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A Committee Man In School

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havo the fullowing good ono hroffi an aut.hontic soureo : A sub-couimittee of a school board, not a thousiuul miles frnm tbc city of Lynti,'were eSamlning a olass in a primary school. One of the ooramitteo undertook to slorpen up their wits by propounding tho iollowing qnestion : lIf I hud a tnint-o piennd ihould j give two-twelfths to Jihn, tno twelfths ■ to Ipaac, two-twelt'tha to ilsrry, and should keep h;ilf of the pie f'or mysoll'. whnt would there bo left ?'' There was a profouiid study amonp tho so.holars, but tinally lad held op his band asa signal thut ha was rondy to answor. "Wel!, sir, what would there bo left? Speak pp lond bo that al! can heur," said the commitfee mnn. "The plate !" shnuted tho hopeful fellow. The cornmitt.eo man tui'ned red in the face, vvhilo the other pöinber3 roared aloud. Tho boy was ex eused frorn nnswering any nsore tioll-S. -