Mr. Douglas In Maine
Senator Douglas left Boston Tueslay evening ii the stoamer Menemon S.inford for Bangor, Tlie stearaer entered the Peuobscot River Wednesdav moniin", stopping at Kookland, Camdeo, Searsport, Buokipert-, Belftutt, and Winterport before bia place of destiuation. At cach of the places largo crowds througed the wharves, and were bric'ly addressed by Senator Douglas, the people cbecring liim with much enthusiasm. At Bangor Mr. Douglas was received by a regiment of soldiers and an immensQ ooncourso of citizens. A procession was fonned, whioh marohed through the principal street of the city to the Baugor House. Cannon were fircd, fiags were displaycd, the bells were rang. At tlio Bangor Houso Judge Douglas addresscd twenty thousaud people for upwards of an hour. Siccial Dispatcb tottio rrovidence Post. Augusta. Me., Aug. 16. Judge Douglas créales a furor of eníhusiam in this Stato. Thousands greotcd him alnng the Peuobscot on Wednesday. Ilespoko an liour and a half at Bangor to fifteen or twenty thousand - The young men's convontion in the cvening was an immense gathering, and tho utmot enthusiasm prevailed. Judge Douglas' trip from Bangor. to Augusta was a continued ovation. Herc ho addrnssad ten thmismd earnost adiuirers, and was followod by Perrin, of Illinois, and Sayle, of Rhodc Taland. Maine is doing gloriously f t'pec'al Dïnpatcb to ihe ProvifJence Post. Portland, Aug. 17. Senator Douglas left Augusta this morning, and arrivjd Imre at 3 P. M., by a special train. His reooption along tho route gave an evidence of an enthuaiasm wlioll}' aupreccdentud amongst tho matses of Maine; and ho received such a welcome to this cily as no mun ever received in Portland before. The numbers and enthusinsm surprised oven his most sanguine friends. He was escortcd to the Preble IIouso by au immense; concourse of citilens, and was ntroduced to the people by jfavor IlowarJ. He mado a brief j response, his sixth or eighth speech today. A torch-light processioa and serenade are anucunced for this evening, and he will then speak at lengfh. Il the towns and cities through whicli we have passed since Tucsday are a saín pie of tho State, Maino is certaiu for Douglas in November, whatever may be of the result of the September election. Mr. Douglas will leave hero to-morrow for Boston, and arrive at Newport. by way of Fall River, in t!)o evening. Among the new converts from republieanism to Douglas is John Goddard, Esq., a wealthy and influontial citizen of this citj-, well knowu iu Providenco. Pispai.-h to Associated Pnw. Portland, Aug. 17-10 }. M. Theroisan imuionse crowd, and a largo torch-liglit procession is parad i dg tho slrecfs. Noarly tlie vht)le city is üuininated. Mr. Douglas is addrossing a vast assemblage lVom tho Lrehlu House. 1 1 o'cloek. - Mr. Ponin, of Tennessee, is addrc..sing the crowd. Mr. Douglas goes to Boston by the morning train, over the Bostoo'and Matnè Railroad. 12 doek. - The band is now seroniding Mr. Donjjjfas. It ia tho largest deinonstration uvw'rpiulo in this city. Delegations from' tho BUrroubding towns arrived in extra trnins.