! GREAT, GREATER GREATEST I3A.IiG.ilNS EVEROFFERfcD 1859. JPLq1859' In tliisCity, aro now lieing nffered at tha CHE AP, CLOCK, WATGH, & Jew tilry StorerrBE Subscribir wouldsny to tht citlzonn oí Aun Ar i bor.i' particular, nmi thtí reet of WnfatOAV dun' in rriuml. ihNt holinajust IMI'OKrED DlKECTLÏ iwn KUROPE.i Tremendous Stock of Watches! Ah of which he binds hhnaelf to ecll CHEAPEH than can be bought west of New York C'tv. Open Faco i'yliïidcr VVrche trom 8fi to E10 rio do Leer do do H to 21 IIuiKlng CftM 'lo do do 14 to .'!.". do do Cyündcr do do 9 to 26 Gold Wntehi-s from 20 to 150 1 lavo Isu me CIíLEíUtATED AMEll'CAN MATCHES, which I will aen Ur S3-. Evory Vvatch wan-autod to perfonu well, or ihe nioru-y retunded. Olooksi Jpwclry, PiRted War, Ffttry Goods, Cïold Pti, Musical luatruments and dtringi Cutlery, Ac and in I'aet a varicty of everybinji udusHf fteplby Jcw el er can be hougbiforthe next ninty dayb nt vour O W N P 11 I 0 E S ! Peraoii buylntr anylhing at thie wt?ll knuKii etab üsrirno ut cun rcly upon getting goods exact'y as rep rrsfriit' d, orthemoni'y rf-luiidfil. Callearly uud ue cure the best bargaius ever oiVared in thlt City. Oue word in regard to Repairing : We erff preparad to mnfce any repair oriflno or com mon Watches, oven tn m-klnpc srr the eutlre watc! It' nect-êenry. RepHirlng uf Clocka and Jewelry ai nsu'il. Also the mantjfacturÏDK oí RINGS, BROOCHS or auyihing dcaired, from Calif rnia Gold on hort no tice. EnetstIpï in all ita trauuhua esoented witb nea r.i'aa and dieötch, J C. WATTS Anu Arbor, Jan. D8th'8í9. K4w Something Worth lieading! i cSioifXliller, ARKAGAIN ON LAND, nttheireld 'and, (Thre UoorsNorthof Frnk!in House,) wilh tbc ma complelettnd Extensivo Assortmeni -OFBooks and Stationery Wall and Wmdow Papers, Oil Painted, and Gold Boideied Sbades Curtain Rollers, Tassels, Cords, AKD i TIIOÜSAND ANDONETHINGS In tlirir line, FNTIltK'Y TOO NUMRnuSTO MFNTION. which thüyiulvius dieii Iriends, ard th publit grnernlly, to CALL ets E3C-A.3VXI3XT3E: Before Purchasiug Elsewhere, as thv flatter thetneelvpathat thoir Stylea an( Prlcfl cmnotfail tn prove atfafactory. Ann 4rbnr Muy I, 1P59. IIüRACE WATERS AGENT 333 ïlroadway, NewV o'r k Pitblisher ofMu-ic ttm Musk BooUs AND DEALER IN Pianos, Melodeons, Alejandre Organ Organ Accordeons, Martini celebrated andother Guitars, Violins, Tenor Viols, Violincellos, Accordeons, Flutinas, Flutes, Pifes, TrianglesClari Dettá, Tunmg Forks.Pipe andHammcrs, Violin Bows, best Italian StringSí Bíiss Instrumento for Bands, Piano Stoolf, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. B b. o o t IVÏ u S i cf from all the publifihors in the V. S., Bertini's Huntin's in'i Mn'lci-n Sobool, AJld all kïuds of Inatrnction lino!; for the abovi; inatxcusentA; Cbureh Uaetc Books' H ii elcgantly bound; Music papor, aud all kinds of Musí Merchauñisc, A t t heLowest Prices New I1 i a ii o s , At $175, $200, $-:25, $250, and up to $800. Secoud Híinrt Pianos froru $25 up to $160; ew Melodeon, Sló $C0, $7.r),$iontand up to $200; Peoond Hand Molodetm fiim $."0 to $80; lex:ndru Organs, with five ntnps, $100 nino stop";, $185 and 3---ri; thirtoon stops. $'.:50, $275 un $300; fiftn eiops. $;l00 and 981$; A lili-ral dificoun to Clerpymen, Churchs, Sabhath SchooÍR, SerafnaHe aml Teachers. The Trade supplied at tbie ut.u;il trad (iiscounts Testimoniáis of tbc Hornee Watera Piano and MelodcoiiG, John Hewett, of Cartimge, Xew Vork, who bas hat one of the HonuxW&tén najaos, wtitesú foDoWa: - "A friend of mtoe wishes mo tn purchase a )iiano 'o her. Slie likes the one yon gold rao in December, 1856 My piano ia becoming popular in this place, and I Oiink c;n introduce on t or two more; they will be more popu r than aoy other mfikö." "We have twg of Waters' Pianos in use in ourPem nary, one of which has boon sevcrdy tested for thre yi'iirs. and we can tcstify to their poorl qualtty and dura liility."- Wood .t Gregory, Moun Carrol!, IÍL lfH, Waters, Esq.- Dkab Sm: Having ued oneof you Piano 1'oripB for two years past. I have fonud itaver tuperior Instrument.. ' AlOSZO Geat, Principal Brookïyn Heis? hls Semino ry. íífTho Piano I received from yon continúes to give pal Rfaetion. 1 regard it &h one oftho. bestinstrumeuts nth pl&fié." James L, Clarkf;, Charleston, Va. Mïhe Melodeon has safcly arrived. I feel obligedlo you fory our liberal discount." Rev. J. M. McCoRSUCk YarqjtêsvÜleS C. 4lTbe {ji do was duly received. Itcame in oxcellen condition, and is vcry much admïred by my numeroui famïly Accept mv thjtoks for your promptness."- RonBBT Cooper, trdrrenhtm, Bradjoed Co. Pa. "Your piano pipases us well. [t is the best one in ou C-ounty.",- TiiosiaS A. Latham, Camphelttott, Ga. "Wo are very much oblied tö yon ftr hayinpf seo BMch a fino iiiMtrumeut for L-50, " - Cra.vk,Held & Co, BuJaJo Dentocrai. ''The Horaco Waters Pianos aro known asnmonff the vory beflt We are enablerl to sppak of Íbet6 lAstra ments with oonfidence. from porsonnl knowledïe of thoir excelifat tonp and ilurablp quality."- N. T. EvaneelUt "We eau spenk T the merits of the Hovace W.-iters pi antis frora personal knowlciiiíe, :ts boing thp very lïntvit qiiali-.y."- Christian Inidisfencer. "The Horaoe Watera jn.tnos am ouilt of the best and most Thoroughly aeastmed material. We hae no doubt tliat buyeTSOttn do as wcll,porhnps better, at this than at any otheriioune in the Union."-Adtocate and Journal. Waters' pianos and melínleons èa<enge comparisob wilh the finest made any whore in tho country." - Hoitu Journal '■Horaoe Waters' Piano Portea are of fulT, rich and even tono, and pnworful - N. Y. Musical Reveic. '■Uur friendswttl RndaiMr. Watert' ston the very best assortmeiit of Music and of Pianos to be fotmd in the Uniïed States,and we urge our southern and wostorn f rienda to gJVe him a cali wheuever they go to New York." - Graham's J(ïazine Warchouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sa b b a t h Sch ooi Bell, 1OO OOO issued f ii ten Moiitha. Tho unprecedented sale of this book bas indiiced the publishor to add some 30 new tunesand hymns to is present BÍze( without extra charge, except ou the chcaji ndition- Among tliemnny beautiful tunes andhymns added be found: - "I ought to lovc my motherj" "OI'll be a gooil child, indeed I will." These and eight others from the Bcll,were sung at the Punday School Anmversary of the II. K. Church at the Acaderay of Music, with great applauso The Bell coi:taina neariy '200 tune and bymna, and ip one of the best collectmns ever issued. Prico 13c; $10 per hundred, postale 4c Kïegantly bound, embosaed gilt, 26c, $-0 per 100 It bas boon introduced into many of the Public Schools. Tho é Í4 pdblUbed in small nnmbi'rs entitld Anniversary and Sunday School U uslc Bookt, Nos. 1,2, &t fe 4, in order to accommodatc tlie million; price Í2 & $3 kt lmndred No. 6 will Boón-be ssüp1 - coinmcnfcment of anoiher book. Also, Revivul Music BooSs, No, I k 2, price $1 k $2 per 100. postage lc. More than 300,000 copias of the above bonkfi havo been issued the past eighteen months, and tho (Iemand israpidly iucreasing. Publishod by UORACE WATERS, Agent, 333 Broadway, N. Y. Publised by Horace Waters No. 333 Broadway, New York. Vocal, "Kind Word a can neverdie;" ''The Angels toM mo so;" "WDdfl of the Wo8t;:t "Thoviprlits of God;" 'G va me back my Mountain Hotte;'1 U0U Drcaras;" (íI:iii'ly Cock Robín;11 "l!m with thee still; "'Pet name;" "i'here'R no darilng ljke mine;" "íiaiah Jane Lee;" (Ever of thee;" 'Tra lea ving thee in Sorrow;" "Bird of ïioauty;" "Home of our birth;" "Grave of Rosabel," and 'Wake, lady, wake,,' price 25c each. ïnïtrvmbxtai.. - ' 'Palace OardeDf or sincring Bird Polhft 40c; "Swingïffg SchottïÊcbë;" "Mirabel Sohot ttach;" 'ThcjiniiB Jïakor's Schottlsohe;" "Pïocolomilil Polk, 35 ccntn each. Tho ubove p teces have beautiful Vignettee "Weimer Polka;" "Ara Wan Wai cry MnHi ,'' the ■'. ry last j 'Va sovianna Donlells Mazurkn ; "Ileal: na Polka;" "Crinoline Walt?.." nnd "tencern' Qua drillo,'"'-'öceach. "The Empire of Röich's Quadrille;" a ice, and "The Htbernïan Quadiillo," 35ceach. Many of these piecefi are played by Uakör's ctlebrated mcliCst ra with great app!ruse.,(píf" Mailed free. A largelot of Foreign Mu.sic at half price. Piano", Meiodcons and Orgiins. TIjc Hornee Watortt Pian-í anfl Metirloon% for pth, pnrity of tone and durability, are unsurpassed. Pricea very low jEeoond Band PtuuM and Hel deona Fmia S 5 to S1 5. Music und Musici 1 [nttruetlowi of All kind .atlhe lowcst prices. IIORACK WATER?; A rVnt. No. 833 Broadway, N. T. TEsniiosTAiiï; - "The Horaoe Ws'fr PlanoR are known ■in Rmonff thfl vcry best. - J?r,aneelif. "Wocfin pppak of their merite front porifonal knowlidge." - Chri.-tin InttUwcvcer, "Nothtagat tho Fair di3pbyed greater cicellooco ■"- Ckurchman. Waters Pianos and Meloúeons challenge compA''son with tho ünest made any wherc ia the country." - Home Inumal. 7lOtf Ayer's Agüe Cure. as WL4 C fd JHt. NEW STORE!! N ew Pur ni t ur e . MARTIN & THCMPSON, SUCCE8SOR9 TO O. M. MARTIN, TT AVE JCST OPEXED Iïi TUEIRnw aud Elegant War e-R ooms EAST SIDEOF KAÏN STREET, A COMPLETE STOOK OF ROSEWOOD, MAHOGAJSY and SETS OF PARLOR FURNITURE INCLUDING Sofas, Tete-a-Tetes, Mahogany ROSE-WOOD, BLACK WAL2ÍUT Plain and Marble Topped O [i R0 T [1 03 TT A QB Q H Op ROSEWOOD, MAHGANY, BLAOF WALNUT, FANCY and COTTAGE CHAIRS &c, &c, &c, &c. Elegant MIRRORS Bureaus, Secretarles B e d-R oom Sets, IXCLUDING LATEST STYLES, gliSSlè O Í 4 ■vritl3.OF TEIE BEST QUALITY AND Different Material. In Fact they Have Everything W- H- I-C- H "The OÍ d Folks," O-R "YOUNG MARRIED PEOPLE" W-A-N-T T-0 r-D-R-N I-J:F PARLOR, BOUDOIR, SITT1NG ROOM, OR KITCHEN, AND OUR CITIZENS NEED NO loiiger go to Detroit or elsewhere To Find A LARGE ASSORTMENT T-lx-l-S riXRNITURE MUST BE SOLD -A N DAnd Will be Sold; A- T VERY LOW PKICE8I It every mon nd his wife or going to be wife, O.M E AND SEK. They aliso havo a REA RSE CA RE IA GE, Wo ure alwnys reacly to attnd to the burial of the eftd in th? Citynnd acijoining country. Ware-Ronms east de" of -Miiin Street, between Washington and Liberty. Ano Aïbor, Nov . 1859. O j XAR N. C. B. THOMPSON. General Land Agency 'KRONS wnniinu fnrm, or rcslrieticpiln ornno m Arbir, oan by cslling on me elecl froma liat 'over 1OO Farms Por Salfl f variom lzo trom S, to 130" crcFeach ((ome 1 ood istDT 'n this Tnnnty.) Morrthan Si Dwrlliiï Hoiiseti thiiClty.from tw liundrpd to fourthouDdo - roAch:ftnd ovr O O E. Cl Iï, DING Ij OTS! moncthcfarnu arp the Hihop larm, 1300acrei, ie Pott'T farm. In Groen Oak; tbe Placpfnrm, a j ) aorr, !li r Blandón and Ji'nkn fïirms, in Webster; 1 Stwb'-P, Michael Olanry, Newton Bi'an, and d!]ifh.. fsrmn. In Ann Arhor:J Klngsley'4 farm, the Hutch nd Hik Innrn Id l.ndi; lio 'Htrlrk Ihju inrro in Froodom; W. S. DavUon, B. . Buker s and Burk's farms in Svlan . Most f fs.' and maoy otbers cua be dlTided to snit AnnAifcc, Je. !, llïi 3 RÍSJJOiN k HËNDEKSüN 13, Hfl O O ÏSLNEW HARDWARE STORE ! ! ! WE WOn.Il C,U. THE ATTEXTION OF TUK FUBUC to our 6tuck of 1S3B: ■K"r su. una. e: --A.aa.cissí X1 gj -7 jo: 9 IRON, STEEL, NAIL8. TIN, C01PEK,& Sil EET 11ÍÜN WARE. CHAIN AND ' CISTKKN PUMPS, ÚBÍmST9iS GLASS' ÍÉC, &C, S.C., tÉC. And every kind of Hardware and House Furnishing AU . ork will be iold as CHEAP as at any other Es ablisliment in Michigan, f e p-ay we have got tho Best Assortment of Cooking PARLORAND l'LATE STOV ES ÍS I0XT TUIS SiIi.T33, And will sellthem Clioaper than THE CEEAPES T, Please cali aní flee us. AU kinds of tin vare kept on hand. Particular attenttonpaid lo all kinds of sLT CE 123 SJ1 Q IQ S' Which will ba done wllb NEATNESS Á.ND DISPkTCH. S" PlcaRe cali and sc our STOVE ROOM n 2d story oí New B!ock. RISDOX k HEX0ERSON'. Ann Arbor. Oct. 7, 1859. GOOD8. itICH GOODS! CheapGoods! ! BACH & PIER30N TTAVE JUST OI'ENLD THE CHOICEST STOCK - OF- Spring and Summer Good to be fonnd in tbis City, eonsisting of LADIES'DRESS GOODS newost Styles and patterng, CAREFULLY SELECTE D, purchased cheap, and Warrauted to Please. Alss, GENTLEMEN'S -G O O D S , Domestics, Staples, Family Gocerics, &c. Consult your ovn intereats Cflll anp parly. BACH & PIERSON 1859 1830 City Oheap Luxnber ■TC3T K TC TT Sash, Doors Blindt, Piaster Paris, Grand River Piaster, Water Lime, Nails of all sizes, Glas, Paint and Putty, díe., cÊc. j D. DeForest, HAV1NG increrd bis facüitio lor dolng business and onlrgfd hi Yiird and Stock, is prepaicd the present seaon, witb iM bes., largeat md chea' est êensctneti stoch evertn thig mirktt to atiily the roatonablr exne.:tatlons Tl all. Oui motto i notto be undorold lor cash on dsüverj wil 1 itot undprtaketo friffblentbe public by ■iaying hat thry will getahaved i( they ouy eltewhnre. for we presume ibat other wiluellnslow aathey can fford to. All kinds of Timfoer, Joists, nd Scantling, Pine, VVhltewood, Baswood, Hemock, Planed and Matched Pine, Whitewood Bh H'loorlDg.Plnedndroui;h Pine and Whilewood [ding,Fenc. Poate, 0k and Cedai Poste and Tickets 1 all kinda. Pint f all), anb ttlljitcvoooo ÍC .n Ptne, Ashani Whitewood Shinglci, Jarn Boards and Barn Floor Plank, BlaekW-jUt,ndCh"rry and thin stuB', Wagon and BUGGY AXLES and TONGUES, toxand Body íuinber,Maple Log Timber, Hickory, Oak, Ash, Elm, Beech, Of all;hickooses,widthè andleDutha.átc. &.C., Piaster Paris, and Piaster f allklnde. 3STmi of all size, fto., &c, SASIl DOORS, & BL1NDS, madt: by hand to order nslowss factory pricei, on tie sbortestnotlce by the bOBtof workmen, and Best Seasoned Lumber. Bilis olal' lesription in the above building line urniehedontheih irtoflnf notico. for We have Mills Cuttivg Re.gularly . A ful' nda perlect aauortment of tho above and ther Kinds of Building Materials Constantly oDhandalthi lowestpssiblc ratee Cali and be Convineed. A few rotls southfrnm R. R. Depot on Detroit Street. Avn Arbor, Mich. ROOFING, i. B ■ - I am now operating Extenaively In the Pateut Cement Roofing. THE PEORÍA MARINE & F1RE INSURANCE COMPANT. of peoría, Illinois. Capital, - - - 8500,000. one of the HEA VIEST, SAKKST anti BEST Insuranco Co'h in the U. S. Inmiroi on ri'HSonabletenn, and alwaya pay promptiy Tho is no better Fira Insurance Compaoy. Ayer's Sarsapárilla.
Dry Goods
Schoff & Miller
Furniture - Retail
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Risdon & Henderson
Hardware - Retail
Lumber - Retail
Old News
Michigan Argus
Joseph C. Watts
Oliver M. Martin
Charles B. Thompson
Elijah W. Morgan
David DeForest