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From California

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St. Joseph, Ing. 20. The Pony Espresi, with San ' cisco 1;ttes to thu Sü nst., urr ■ ! here Ihis cvening. The Pony Expresa iih Si. Louis fintea to the 27th uit., arrived in Onion : Vullay en the ?th i ttst . Thére i but iitilö Stnia nèws, and ihnt is f.hii'lly confinecl to fmlitlff Si'ii:it;rs (rwin and Ijutliam nji!i:iincd i:i San Francisco, takiug but 1 ittle part in politics. The jatter, it is atad, will hot p.aiticipato in thooanvass. 3. VV. Denver, ex-Governor of Kansn; supports Dmiglas in a long letter. Many persons wra advooati tlio ' i)iniii);ition of öpv. Do-.vney aa owe oí i tlio Doiígliw oloïtoral candiuutes, wWch ii is ihongiit wonl.'l gröatly strengt hen thatside. Politicians jsrenefallv ure of ifre opinión Üat if thu Frë.-i]entiul election cmld ho beid at ono. ni;i and Oregon would Lro for Dou#la, bul tliey nntiuipato t very rtamaj{ing utTVet v.pon the Douglas side froin tha continuoi rueeipt ot bad ne-.vs iïoin ' tfre Eaït. A Bej] nufl Everelt State Convention, ti homtnate electoral cftfiditldté, s to bu held Kt Saonirrtento, Sspt 5tli, ; tbe day on wliich t'no Dnuglus couvention m(cts in theenme p'aee. An elocí i (m was heldin Oarsoi] Valley to oigan ize u provisiorrhl govérnment for the proposed toiiitiiry óf Nevada, on tli Kqnattei sovereignty prinorple. The returns ifldioate a voto favorable to ibè crganteatiofi. An nftV.iy took placo cluring thc election at Oenen, in which R M. Anflersori, luto Lieiít. Governor oí California waa rn rtalty woiindo I. Account? ÍViMfi Los Angelo-; ri'prercnt Ihat gold and eilver disooveries continuo to be made in the mountains to the South nnd Eiist ot' that plnco. bxtending to the ucighboruoud ot' rf.iii Bcrnardino. The accounts fïom Coso nnd Nomo lake región continue of an exc.iting chnracler. Orpgon nclviona to Jnly 3lst state Ihat ílio opinión prevailod that larger cropa througjliout the State would bo harvcsted tbis yoar than evr before. The Oregon papers are filled with .olitical árdeles. So far tour papers support Douglas thrue Breckinridg' and tliree Lincoln.