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Tew -A-dvertisementsA Card ir xn the Eev. Thos. A Elliott. COX.SUMITIOV, ASTflMA, BKONCHITta, c, kcT- Persons afliictil with eHhor of the abor dheaac, will bc furnishtMi by tha subscribir (fres of ch.irge) w 'li the Bcc'dc for rury simnlg and sure remedf, bj irWcb he was liiin'lfcured. Mr. EtUotl han uo medicine to icll, au 1 the onlj object of tfaia Card, íá to spread infnrraatlon wliieh Uo coaceivvs tr b avaluable - an'l piuca bcfore the publ'c, anl in the hand "f OTerj ■uflbror, tb particuUra in regard t a remply. whic'.i lu1, fnunth most happy experience, bdieves to hu the omy that w-iü cMrc(Vnvim;iïiin, Those deslroutofa "py of tb FVeipf. willi full lürcctiiin-:, will please adrtren HF.V.TiK)-. A. KI.LKTT. Ed, Chrinijn T'isitor. Tfi2w2 Ko. f31 Broady,NwYork The Public Schools, miïE SKVrRAi; PUBLIC 8CHOOIS of Ihie C:(y ülopeñ L for the Fall term on Mnuday ncxt, August 2th, ru'1 Ji J; dfetfred Uiat all pupfta bo promptly in attctn on tlic tli'fst liav. PupIIs rcsiding iu Umi portion nf tle distpct South .f II mm Strv.-l an 1 Xfai of Main tftreít, not prcpared frr artmiss'on tn í lio Union School j will bc roqnircd to attend the new School in tho 2.1 ÏTard The Primary School n the basement of the Union HuiMing bavln; boen aecessaritf dUeoattnned iho.e puptls wbo Iiüt.-" attended it wíll flnd placea In the Xorth and South Primftry ScbooU, ftCCOrdÍDg U) thcir location, 9 Hy or.ler of the Board. E. B. POXP, Pccy. nn Arbor. Atíg. Ïi, 1 B0. "$5RË WA ïtD riTIIX BEPAlUbytheSolloolBosTdofDirtrietNo. 11 t) th'1 i"4ir and Township of Ann Arbor for the dincorrry, arrest aii'l cvifle:jc(? .ufficient for conviction o{ any porton orpur-oQs who hall break any gl.iss In either ofthe Public School Buildings of thta tílty, or tler# or ia Jure 10 any w;iy the School Buildings, out-builling? or By order of the Board, E. B. POND, ?ecr. Ann Afbor, Aug. 2?, TSQO. 7Snl MUSICAL. Mr. JAMEsl. DRAKE WU.I, (iiVEIN'-sTKLTCTIOX od tho Tiauj Forte, and in Tnronh-llass aud Hurmony H A T 33 9 Per Term of twcnty.four Lessons. J'hree lcasons per week 10 CO Tto t; '; " 12 00 One " " " 15 00 ïï oma at il-;ïcnce of Mrs. Kellogg, coraer Washio ton an-1 División streets Ann Arbor, Au. 20, 1E6). Y(S2w2 PEOK L. MILLEWS HAIH INVIGülUTOli AM EFI-ErTIVE, RAFEJAN'D ECON'OMlCAL COIIPOUN'P, FOK UESTOUING GIIAY HAIli tu ts originil color without dreing, ani provents the IJair from turuing gray. FOR FREVENTEfO BALDKE8S anrt ciiring t.when ther is the least partido of or recuperativo cnergy reraaininf;. FOR RF.MOVINO SCVRF AND DAKDHÜTF, and all cutí dcous aiFectioDR of the Scalp. FOR 1SKAÜT1FY1XG T1IE HAIR, njnrtÍDgtoi an upcquallcd glou and briltianov . mnking it soft and gilky iu its texture nni causiog it to curl readily. Tlip prnt colebrity and (hc inerpnfing doraand for !hw unecUAlled praparaötori-, eonylnoe w proprletor that no trial ia only uocesaary to sntisfy a dbieeriiing public of lts Bgperior qualitiea over any othcr proparation at preitenL iu uso. It ctaaaaea iho liead aml scalp from dandrujT and alhur mtur.wis dttcases. Cansos tho h.tir toproirluxun:intly,a:. giyeeli .-. i i-.h , soft, glossy :md fiexiblpap. pcaraDcetaacl Sklaovher hair is Loosening anti tlunning, [t will gire strength an,i vor to (ho root, and restore thgrowthto those ]arts uhich hare bcom Ivill, caueing it t-i yicld nfiesh coccrir.g of hair. 'ïWrvc art' htindttjcU of ladtAfl and genuémeu in XewYoik who have had tij. -ir h;i.r Instond tty th- i:.- ,.f tliir, Invigurator, wheu all olhor preparaliona had f.iilcdL. M. has iu hi.i pusscxion ííteas iuuuuic;Aula töAtifvinr t'j the nij vo frtcts, flrom persona of the hlghut respectability. It will effectually prevent the hairfrom tvmipjr ' graij until the latést priod of Hft; and n cases niirr the hair has changed ita color, tlie use of tho IniigotaSor gill JlllilMrfiliitjr rêttnrt ilta ffl origiual hir, giviuv it a dark, glossy appoarance. Aa 1 perfunu fur the toilet aitl a Hair ReitoratlTC it h piVtieularly reoomm-nitid, having .in agTMthle frnsrance; aud the' great fncililios It alTordi In lireiiing thchair, whloh, whu moist rrtth the Invigorator can be droísed in nnv requirod form so ai to prawrvit it ]lare, whotiiAr plain nr i hencr the greai demand for t by tho b.lie.s as a mat,!ard toil.: article which noue ought to bc without, as the prico places ! ivi!h!:i the rc.ic'a of a'.l.béln; ONLY TWENTr-FIVE CENTS por bottle, to b ha i at all reapeotable druggists' iaA perfumcrg. I.. MILIEU rottld ca Uw atfeaHoS of rárenta au Guardians to the UM of UU invigoraN.r, la nm iiero tbe chiMrcns Halr inclinoa to le wak. Tho woont lays the foundation fr a tooi hcad or halr as it. remnrf. any impuritin that roay hve bosoue oo'nnoctod irflh thr scalp, Ihoremnval ,.f whicli is Btcesuvy both for tho honlth of lho chiM OJ Iho future anwaranco of is - Nono Rcnninc irithnnt thr fac similc LOUIS HAIB INVIGORAtOR, N. Y. blowu in ■ holesaio D. pot, 53 Poy 8t. and lW byall thn pilnci pk' Mcrchnnts .ind nnigsmtn thraaghoat the worM LiU:ralliscouDt to urohaücrt. by tho riantity. 1 also cicero to predtnt to th Aro&rioan l'ubli'c niy HTew & Improved lustantaneousLiquid Hair Dye which aftcr jrcara of scicntific oxici inenting I )mv broughf to porfectlon. It ilyes blach or bi'own instantly without injuryto the Halr or Skin vatruttd the best' arttcle of tno kiud in exiiteiice. PRICB ONLY PIFTY CENTS. DEPOT, 66 DE Y ST., New Yoru 7C!yt SËËD WHEAÍ TEBESUBSCEIBEB ñÁS AT his rc44%ae one miU DOttU-east of railroad dopot. sis hundredaud eist six btuhelf of WHITE 'WHEAT tho Moond prodwit )F OKB BUBHEL, a MKW YARIETX -AUoftfu kind in t!ut State- which T nfor at $2 pel bui.hel, wiiich no farmer canaffoid to do without, that ioiündá to rnUc vrbent, bcieg cnlirclv PKO F E OM MI DG E,. auil Wil! vu-Ui out' ejuarter moro than most variptios.Satuples nftay bj eon tl.r.ishcd and in tho bmrlo; at MoSS3 KjütRj' AOBIuUUCBU IlALl. CHAS. TREADWEI.LÍ Ann Arbor, Aug. 13, 18C0. T61w8 Ayer's Cathartic Pilis,