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toyiUtM lircrtniq. I. O. O. F. TXT ASHTÊXAW tODOE Na?, of the Independent orVV of tM'l Fellcr.vs moots :vt their Lodge Eoom, everv Friday evt-ning, at 6 í o'clock. u"b. wilson, n. g. f. aor.a, Sec'j. TW1TCHELL & CLARK. Attoknfyb.-iikI Gumsellors at Ijiw, General I.ife and !■.,■ ent. Office in City Hall Bloeit, ." Uur -il -t , .iin Arbor. Collootiona promptly made fciulsemittcd '"'■ ' iiciftl attmiüon naid to oonveyancing. D.S.TYVmir pltftf] t, r. CUtt, JAMES B. GOXT, IAW OFFICE, lío. 2, over SlawBon & Otor's Store. J , SCOÏT & TOBEY. Asibrotvpb & FnoTOOiirH Ar.TiSTS, In. tlio rooms fortnerlyoccupied byCordlcy.overtho store of Sperry e Moure F'irtoct satis! actioa guaranteod. ' L. D. GODFREY, ATtckxet jKUCouxaEUonat L!wr Ann Arbor city. üflice North KastCorner of lbo Court House SüTHERLAND & BELL, WnoLKiALK i RsiiiL GaocKRS, East sirte of fain street Ann Arbor. #3" 1'rovifcioDS bought and sold " W. N. STRONG, Dealer iu TïrjGoods, Boots andShoes, Grocories, Bodnetó, Funcy tioods, &c. Kxchange Biocb, Ann Aibjr. WINES & KNÏGIÏt! DFAiEKsin Staple, Fancy Dry (oods, lioots a.nd Shoos, &c. &c, MamÖU'eot Ann ArborMARTIN & THOMPSON. 1,Trsitckï Wakb-Kooms, Dealer in all kinds of Turniturs, &c. New Block, Mam 8lreot. ÏUSDON &HENDERSON, DEALKHi: in HardwarOtSiovfj-:, boust furnihliinggoods, Tin Ware io. &o.,New Block, Slain Street. A. P. MILLS, Deaixr in StApIe Dry Gooda, Groceries, Banta and tihoes iiud Keauj Ulutuiug, tCarongátnwt Auu Aibor, JOHN V. MAYNAKD, Dealer iuStapie Fancy Dry Góods, Bcots and Shoefl, A:c. &c. , Mam btreet, Ann Arbor. ArroKXBTS & CouNSEtLORS at I.AW, and So'JcItors in CUauecry. OÖice in the old Post Offlcs buiifung, Ana Arbor KIKGSLKV & ..VIOKGAN, ttorseys, Counsellors, Solicitara, and Notarles Fab V lic, havo Bookü and Plata siiuwmg tilles of aü lanfis ïn tlio joanty, andatíend toconveyaiicingaud colleuting iemukds, and to pa ving taxes and school mtereat iu auy part ol tüe State, oaice eust si e of tho öquare, Aun Artor. JAMES Ií. COOK, JrETiCE of tuk Tzace. 03ice nearthe Deuot, Tpailant!, Michigan. J. LOYEJOY, M. D., Pttyptcian í: BtTBGEON, has pormanently locatM in Ihe City of Aun Arbor, nnd hol.Is himseli' in readiness to altend to ill calis in the line ot hm prefosslon. Residence ïnNoilhSt., 'd house caat of Cotholie Cliurca. wm. j.Ëwirr, m. d., Pffrsicu.v fc SrpGEix. Offico at his residenoe, Kortli ide of Hurón street, srd Zd house West of División itreet, Ann Arbor. O. COLLIER, MiNrrACTnREB and dealer in BooIb and Shoea. Ex chiingG Bleek, 2 doors South of Maynard, Stebbins fe Wikon'a atore, Ann Arbor, Mich. MOOKE & LOOMLS. MxtTACn7KEB anrJ iealer ín Boots and hoes, Main st, onn door north of J. V. Maynard's. Wm. S. SAUNDEKS, Deair in Boota,Shoe.s,and Rubbers, Ann Arbor Casb Boot & Ëhoe Store, aoutli sido of Public Square. M. GÜITERMAN & CO , JfTTHOLEtAix and Retail dealers and manufacturera of TT Ready Mado Clothing, Importars of Cloths, Cassi. meres, Oovskins, kc. No. 5, New Block, Ann Arbor. C. B. PORTER, MM. SrROKOX Dektist. Offico oornor of Mala iTWÉAHW ari i uron stieetR, over P. Baoh'A etore, ■íljrn' Ann Arbor, Michigan. A-U-J,L7 April ( J86Bi Wü. WAGNER, DtiUK la Reidy Itade Clothing Cloth, CussúnereB and VeBttegs, ÜU.U, Capa, Trunks, CaipetBags, &c. Main 1 Ann Arbor. M. C AM PION, MEBCTÍ.VT Tatiob nd doalor in Roady Made Clottine. No ,Phffinix lilf.cW, Ann Arbor. BACH & PIERSON . DEiALEKfi in Goods, Growries, Hardware, Boots & bhoen, &c, Main Hirot, Aon Arbor. MAYNARD, S1EBB1NS fi CO., D turas in Dry Goodt, Grooeries, Prug k Medicines. Itíooti; & Shot, A-c., corner of Mam and Ajid streets jam Bol the Exchange, Ann Arbor. KBliRUAOll & 0O„ TEAiLES in in-uga ;md Medicinen, Porf iimery , Toilat artl JJ clea, a fow docrs Lüuth of tlie fraailia House, Aun Arbor. SLATVSON & GEER, Í1 boceup, Fkovisjcx & Cominissfon Mercnanti, r-nd r'eaI iBTiin WiTEitLiML,oue door East of Cook's Hotel. C. BLKB, DEiTEK In Qock, Watohes, Jawelry. tí Goods, at the sign oi the Big Watoh , No. 27 , Phosnix Block. J. O. WATTS. DriiLKü In CIocls, Watche? , Jowelry nd Süvcr 'Ware No S, New lilock, Ann Arbcr. T. B. FREEMAN. Baiïber and Faühiouuble Uair Dresser, Slain Btroet, Aan Axbor, ilich. Ilair Froata and Curls kept ODstantly on iiand. üCliOFF & HILLE'R. 'I"EilEts tnliisoüllaneous, School, a.nd Dkai Books Sta Iv tionerv, l'aper üaiigÍD;s( &c. , MaiQ Stieot A"" Aj-bor. D. DkFOREST. Weole&ale an-l Retail Dealerin Lumber, Lath, Shiaglfcs, Bash, Door, Blinda, Water Lame, Grand Biror TlaUT, liaatar Paria, and Nails of aü sizes. A ful! and perfect a -áortmtínt of the above, and all other kinds oí buildmg malcriáis constantly qe hand at the lowest po.SBible ratcs, on Oetroit 'streel, a few rods from the Railroad I'epot. Also Oporating oxtasively in the I'atent Ctumnt Iioofing. WASUÍENIWCOU.NTY ULULE SOCIETY. I' troSTORY of Biblot anti Testaicoiits at tha Society U prices 4W. C. Voirkbio'. chapín, wood & co8, scccEssone to rjXT3NTX, CI2'JV3FI3Xrcfis Oo MANUFACTUREIiSOF I'i'iïxt, Bools., - ANDCOLORED MEDIUMS, AKIV AR HOK M1CH, o. :o, portÍrT I) K N T 1 S T fmCE come of Mrain & Huronstreets, opooslto the VJ iranklin House, Ana Arbor, where he contin -es to rer hu euntoiDttrs aiiy stylc of work dosird in the art ■Surgicai Mechanical & Denisfrv, .wírbbfrfirntTca,7wnCJ7tal,fí0,1'1 fOil 6n1 SP=ÏSOW, I'articukr attpr.t? "ratality canuot be lurpaBBWl. flat,Bilvcr plaU-, coctiEunu.i gum, werk .latina ulate woincwMd Imppoveci oaethod of iaserting tseth oí tb Tulcao,M rubbw nnd gutta percha caUí trtrich In Buny rtwrétt uffijeedee all rjc-taüc'