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Beautiful Extract

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go hito the maaáow aiul pluok np a smglodiisyby tho raots, without broakinj op a sjciuty of nies relations, afid detecting a püurúp'e moro ostensivo and refined than mere gravit. 1 ix. T!ia Lsmiftil of oarrh tl:a'; f ji ots tho tiny roots oï the liU'.e is ropl jto w;t!i social olementa. A littlo sooial I1.13 bosn formed ircMi id that germiiiKting d lisj, The gunbaam nnd tlie dew-Jrop mit tliare, aixi tho soft sinnruor bretg'3 o:una wh8[iurH througb tha tall grasa to j oía t!io siloU oonoert. Tiio esrth took thom to tha uaisy gam; and all went to work to a'iow thftt flowor tr thc sun. p]arli ni!ng!o.i in the honey of its influente, and tlmy nnrso-.l the -'(veo can iy thiug11 w'th aa ni - mont that :n:ido ít grow. And whci it lificd itseye towirds tho s?;y thfijr wivo a soft carii.jt ofgmss for its íeot. And tho aun b.iw it tiirouh tho groo:i hak-oa and smileJ as lio passïrl pn m hy tha starüght nd tho moonüsrht, tlioy nrorkad on. Aud tho daisy lifted up i s jaad, a:id ono mprning wh lo the gun wis loiking, it on its aúvov riainiod diadoui, nml Hhjwcd iísyoüow pctiiis to tlw gtar.i. ■ il 4 ■ ■ UMI ■ & fci ..