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JVcw Fli m i ttcw uOODS l ! D. L. WOOD, & CO. Ai ïiow rcccÍTÍiig and opnlng & Large and BeautSful -OF- S-t-a-pl-e a-n-d F-a-n-c-y DRY GOODS! C3-3R,OaERIES3 CROCKEKY, LADIES' AND ! CEILDREJSTS SHOES, Sc, Lft L, AT THE OLD STAND OF D. L. WOOD. l'heêe ffoods haco hcenhovght tince the recent decline in prieet in the Eastcm Marktte and ill be old corresjond,r{ ClIEAP. We 'wowld resf ootfully invite the citizenB of Ann Arbor and the gürroundingcounty to CALI. AND EXAMINE Oüll GOODS! Ag it is no trouble to show (hem, and we bope B Y FAIR AND HONORABLE DEALING To raerit a liberal shnre of their patronage. D. L. WOOD. Vht. O. FOSTER. West tule of Public Square Ann Arbor, April 20. 1860. "43tf G U f f EB MAN HËAD QÜARÏERS! THE MOST COMPX.E'I'B CLOTHING '. IPCEll In Michigan 1 CONTAINS THS m i O t Aca !LOiO? STOCK OF GARMENTS EVER OFEERED FOR SALE IN TUIS MAR K E Tl OUll SPRIiXti & SITMMER T5 J "HLB SB We keep everything which Üisfashion and times demánd, and can sell ihem cheaper tli&n any other Establishment in the State. WE HAVE MORE TIUX 1OOO T.-i-rtrrm Coat, OF E7ER'Ï VARICTY OF FASHION, ?uch asSacks, Half Pncks and Frock Coats, &c, manulacturedby ourelves,from tbc best qualüiesof Lineo, Cassimeresand Marscillt; Alto a largo aeoortuieut uf DRESS AND FROCK COATS, Of mty qualitr, of Brown, Blue and Fancj Colors. We have tho LA TE S T S TYLE S -OFFrom the finest pattemp, phïn and fancy, in the wide wi Ifl UorM. The most fasttdious can be fiatisüed by our largu and newly rfelccted stock of 0Q i TT O &RDE) OAtPOS COLLARS AND SHIRTS, Of all kinds. Cravatu, PlnrtBosomi.HandktrctiefB.Suspentleri, rmbvcHas. Carpot BagK, Trunks,&c. Tlie ricb etGloves,from the finest Ik to tie softest Mountain Kid. ihfarty to tit.thehaDd ofevery enstomcr. You eau findeveri'thing iiioinOGta1ilishr.icnt wbich the woild ofto the trading comraunity iu C3 ;h_ 3 r jr :aa: m. m 3-AND- CLOTHFOR CUSTOM WORK I W have also tbe Dneat French and BelgianBroad Cloth, Jnncv Casiimcres. Fancy Silk nnd Marseillea Veattnn, &c. We oiildaiso cali the attention of the Student , ef'pcciiilly Uie gr:i'1uating clas, if anv of tbem want a GOODFnTTNG SUIT, let them coiné to FONDHETM, in order to get a good flt. Tlianktul for past patronage to our oMmi stomers, we Invite as inany uew oues to come and give vis a cali. D ou 't to seo GuiícrDian'e Hfadqnartrs before go ing elKewhere. M. GU MERMAN k CÖ. Ann Arbor, April 11, 18G0. 743tf FRESH AFRÏVATl -OF- ISTET GOODS. - AT- S T E O N G ' S New Cheap Gash Store. IRF..T BtSBiimiBIS OFFEKEE- a la:ge line of Silk Parasols from 4s to $3,00. The bw t of Watcb Spring Steel Skirt, Five Cents a H- O- O- P- . Tip Top 36 inch Umbrcllas, only 12s othcr sizes in proportion. A laigcítock of Prints vcry ow LACE AND STELLA SHAWLS, LACE AND CLOTII MANTLE8. STIÜPED ANDPLAIN SJ1EETINGS, YANKEE NOTIONS, EMB1ÏOIDEPJES, Elats & Caps, Grocorios Crockery c, &c. Also a largo Stock of I-adies' Shoca, At Prhcs 10 per cent less than usual Nu trouble to show Goods. Culi and examine, at StroDg'8 CHEAP CASH STORE. EXCHAXGE I3LOCK, ANN ARBOR, Sj W.ÍÍOB6AN, Agent tor Mutual Ufe Insür.'.nceConipany, N-w Vork. Ar.euimi!:i1el Asfietft, .... t5,Ü5O,OÜO. the lea'liu Life Insurance Companj in the U. S. Knickrbocker Life Insurance ('ompnny, New York, - s (irst olMBtqfeCo, - term nasonabJÁ. Ilumboldi Fire Insurance Company, New York. Capital, irtth iHnce surplus, - - $20Ü.0O0. f. m, :i Mn; iic ,v Fire hiñumnce Co., Peorin 111. - hmv x Xo. 1 Tire iDouranoe CÓ'ii 707rf Oiitiííil, .... töOO,0O0; UP W1TJI THE TIMES! THE OLD AND BELIABLE Clothiiïg Emporium! 1 NO. 3 P II (EN IX P, LO CIC MAIN STREM?. j ha jut rcturnrd from the KaMern Citu-a, with a Urge and desirable stock of SPRINU AND SUMMER which bc is aow oftering aí uauaually AiuoDg bis Assorlment raay he fouud BROADCLOTHS. CASSIMERES, DOESKINS, & VESTINGS, of all descriptiouf , eajtt-cíaUy for wbleb he ík cutting and moktag to order, in thMatest aml bc&t titylcB, togethet-iviíh a suprior assortmeuL of READY MADE CLOTHING! TRUNES CAKPET BAGS, CMBÜELLAS, and I Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, with numovoiig Mhor art'.clee uaually found in similar ela ti lislt monta. As ANEMPOKIÜM OFFASHIOS, t' osubstribor flatteus himself, that his long expcrience and general euocess, will enable bisa to give the grcateöt BatiMactlon to all who may trust hbo u the way ofmanuuuiccuring gai'iucutfi to order. CALL EAELY! and lcaveyour orders. WM. WAGNER TO nOUSEÏEErLRS. SOMETHING NEW.- B. T. BABBIT'S Best Medical Salekatus. I [? manufactured from common salt, anilisi_j prepare e:itireiy ditferent frmu otbcrSaler.itu.jJy All the deleterioáfl matter ejtrcted in sucha u r a mnnner a to produce Bread, liiscuit, and 1 IJ : DTJitinds nf Calic, wiil.outciiitiliDinK a partiële, oi (j Salcratus ivlien tho lïreait or Cake ia baked. j thereby producing wbolcgome resulta. Ever} SJ partiële of Paloraius ís turnfd to gas. xnd pasjes tbrougli the Bread and Biscuit 'vbilo baïinff, H fLJ joiïii-qupntly. niUii".g remalDS but ccmomii Salt S U ö Water, and Flour. Yoy will roadily percélv, bj ■ tb(?t.ietcof thisSalenitus, that it is entirel; g different from utberSaleratus. u It a pacUtid in onn ponnd papers, each Q lerbrauded, "B. T. Bubbitt's Btiftt Medtcioal lj t?Q Sileratus;!; aiso, picture, twiüted leaf of bread. 2 O O .vith a glass of edurvescing water on tlie top - Q Vhenyou puïebatic onepaper you ebould pre w lerve tho wrapper, and be particular to get thejir next exactlv like the brand aR abOTe. U }( FuHiiIréotloñformaklngBrBdwlthtWSl 1 1 J TatuB and Sour Slllkor Civan Tartar, willac lompany each paekae; also, directiont for 'tj malJnikll kinds of Pastry; also, for makinp , Soda Water and Seidlitz Powders. Q, UKE YOCR OWX SOAP with LJ B. T. BABBITT'3 PURE CONXENTRATEI f POTASH. Warranied doublé tbc atrength of ordinary rji f'otasb: put up in cans - 1 lb,2 lbs, 3 lbs, C J1 lbs,aud 12 Hm5 - wi'.h full direvtiouRfor luakinp AND Hard and Soft Soap. Consumera mil Bndtbti a the cbeapest article in market. r Manufactured and for sale by U B. T. BABBITT, J ■".4, 66,66, 70, & 74 Washington ít., New York, Q ri and No 38 India st, Boston. JJ 74 V4Syl {& NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Accuraulated Jnn, 1860, 61,767,133,84 MORRIS FRANKLIN, President, J C. KENDALL, Vire President, PLINY FREEMAN, Actuary $100,000 DEP0SITED wlth neComptroHerof the State of Kew YorV. Divideods average 40 per cent. anaually. ASSETS. Caab iu Bank, 81,355,49 lavoted in securiliei., creatfd nler the lawsof tbe State of Ncw York and of the U. P. , 258,670,79 KralE-ttate and Fixturee, Nob. 112 and 114 BroadwH 132,(50 04 Bond and ilortRagp drawing 7 per et. Interest 583,908.39 Notes received for 40 per cent. of premiums ou life policios, bearing iu;tjïö.olö.Sö Quartai It and fecmi-annual premium:, dae Bubsequent'to January 1, 1S60 20,550.38 interest accrued up to Jan. 1 , 18"0, 36.48S.77 Rentsaccruedupto.Tan.l, 1S60, ,T08.34 Premiums on policics in hands of Ageut, 26,-140.19 $1,767,133.24 T)r Wells and LewiTT, Medical Kxnminers. 74Stf J. G1LBEKT SMITH, Agent. KTBW SEWING MACHINE "ITT E would respoctfully uform the citizons of AXNT AR V? BÜR, andall surrounding country, tbat we bai Qpeüed rooms for the sale of the folio wing wcll known and popular Sewing Macbines GROVER & BAKER, WEST &WILSON, FOREST CITY, THE PEARL, CLEVELAND SLOAT, & RAYMOND Anr persons TrÏRlunj: íí examine nur assorfmnt wil pieasc favor ua withacallatour rooms, directly over the (iun 8lK)p, in Thompson cSuthcrlund's block, from 8 to 12 a. in., and 1 to G p ni. C. T. WII.MOT, X. 3. BmiFJU-AND. LADIE3' DEPARTMENT. MlnsMAHY A. HERBBRT wiil take charge o this Department of our business and do all kinds of FITTING AND SEWING, And give nstructioiiR in the use of Machines to Kuch at wislil;uo} uiK a knowledge of tliom. WILMOÏ & SUTHERMND. Aun Arbor.Fcb. 2A, 1390. 737tf LOOMIS & TRIPP, Suco.fisor.i to Chapín A Loorais, anclChapin, Tripp A Lootnis TIIE above ürm of Loomis Jt Tripp li.iving purchiinff: the cutiré interest of the former compaaiM wil] continue the business at theold stands, vrhere thcy wíl] be reody, on the shorteat notice, to fill all orders in the line of Castings and Machinery, in the most workm.inlike manncr, and on au libera! íeims a any other shop in the Statp. Amoog fhQ vjuíous articlcsmanufacturcci by U8( wc would enumérate STE A MENG IN ES of allkinil8; Mili Uearíng and Fixtures, wTOughtnnd cast; all the various castingsfor makiug and repairing Horse Powers & Thrcshing Machines such a nrp at present, or have formerly been in usr fn this part of" the State, as well as all the varioun kinds of OUtlpgB and machine work calledforby fartoera fcand mechanics nthis section of tliñ counry. kbv _or t. k t ; Jl JLiVJP VLk yBb of all tho various pntterns, up in sizesand prlco. will be ceptcoDBtantly on hand, got the most raotlern afnd iinjiroved fitylts. HÜBBA.RDS WROHGHT IRON REAPERS & MOWERS. ïiaving eoranienced mnnufacturinf? this BupcriorMachino, single and combined, the farmers oie ioTJtod to cnll and see a Hpocimcn machine now in our ware room, before purchasingelsewhere, beliovinü tbat this machine neeü only to beseen to convince the farmer of ITS SUPERIORITY over the rtenpors and Mowers in this market. Thankful for firmer patronage to the old flrmf , we would solicit a continiiance froni oltl frion(lH,an;l .i trial by all wishing for anything in our line of bufltDMS. LOOMIS Si TRIPP. Ann Atbor, May 18th, 1859. Ot)7tf DEFORKST,ARHSTlïONOfe CO. DRY GOODS MËRCIIAJiTS, 8O & 82 Chambers S. Jt. Y. TJTOULD XOT1FY TIIH TKADK that tney are npenin VV WivUly, in ntw an4 beautiful jKitterns, the J.LSO THE A Ni'w Prïot, whlCh exCOlfl eVWJ Print In tbfl Country fo [wrfectlon of fxecution aml design to fall MïuJder Col rs. - Our Prints aio chciipcr iü:.u any in niaiket,and meeting wth.oxttMi.-u. Order prompt ly attem3ó4 r 732yl R ËMOVAL I o r. is a ra bteh fer. J_j AS FOK A SHORT TIME REMOVED ÍNIO Wm ALLABTS SIIOE STORE, tintilhc can go back tntu lii owd Öuüdlng whieh he is now building, nnd woulü bo happy to &ee nis old Iru-ndri and customord. N. R. Ie' Crejim by the Gallon can bo f tipplied to par Ü6S at a short aotice. J. HAN'GSTERFEB. Ano Albor, Marcb. 12, 16C0, G-:rOívt Koduotion I.N CLOCKS, VVATCHES. ANU JEWELRY, O. IOXjZS23, H avino imrfu toril antnCDVdinlth tühnporfr fis. ihpici-nrcd to seli W alelíes, aitd mimy ollier eructes, at Greatly Redared Prices! Good Silvcr Cyüiulor VVatchp. $3 00 " " !' Uuntin'g Canc, 18.00 " Anrl-crs ■' ín.oo ii .1 .. ]2 00 Oold Pen' with ?llver Hold, 1.00 l'lntoii 'IVn SliOOD, W 11 Tble Hpoona, L00 A libírtil dtirottot mfid to Deolom, Jewelry and mftny nther tliingc in proyortlonSilver and Plated Ware ! Ho al okeepfi 'criale tlie ceiobrntrd _na.G53rio.xx W atobe s, Kvery Wstci iviirrnu1d to gire entircett5fncton. He has. also. r. d Qseortmrnt oí TABLE & PUCKET CUTLERA ! SClfeSÓEP, flIEARiV nd R AZORS.and a vsrWty of Musical Instruments, Wlth Strlnrs, Hcok, nnd Tr immitig for the same BIUTTANÏA WARE. Halletj Davis & Co's Celebralcd Pianos. Anñ grent varlfty o" Notioits tío Tinmorouíi to inen tlon iu aüedvrrt'semrnt a) efwliich ÍM be sold CHEAPFOROASH! particular Bttcntion paid to tlir rrpftlrinjr o'a!l kind oí fino wntrhes, uch as mnkinc and 6ettin(f Jewnls, new Piniona, fitnÖ, an Cylínderej hIa Clocks and JeGlryueat'y repnred and wftrrauted. No 27, centre of Pluznix Bfotk CALVIN ELSSI Ann Arbor, Jaot 15, 859, INSURANCE a. w. jet ixr i xx t , AtthcStorcof Wlncí S Knlí Asent for ttie fo!l owing firat clnee Insurnnr.c Compánin: INSURANCE C0MPANY, OF HARTKCHtD. Cash Capital - - - 8200.000 00 Cash Cawtal, July lst '58,419,084 6G Comvay Fire Insurance Co., Oí' Conway, Mass. Capital paid np, - $150.000 00 Assets (Cash), - - 209,963 i 2 Liabilities. - - 16,440 03 D. C. RogerS; Jas. S Whitney, Secretar y. President. DIRECTORS. J S. WHITNEY. L. nODMAN, W. EI.I.1OTT, ASA 11OV I,l) D '■ McGlLVKAy, E D MOHGAN WAIT KKMENT, JOSIAH A [.LIS A H IBÜ' tEN W.H. DICKINSON, W.T. CLAPP, D. C. RÜGGRS. Aun Albor Rrforcnces: Dr. e. WÉlis, l. AVES. L. nnnoK, ENOCHJAMES. CAPT. C. S. OOODMCH, í J, W. KK1GIIT. Atiht Aun Arbor, Michigan March 13. GÏEAT GIFT SALE -ofBOOKS & JE-ÜCTELRY! SCÍIÜFF & MILLER JNjORDET.TO SiAKE ROOM FOR SrniNG STOCK, hare determmed to sell tbeir MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS -ATPÜBLISIIER'S PRICES, And give to I Each Purchaser a Present In valué from dOCents Up to $100. WJTII E A CU B00KS0LD. tlftu Cali cari? and exaraÍDO licir IlriUs and Prefients. Añn Arbor, HajchS, 18üü. 730tf. GnE.a.T EXCITEMENTÜ T hos e New GOODS AT A . P . MILLS' CHEAP CASH STORE, (South SIde oftüe Public Square,) are creating a great excitmeutt and those wishing to make thcir SPRING PURCIIASES, aro invited to cali and examine Ptyles and prices beforo purchasiug. A'Iee Chaliies from Ís to 2s. Lawns, Berages, Foulards, Crapements, Balzarines, Bnlhants and Fancy Silks in great varietj', and of the latest pattern. Silk, Crape, and Cashmere Shawls verj low. A Splendid Stock of Prints from 6 cts. per yard up. Hoop Skirtsat ono half the usual price. Hats and Caps, Ladies and Children's Shoes 1 ! Summer Cloths and Vcatings in grcat varioty of Patinu. ivhioii I am prepared to make up and WARRANT A FIT. A full assortment of Domestic Goods, Crockery and Grocerio6, all of which T ofTcr at tho lowest cash pricefl. I am uot to be undcrbold . A. P. MILLS. Groceries & Provisions. SLAWSON & GEER, HAVING esÍAblished tln.'mslvesiii tbe Grooery busiiios wnulrl inl'oim iheír 'nrmis and ounomui hat tlieywüukl be happy tuscethcDi at thoir toro, whore thcy haveon Land a Large and Choice Stock -OFPamily Groceries ncludmg eveiy tbiug in.tholine. AlsoProvisionsof all iuds, Sugars of the bost quality, Syrups of all Úodti, Bet of CoSaefl, cluss Tuas,etc. 2T"-A-X13V!: PRODUCE ouylit and eoltl, and the highest pricepiiid in Cah. Uc has alo on hand a constant upply of Water Lime and Piaster of Paria, whlch will be soldattlie lowcst ratc . The aub.wríbers wich it diutinctly understood tii;i! they fill oot be undtraold by any fütablm-imtint iu Ihe ltv AWS0.V& OEKK. Arbor Apill?. 1859.