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MOTICE. TOnCEISHIEREBY giwsn thal (lic K-.ibscril.cM i ,;,. ato UwCIrciiHPoiirtfortheCouatjr ifWti.iv:.-;.: beid ui th Court House in th, ' .tyt.f .-, nti Arbtiriu aid Couut.v ■ n the Jth Tuosdajr ■ ■■ -.! at the opening of W Court or M Mrtg Urtnru hearing eau Iw bod to vne.ito certaltt aió allcyi in Cross and f'hulfei Aulmon to the ol ypsSanti, Cdbty of Washtcnaw and Stat to wit : All Iba leur id troet l.ving betweon and contwaOM . iiv, and ai htMii.andtheiiortBerlt uree . 1 A Hoy bi!,,,. utontj iwoand Iwenty-three, II of Mhhis' . f Uw dioroad on the outberl end of Bokl Add.tion a IK contigtrou lo lot twnty. e:ght; Alo, wmuobof tbUoj llo oontiguoo tfl lvith three and tour aud lot 8TJ3f CKOBb""' MAliTIXUS u'mRJTTS. JjM R. (Vox, Aitntni-. "68wS TpiOantl, July SS, Miirsluil's Salo. Circuit Oou: t of ihc ü. 8.1 w DislriotofiVahigAD. ƒ BY VIRTl'E of an Execution, Uaned out of ihe Circuit Court of tho UnitèdLtLte for the L'i.trict of Michigan, hearing date tho third day third day of July, A. D. S5ü; vliereiD Wfllbun A. Smifli, William Steel, Jr.Vand I a.-inith.Jl are 1'laiutilTi, and Mar-hail I. ' omll ani Gvdnet II. Shaw, are defendaata, dirccted and dobvcred lo the M al dtotriot, ho tlio said Marabal by hh lleputy I,. 1). Walling, tiid on the ifth day of July, A. 1). 185, 'k-vy upon the followmg dcacribcd lamín or . viz. The fouth-west quartcr of Scc'.ion No. :i, and tho south üftv acre froin otf the east half of quartcr of seclion JJo. nlueteeo: and tii" easi half of tlio north-west quartorof ectiw No. Ktívcntefii, and tbe south-east o,usrter of tltó Boutb.i of Section Ne cight; ailin town. two south , s funr east, oontalning in all three hundred and ■ !iir:i :u :-'s ui land mort or lens. Notice isheieby giyeö 1i:; i-v virtin of said levy I shall sell at J'ublic Auction or Tendue at tho front door of the Court House in the Ciy of An:i Ai lor, in oaid District, on Strturdaj-, the first day of Soptcniber, A.D.,1800, at Vi o'clock, noon, o' huid dav , :i il of tlu .ibovc deacribcd lands or prernise of so iivuiíi thorcof aamay be nccessary to satisfy aid es catión tocother with all cosUi thercon. J. S. BAGO, U. P. Marhl. I?y N. B. NYE, Uoputyrld, Ann Arbor, 18, 1860. "7t4 Üorigage Foreclostifé. T-tEFAl'lX I'JV;': BEEN MADE IN the conilitioi of a Mnrtííat;! executed b7 John Wcinman to Wil lam H. Marnaril,the 24th day of July, A. 1). 185S, w rcco.doil in tho Koxistcr's Office in the County of w'asu tenaw in l.iber No. 24 of Mortgage, at p ge 661, on th 25lh dav of Julv, A. I). fiftoeu minutes pail fiveo'clock, P."M.,by ïrhichdefault the power of sal containod ia fiairi moiigage became operativo, and no uit or procveding having been instituted at law to recover tbc debt secured by said raortgage,or any part thereof, aii'l Iho suul ol' two hundred and forty dollars and sventvone cenU, being novv claimfd to be duo thereon. Notice UI thorefore bereby given that the aid mortg&ge will bc foreclose-d by a sale of the mortgaged premise to wit: "Lote riumber eleran, twclvc, thirteenand fourI teen, in Blot-lt bïx south, range two e st, according to a Plat oí WUliain S. Maynanl's M;cond additioo in Ana Arbor," in said county, or sorae part thereof, at publio vendue. at tbe Court House in tho city of Aon Arbor, onthethird day of November next, at noon. Wji.S. MAYNAKD, Morfgagee. E. W., Att'y. Patcd, August 8, A. D. 1860. 745W Mortgagc Forcclosure. DKFAfLT HVW8 ÜKKN' MADK in the condition of a mortgnge executed by ifamuel W. Foster to Jcspph Í W . ymour, dated February eighteenth, A. D 1839, and n'corded in It.'gitcr's office in tho iionnty of W&sutcnaw, in Ijbtr No. 7 f Mortgagcs, . t page 44, on thcöthilay of M:ircli A. I). 1839, at flfty minute past 4 o'clock I'. M-.amlr-y said Seymour assigned to NelonH. Wing, April fhirtcenth, A, D, 1839, by .l.-f.i roCÓraed ;xhtecnth A. I). 1800, at ono o'clock 1'. M., in' said l.iber ", ,at pago "449, by which defaufr the DOWer of sale coutaine'l in said Slortuage bccarae operativo, and no suit or proceMing having been in.stilutod at láw to recover the 'iebt secureil by said mortgago or any part ihereof, ann the sum of thirty-four lmndred and fiftysix dollars being now claimed to olí duo thereon. - N'uiice is therefore hereby given that the said inortgaga ■■viil lio forpclosed by a sale of the mortgaged prernisen, to wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land known and desíTil""! a po nuirh of tbe North luist fraction of section nine, in the Township of Scio, in aid County, a lies west uf the village of ?cio, and west from land owned at tbe date of naid Mortgage by Rufus Crofsmxn and Orison Quackfnbush, (oxcepting one half acre of lanrt deeded to Mose Wallace, Jauuary fourteenth, A. Á. 1839. and one half acre ol land where thore are soteial r;iTe.-i. and also the righta of Oowing land which bad then beeu deeded to Orbon QuacbenbuKh and Rufus OfftabiDaa, hy Josrph W. Seymour and Samuel W Fouter.) aiu] aleo 1 li Kast parlof the South West quarterof the South-West qiiarter of section three, in the Township aforesaid, containing about seventeen acres, lying fe.ast frnru and adjacent to land then on lied by Tliomait Honkyns. Also lots nne Block aix in tbat part of the Villag of Sein, furveycd i.y S W. Fosler, in April A. D16 5, aad reoorded in be Kegister'B office .. said county, orsom part thereor at public vendue at tho Court House ia tlieCity of Ana Arbnr, on the thrd day of NoTember next, at noon". NELSON H. WING, Aesigne. E.W. Moüflix, Att'y. Uated, Aufibt .. u. 1SC0. Cliancery Salo. ÍN pursuance and by virtuo of a Decree of tho Circuí Court for the eouniy. of Washtenaw, in Chimcery, made July l.'it'ri. A .11. OW, in a case in said Court btweeri Willian Hulbrrt Complainant, and Iïyal Tower, riebby Ann Tower, Daniel Kellogg, nd Justin Kellocg, Pefend:tnts, I shall sell at public venduo at the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor, on the 26th 'ay of August nexf, ut noon, tbe nouth sixty-seven and one fifth acnw of the sonth cast quarter, and also th south one-fifth of the south west quarter of rection No. '.birty aïx, in Townahip Xo. tïireo south of range ün eat. l.vnïir in I.odi. in p.iid eouaty, exet-pt about onefourth of nn acredeecled to Russtl Briggs and one ixr , lien Andriia. Uatu!, July loth, A. D 1860. C. H. VANn.EVE, Wd arcuit Conty GmiruiisionK QTATK OF MICHIGAN, Fourth Judicial Circuit in k Cha mcey, HFNRY E. PIBRLF, -) Snit pending in the C.rcnit tUCHABD TT. CLABK. I Court for the County of ftnd ashtenaw, in ChancerT. AD. ISONG. BICKFORU, } at Ann Arbor, July 27 vs. 1860. GEOWiE E. PARMEI.EF, J It appearing by afflilavit to the satisfaction of th Court, tha tbc defendant in this case dees not reside in Michigan, but is a resident of tho State of California On niotion of T. M. Cooley, sollcitor for complainaTit, it m ordered that tho said defonlant ciuïo his 'appearance to be ent-red in this cause, and notice thereóf to b served on co.nplaraant's solicitor within three monrhj Trom the date of this order, and that in caso of hi appearanee he eue h aaswer to cumpla nan„t biil to bo 'lied and a cepy thoreof to be sorved on complainatn's solicitor wilhin tu-pnty days of the service of a copv of said bill and In default thereo'said bill nmy be taken as c.-)nfrwd by hiro Anditis further ordered that within twenty days cimpiainants causo a copy of this order lo b putil;shed i . the Michigan Argus, a public newapaper pnblished at Ann Arbor, in said county. and that such pnb lication be continued in said paper at least onco in each week, for eightsuceessfr-e Week or that theycause thi order to bc persnnallv served on siid iefendant, at leiat tu-enfy days before the time above prescribed for his ap. pearance C. H VANTLEVE, Circuit Court Com. for Washteuair Co. Mich. "69 w8 MCAÏPÏÖY o 'T'HE St'BCRlBER HAS JUÓT KETDRNED from tb i. Est with his E3r O O X ÍS WHICH HE TS D ETER 3vr IBTI3X) TO SELL AT THE Ij o o .tb t 3E n Tit", POR CASH, a.t which, First Q,ually Gnods cn hp afforded inthl city. My cloths are all of the Finest QUALITY and as f manufacture them into dothlng myeclf, I sa enabled U, -"..! WARRANT EVERY G ARMENT I sell, to bt WELL MADE, whicb u a strong nducemTO to customers to patronize my slore in preference lo places wIioih larg? quantlties of half made goods are kept for sale. 1 have Uie Uirsst tashioxs, and caa givo you as Ftnr andwell Fitting Garmmt at can be boit#kt anyiohert, I am buund to aoll C2 ■■: TE3 m. 3K 3E3 WM. - AND- BETTER GOODS, )han any othcr imilar establishment in hi oity Your custom is most respcctlullj invitcd. ai. tAMPioif, Ann Arbor. SeDt. 30. 18S9. Iy714Ann Arbor Marble Works. W. F. Spaldiñg, & Oor O AVE on hand a fine aísortmont of American and 1 T A L I A N MA li B L E. whieh they are prepared to manufacture into MONUMEN S, HE AD STOtfES, TOMB TABLES, TABLB TOPS tc., tc, &c, fec, in all their varieties, and In a WORKIIAN'LÏKI: marnier. Hrtvin had considonible exjierience in the busiDO?; they flatter thenaselvos that they will be able to ploaso all who m:iy favor them with their oi-dorf. ITielr pricos ure in LOVV AS THE LOWEST, Those wishing auy thÍDg in thr "ne ure repectfully in'itedtn cali .V. ■. Sl'ALDIN'G. 4 o. t. Arbor. Au. 12,1859, 07'y SIL VER FLATZNGf. 7iHKPUB3CRIBERi now prepared todo all kinds of Siloery, P'cïi-Teither oa Copper, Bnss, or Gerraaa Silver, also to replate SrüONS, KORKS, 1RAYS, CASTEBS. BOTTE1Í KN'IVES io Ou thsthe short-st notico, PriM Order ro:iy bö löft, either at tho resideoce of the Subscriben (fjna iliKir niu-th of the" üld Academy,! or a,t Wo&dr jBf & i-perry'3 BaromsUur Fictory. ■vrM. K. DAVT3. Ann Arbor, June Hth 1SCÖ. Í5m3