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Garibaldi's Entry Into Messina

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Medici arrived at 11 o'olock with two thousand men, all Italians; they aro a handsome moe of men, and all young.- Medici rode at tho head of his regiment, on the charger of Bosco. He entered tho toivu amidst the evvicas of a multi lude, flags fljing, drums beating, and altogether a manifestation of enthusiasra which eanuot be doseribed. With baggage the Italians don't secm to be mucb incoinmoded, for with two thous and men tliorü were only three or four oarte, certaiuly not more, upon wbioh there wero ouly boxea. AU the men wore bouquets, and flowers were plcntifully showcred upon tliem. At two o'clock, l heard again ecvivas in the toWD. I rushod to learu the canse, and was told by thousands of people that Garibaldi, the. Libarator, had at lcngth arrived. I hastcned to meet him at St. Leone, as by tiiis gate, it seems, he had entered froni L'alormo. Kis carriago was surrounded by thousands of men, who drew him aloog ainidRt eoutinual bursts of oheering. Hts face did not show the leas' sign of cxcite.mcnt. He even soemed not to se tho masses of troops - not to henr the neclamntions of the peoplo. - Hijs mind was ovidently oocupied with soraething quite different. He prooeeded to the liouse of tho former intendante, and there took up his dwelliug. Twice he was obligod to yield to the popular demar.ds, and to show himself to the poople, coming to a window for tliat purpose - Still, he seemed not to recoguizo why thcro was all this couimotiou. Ho had no sooner settled in the houso thau ho orderod a oarriage and horsos to be prepared. The man has neither quietness nor peaco - motiou is his element. Ai'ier four o'eloek Garibaldi and his adj utan ts set out in the carriage and went at a rapid gallop to the Faro (the promotory coumiauding tho straits botween Sicily and tho mainland). Thero he called around him all the eldost and most trustworthy niariners and pilots, - He asked each of them his opinión respocting the course of the currents, the depth of, and, in faot, hü infonned himself of the nature of the whole of the ierreine, 80 that pomething really e.irnest must be in contemplation. To discover what this was, I followed him on horseback, came up with his parry, and entered into conversation with the different officers. From what I learncd it appearsthat as soon as he has gathered sufficiont means of transport he is datermined to cross to the mainland, and for that purpose he has ordered boats to be collocted with all possible diligence. - Wheii I returned I found .essua quite a dijferent place. People thronged the streets, and all had returned to the old course, as if nothing had happencd. - Shops were opened, music resounded on all sidei, tho coflee-houses were filled, and instoad of Neapolitan soldiers we saw nothing but Piedmontese and the young sqadri. I found that Garibaldi htid sent a commission to buy three hundred pieces of liuen for his camp at Faro - from ! which itsnemsthat there he means to ' tablish his headquarters and to entrenen ', himself.