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Silly Twaddle

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country delégales during the se33Íon of the late Repubücan county convention that Mfcssrs Barrt and Grisson wère not residcnts of this City, and that the City was entitled to tbc candidatos for Register, Sheriff, etc. The Local News of Tuesday foolishly adnpts this twaddl e as its own, and announces the candidato for Clerk thus: "For Clerk, Robkrt J. Bariiy, of Pitteüeld.'' It would havo probably put down Giussox as a resident of Frecdom, had not the nomination of McLean for Ragister blocked that raovo. Will the Local ífctól teil us by what right .Mr. Baury presumes to hold the office of Mayor of this City if he is a resident of Pittsfield? Even the sovcreign voters have no right to cloct non-residents to City offices. J52LT Hu Joïl Carit.ntki;, ofBlisSfield, Leuawoe, Co., bas been nominatnd for re-clection to the Senate by tho RepublicauH of the lOth district. He was an active niembor at the last gession, but was not bitter partisan cnough to suit Jones, Barita & Co. Dr. J. M. IIoïx, presont Son.itor from the Oth district, O;ikland county, bas been unanimously nominated for reelection by the Dethoeruts of the district. The Dr's record was O. K., &nd ho can rely upon it bofüre hu constituents, cspocially upon bis efforta to procure a portiou of the land grant for a railroad through his district. C. V. DeLand, of thj Jackson Ciü%ei has been uominated for Senator by tho Republicana of Jackson County. Jff e extract tlio follpwing froin a ncw political catcchisin about to be issued: Qiuation-Who killed Abbii? Amwér - C(í")ane.