr.;ni. thcol.cptr wt' man, anti 1. e t'u ble ü'íint. J'a iimh Hircenblt , ötJ ■vitboat nnnoflncr t.-oiAïc. I prir la n-itUn rewirii of all - tleh or ijoor; .. I miy h:vo :t, it d ai! A o il'i 1 f tj and ali 'ho-i'l l;:ivo v iio iro Eil; aiid a'lflvrJng ïn nny KARMES? nd Ft-VNIEn? rtitaH nï-niya b" af)nlk( irith the ?'A XI.iK PUSIEB. It -mbo Uré-CoM Pliyicia.i in ny lionsohüH. rt. 'ly at i liLn" ftnd ftl iníflnt H'í co. Put up in ir tt; lit ;!n b"e ■. íií"wtn Hufep fil ta ■ i , li t p! i'or.. ia ' ■t.v oR H '.::n opr al Ui ra. IvM, 4 ovuci a box, viih 1 1 a Lplaiu ■ om C C YOREHi!AD, Inventor A PropripHíT. 13, WnHicr t.. fil ï. MORFüEAD'S M AON ETIC TLSTER !j SOI.D BY ALL. DtiüOOIáV.ii ;--;y City, Tova ai.d V.ilai: ;.-i ihti Uüilca ?lai 1}7')' M. W. HAWLEY'8 Celebrated Embrocatioa. For Human FJcsh and Asinial?. fT oilliüg tbo attentloi. jf tlie rnhllo to ttil ilcS'r' hs JL wewoaid saj fct it Ijas been fulïy trled, n.l In.ndreï who have nsed Jt Biettï: iü the most cornpMmínfnry Urrna of !u wor.dcrful effects tip'ir. Human Fkíli tad ih brut iatlon. It tefaitgir,laKpopr.:ir!ty. Wharerrr Ufld it ii rfoeived with coiamatlona of ]oy, ar.d prfnoanced to be the grsaWÈt Uentiáy for AdM and r'alus íTeroffered ti tho Public It mnly cffpoU ovm 1!eoí, whên appllcd, glve u oelabrny nnscrpossod by say externa! prpsratlïin naw In ow. Tharefor w can tay, witli Cc itaiost, tbattb SmbrootU win Can Rhenm&tlsni. " Bnrns and PcjiM?. rt "Woaknessof Jotot Bwelllngs ar.d Tninora, " Hemorrioids r PUa, ■ " Cbilblalna, " Tootiacbe and Chínped Uasíi, tatooMth nül Can Oíd Sores and Crampa, " " Boili and Oorns, OMtractcd Musclc?, " " Galhofallkind, " " Eing Bone ond Poll Evü, " Caüoui and SpavlB, SmbrSMtloa vül Caía Pw.vnyin.UjiT.ft, " " Sprlnfthault ond ilstuia, " SoratchiM or Gri=. " ïitcmal Pülsor.j, Band Craok?, " " Lamenca and Piraiaa, BtJlïirotiUon wUl Cï Fcumlered i l. " " Manga " " ('raoKed Tcr.;s. " " Garget In Cows, " " FootEot Iu3bii' AFBum.ii. ., Marc'.i í, 1SW. Wê, Ha nnaenlgiiifl, do certify, tiiat va bare iiied w W. IIawhi CinBiiTiD EiÉiBocAiios. for Inflsmmiitory and Ohronlo Ehnmatlsm, and cbewfnlly roon:mii4 It at Ui bt me4y we hav ever nsod. J. M. Morrl, IL O., James I,. Hewton. í. W. Clement, Onin Hurd, Ptr Fiero, 8. F. Gould. J B. Robinion, of Pripbeti'o-n, II!., íayi: I tt?m It th beat Llniment I hav ever lenown. It gires nnirenxl Uaaotlon, and I can tíiüíy to itB efficacv frota my own lUnafaotnrad by M. "W. HAWI.ET. Anbnrn, N. Y O N. TUTTLE, Acbnrn, N. Y., General Aeeat, to wbom aU ordr Bbonld be addrewed. ■.. Sold by al! Druggtiti and Ueroliaat turoMhout the MM ana bj IJH'KAtil, MItit.V? w L.-i.N, An" Arb T, '.'.■■ h. mm mst tt,m sur r +. ïs, A NewLBBIVAL -ofBoota o,xic3. Sliaoiit Ct sol dosartytiini, anl dl ' soid ai3caQjal.3E?aBini TiílA1 6M.V fifi,1 BOUOH'J IX Tlils City. aIsj í Ir3 f-ííoitínrj! i ' Fashlo na fel f &t j l ■ s EXFE R1ÉN0E ü W O Ú K iiL N . ►ounFRENCIÏ CÁLF B00T.3 axVOÏSDlEpiSSSDtJklf sM'iof KöwVoik City, auá are rcarranted not io itíp. Car TOGASAND KIPSy ire; tho best cotoiialí O ir ttoKÜt of Morooco Boot ees ■br Lai1lfft Ia thft t'je tfst in tows, r-i,h hcals rr wtfliftút U"e BtaUe to Ordt-r, andnorer njisv .: ;i:;tvG tho tlrsttinae Eogivc usa calí and v.-c n-iu ver. ny froe of;]-nrL'tí Welmvo vcurpri the íorric-.""; of iwc 1 - petiL'iiuod Jouino.vtüíD wbo do ourmn.-nj n tlio Ncitet Marnier, iiul on náortent notico. O it ;ö%o iï QaickSsilcs and RïI1 Profli?. Tbankfa! ï past fa vors wo hoy oM'n .in,: rtrkl 'I'",ti;to our busiu.jsto mwlt c liborul tiro cf yui paininajr fi,r the lutn. Ivyiygaber wo .are nrit to bo nndorvolJ. ?i FRES II F I S t7. _3J" .i SUto ' .; h'ii.'s -.- , ..,'. u Tat-üjiy aa Frida morninf; of ■, ', .., k, lke Stlchïian Whito F ju Ireui. Wu:rantcè ia prlad ordar. ïr . . Ai,n ArOor. Juty Lg, 2 . Ayer's Sarsaparülaa