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A Republican "Accession."

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fricad whosc trutlifulnees is to be rehod upon, reporta hearing Sylvester Launed hold fortii at the recent "big meeting" at Ypsilanti ; aud that Sylyester ohronicled an important "accession" to the Kopublicnn party. Svi.vbstuh said, "thc honest Demócrata are leaving tho party like rats a sinking ship. Last niglit it was M ï good fortuno to address a large and euthusiastic meeting at Aun Arbor, and right by MY sido, as President of tho meeting, Bit one of those good, oíd, honest Demócrata, vho last year voted tho Ilepubliean ticket for tlie first time." We think if our venerable friend, "Unció Andrcw" heard that announoonicnt he "larfed right out." For the iiiformation of Mr. Launkd, and those no better informed tliau he seems to be, wü would reraark that Andiiew Röbison, tho ncw recrult referred to, deserted the faith of his better days and joined the llcpublican party in 1854, tho year of its organization ; that he has tbree or four timos been elected Supervisor by the Republieans; tliat lio was elected by them to the Legislatura iu 1858 ;.and that ve '!rather gues.t" he has voted uothing but tho llepublican ticket for the last six years. Caá Slvecter Larved trot out a fc.v more ïucB reoniits? Tus "Biö Mebtin.1"- 0ie of the "big üleotings" ttetcrniined upon bv tho Ropublican State Central Comuiitteo as uecossary to save tha Stata to [tucoln, caiiw off at ïpsilauti, 0:1 Ifriday last.- Tlie nttcudance was respectaba, even largg, tho Local Netvs gays 10,000 tbc Adcci-tincr says 15,000, the Trüuim Saya 20,00 , and goocl, sensible, caodid men say 5,000, vvliieh buing coimiderable of a orowcl wo presume smucb nuarer the figui-c than tli e other estima tes. It was addregsed by Gov. Ciia.-e, amJ J. M. .Asüliv, oí Ühi'j; by Senator Bixoham apd (Jiia.num:r, Hon. W. A. Howabd and Jthlge Grangkh, "to great acceptriU'.'c" - so tbc papers say. - - '4 mm 1 1 S"3L"Hon. Sïlvester Laknkp, of Detroit, addressod the ''sore hoads," at the Cüurt House in tliis cit, on Thursday ! erening of last week, at least vo heard a proniiuent Republican say on the mom ing of that day that Larxed was comir.g . out to talk to the sore head, and as there 1 were enougli disnppoiuteil candidatos to make quite au audionee we concludo lie fulfilled the appointment. We did not hear nis ppceeli, and have not heard that it produced any exoitomont. SíáT" The several Ward Cauiuses werp held on Tuesday evening, and delegates ' eleeted to the County, Senatorial and RepresánUtire Conveiitions: lst "Ward. To County Conoo.iiion. - Johi N. Gott, J. R. Geer. To Senatorial- .W '. P. Malony, W. F. Roth. .Rrpn'senlalivc.-N. E. Welch, W. Toole. 2d Waup. To County Convention. - Stephen Webster, Augustus Widenmann, Jacob Weil. Senatorial. - John Vandcrhayden, W. S. Maynard, M. Devany. Rrprescntalivc-V. ]}. Wilson, Jos. Donelly, Marous Weil. 3d Ward. To County Convention. - -O. Hawkius. N. B. Nye, R Beahan. Senatorial- Ui M. Gregory, T. E ui. W. H. Besssiiner. Itejrrxent:ilive. - John Hunt, T. J. lloskins. 4th VVahd. j To Ooimty Convention. - .R. Hooper, J. II. Morris, Peter Cary. Semtorial-Qe. Danfprth, S. 0. Sutherland, W. Jackson. Representativa- .ls. O'Niel, Gco. EÍFner, James T. Huston. ■ 1 . 1 1 ii