Importation Of Stingless Bees From Central America
oí tliis city, wlio went to uemrai -America last year on aocount of his health, has ust réturned froni Guatemala, and has brought uitli him two swarms of the stinglêss bees common to that country, which ha has givari in charge of j Mr. Parsons, oí FUishing, wlio will i propágate them for the Agrieultural Department of tho Patent Ollice, which will in duo timo distributo them, if it is found that they can ba kopt in any part Of the United States. These bees are oi two vaviehes, or.o largo and one small, and both quite different in their habita f rom the bopey hees eommoii witii us. FoFonolbwg, tbére appeara to be hut two classes- worker.s and qtK-cns. The largest class are about the size of our cominos bees, the qiieen being rauoh largor;, and while layiog egge appepri very olumsy, and unable to tly. The boney is deposited in egg shapud capsules, more than half the BÍze oí hens' eggs, fastened to a plato of was only upon one side, and (sometimos arranged horizontalle in tiers one above anottu r. The honey is eonsidered partioularly delicions, but is not stored in as greai quantitiesac with ,,.,, , ., -. a {,.■■ a Biie illng'ow, thry if.o i kupt u,io i ilu s i ii j famiü i t"C lis i.s l';,ii]v's )ijr, iliout tlie hiMlso. Til i liivo mo.-t coiommily cimsi.sts of hoünw ! ■lt, :iikJ s liuny up in the Ittit -shel ie the fiimily, or at tliu door, mi lor thu ij.jctintf ihatch of the roof. I', is 1 1 !■■ lutpad tiiüt tlio experinwot 1 titeir i itrod lotion vfill provo
Imports & Exports
Bees & Beekeeping
U. S. Patent Office
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