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Speech Of Ex-Gov. Seymour, Of N. Y. Before The Democratic State Convention

Speech Of Ex-Gov. Seymour, Of N. Y. Before The Democratic State Convention image
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Svi ici sr, N. Y., Aug, : . Tljé coinniitte? on coutested eeitts ro! biii!irprp! report, li( cries vi H' n.iió' lor PiVrnour, vl h at Icnglh ii'.iMi!cii n mide t eiilhiisiiistic t-hwrs,' IliecoiiVvtilion „rfbjï, vrn i;:: h'iitt&é AVi.iii rhe i'[] l;itiít' subsiited Mr. j mtiiiv nid: A,? nn minimi1. v.Íi.j bud beun iinex] ■ -trilh" i';i'ic(l mt tn WlldlVi lllC ( otttcntioi), hot as deiegntei, but n , il efriWrs of the grewt democratie party of tlu1 State, who, in their füü, fefrent 7,('"V') io llio callee for wliich they combiit, hsd ciilicd ( li liim in llu'ir Iiw Itisure lilj fpehts, wiiilo ib.t; business ot the c'in Vfiit'u -i; v::s ii-rnp' i-.uily suspei'.dud, lo .■] i nk i ii' M,i tl rospaoting :he i.iiUM in wliirli tlicy were about to (i 'ni, Ir cí.í.li:! Pü.V i'1 fritT.rJs he hml n.joycfl m 11 C i in ptJiiicul :i1"lniis ■! iljfe Suite 4 Nfw i'ork, and knoui. uluit )t w::s to ci.,]oy the sweets c f l:ii.i .h ;ih v ell 18 tp sufffi' the pmn3 . f ik-frat; and i,e eowUl aleo Pay tha n ver n his cx eiiince bad tl. e demo t:i'. ':■ ; r'y of tila, ítaíi' resjïonduii n 'Oré cöi lin ly tn n notiiinatjon tnan to thiit nia(!; y tho ii:j t " ti ui doiuocfacj' f lie I'i)ion al B;:!t:,re. [Loud i j plu uso ] lie ttiougLl a'i! present would agree iih liira in snyinir ihut, wheuever they had ocfíivon lo name the nomiuec of 1 1 iü j'iiil} for Ule Pi'ësldentiiil office on m.'v pui.üo occasion, t was met wi:h ore i;nvevs;:l cntlnisiiisic responde. He wouid ' r.iraurè friendo Üiut lio went intn tlie cótiïéff 'u} tniiffl confidonce oí tnccetp. 1I.' beliovcd the deineracy uonld trir.m'h ;it tliis time, beoause their opjioner.ts luid placed iheinselvef on snoh iH;tt'iU;.h!o, unpnp'.ilur ground in 'tliis S',;;'.(, is well as in the nütion, tbat the i-ceple are resolved tu rebirku thérrt at tliis time. Tho ji' invo ved in the ewtes! was or,e tliut comes liomo with peculiur force to the pfé of ih:s State, whero in its Ki. uil. tin forTión hiiTTli million people have been (Icpiivptl o{ thoir viplits by 'i],ressive üid iinjust legisla1ton, a: l wero not permitted to govein thcmselves in their domestic nfl;iir.--. - [Cheers.] He tr.iirht pöint to othor traM "f tho rtiifts where ihc reptibhean party could be fiïün'd nut only iipholding tliccreiiffjjly the doctrino whioh do privos ihe right of seifgr.vern ment, but putting tho doctrir.e into pracikc, and corrupt pnrpises over i iwinp h- fice will of the majoiity of theieojiK' in aliairs relating -nly to ihcir u mestio c ncerns. W'hy was it, lip a-k( d, tflQÍ this State is burdened wilfi hm uüusu.".] wcight ui tnsation ? Why friw irthut fho stood digraced aimii .g hw sister States of the Corifod trin-y lïy the cnmiptions (.f her Legi.slature Rfr tl.e !at two or three years? VI,y W9i k tfiüt tho tnx galheror wns t'ntLiing the hon?ea of tho fannor and tl. e ii. co; a"iic, and stizing upon solarge n ] orpcrtion i[ the; r hard-gained ? He vi i;M teli lliem why. Itwas b)c;mse il. e péoj Ie h:id been (:iving so1 miirh attintión to the aftiirtt of other fctatcs tbut they luive neglected thoir owii intcresti, nul hi.lïered chrruption to rule unchecked. Ho would ro;eat whnt he had su ttl on u fornier ocensi n that it' tlio w:irr;int uf the t;x-oul'ector was rciid correctly it would be fonnd to contüin tl. eso words in place of the oiutQiqarv formulti : ''People of the State of New York, Dr , tor the ncLr lecting thcir owri nrhiir.s nr.d attending to other peoplu's, $03,000.000.'' [Loud chet-rs ;rn. biughtw ] It was because they had brongbt such n:iii;it igated evils on thcir.fcl vca, by not at j tending to thtir own business, that ho tielieved the dernooracy must triumph in a oontcst in which it upheld the riht of the j)cj(iple of tvory State atid Ter ritoiy ti govern theinselvea and manago their own affairs. [Loud applause J "When they went beloro tho people and told them this was a contost in vol ving n principie which comes homo to OTery man in tho iStiite, - for i!' thoy have 'i right to intorfere ivith tlie domaatic nl fairs of the citizens of nno. placo thoy have the right to intecfero with them in all places, - when you mak o t!ie peopie ful] v undersland this, yon will win the triumph by the meiv statement, of the case. He beüeved then that New York wae abottt to redcom her reputa tion and take the stand sho was entilled to atriong the great democratie States of the Union Uobeiieved the democratie party, instoad of its bc-iüg weakened and disrupted, was totake new 'lile and vigor (hrough scekir:g to restore nnd presi'rve the principies of tho governmetit, and to go forward La its car mr, protocting the righta and securing the h'appincffl of the people. Ife boHeved Uioclouds that had nppeared to gather over them were to be dispelled by tlie clear sunshino. Ilestood beioru tliem f uil of hope and onnfidencc in the revolt; for he beüeved that there nover had been a tiino when the democratie party and tho patriotic men who has hithérto ncted with other orgnnizationb:ivv so clearly the neceesity of non in tiTvention. Gov. Seymour coicliuled by assuring the ecnvpniion thai lie had ouly come nfnongst thein at th's great g:ithoring of tlie pel i oble domocracy of tbe State to meet friemlH by whoso sido he liad done battle in tho democratie cruise for tWémty yearspnt; and by expressiuj j the confiilenre that, whatever may have been monV opinions before. this gloriius, nnprecedented gathering of the prominent men of the State, as well as of tho bone and sineu' of ihe derp.ocracy, would Fond them home with the conviction that the principies and the candidates of tho democratie party would certninly triumph i:i November.