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crats ara rejoieing over nnotljor oonvert, in tlie person fff o:io Dr. Fostcr Prafct of Kalamazoo, amember of the House in the Legislatura. Ho possesses all the ]ualiücations whioh their "accessions " usually potseas, viz: a ploiitit'ul lack of all Ropublicanijmi. He was eleeted to tl)3 House by the Democrats, as an independent candidato against the republican nomiueo, and aetcd without referenee to tho Republicana, gencrally opposing their moasuros. - Mich. Expositor or Del. Advertker. Mr. Pk att was eleeted on a people's ticket, but olaimiag ta be a Repúblican and unplodgod to liis Democratie supporters, In thu orgauizLitiou of tho House he was aduiitted un.juostioned to tho Jlepublican Caucusos, and voted for the Iiopubücan candidates fór House ofïu-ers without an exception. Ile also partici" pated in the nomination of a United States Senator, and voted fur Kin'slkt S. Binqiiam the Republican nominoe. - If this is the evidenee of 'a ploatiful Iaok of all Ropublicaüism" we sliould like to know how n mans formor Republicanism can be proved. Mr. Phatt could not, at that time liave bsan verj strongly tinctured with Democracy or ha would not have voted for Bisgiiam, unies ho did it as did our good friend Sinator Havdos, uuder protest, and with the fervent prayer, "And may God forgiva mo for that vote.'1 Prati is a fino fellow, anyliow, and we weieome hira to (,'ue Domperatio fold.