BANK KOTI4, LAÑO WAUUAST. SPECIE AND EXCHAWGK QUOTATIONS. Carofullr Reviacd and Correctp'l evory wock. BATES TKUKNT AT III.' Banking ilonso of D. Preston & i.t., 72 vroodmi4Ate.. Detroit Augtistiö, 1800. HAN'K ÜOTEB. Dntroit City Hanks, f"!1. i. (a'U Solveul Hanks) " X. England .in.l X. York, (Solveiit Banks) - - " Ncv Ji-ix'i and Delatrare, ----." Oliio, Koatuckv nnd 'T!nia, ..-■" !'ii , all nolos parat Pittaburgh or Phlladelphi, " Hauk of the State of Indiana, - - - - " i'NcuunEXT ruxDB, IlMnois, Wisoonsin, Miaaouri and Iowa ouving 1 Pis " " " !' fi.llingi te IK '' N Carnlina, S. Carolina anl [.ouisiana, ■ ' " Indiana Stock Notes, .... i " Termo-idee, 3 " 0Mrím, ------ 2 añil 5 " 1 " ii i i '--Ï otates Post Officeácrip, - - - - " Bank ofEngland Notos, L, - ti 84 Bankof Tetunueh, Mohlgan, - - - M di Kxchauge Bank of D. BaUát Oo. . - - - 5 " OUH BATES l'Olí BILLS OF EXCn.YNOE. Burmg. Selling. On New York and Boston, % % On Washington, . 3 On Buffalo, )i On Cleveland, í On ('udnniiti H Ou Chicago, j; ?í, rila, ftw $100 Or upwards. GOLD AND SILVEB. Buyinjj. Peiling. Am. ïoM, M of Ï100 or npirardn, % 1 Anímica Silver, 1 LD WARRANTS. Buying. gelling. 40 Acnn WabbJlSU $ 41 $40 80 " . 68 75 120 " á s 109 l0 " ' 120 136 Revovolutionary Scrlp, (por aere.) 80 cía. 90 cU. PRE3CJÜM COIN'S. Sn.TER COIN'S. GOU) COIKS. Span Pillar Dollars, 1 05 Sorpreigns, 4 81 and ■♦ 87 Mexican D.jlhirs 1 04 Ü0 Francs {3 88 Flvo Frímc Pieces OT 55 Francs 4 06 Frenen Crownj 1 06 10 Franca 1 00 Germán " 1 05 5 Franca S5 Pruasian Thaler 69 Ten Thalor Ploces 7 80 QuilJera OS X Tba'.er Piceos 7 86 English Silver, (ahlUinjt Tea Guilder Heces 4 00 23c.) L4 60 Spanish Poubloons 16 00 Oíd Am. Half DolN. ] 03 Patriot 15 50 On lots of $100 or np I California GoM $10 M vrards, 1 Htc. aáultiona) $50s and $20 Id. Gold Duit, $1 to S16 OO per 07.. ffW Ppanish chance SI 15 per oz. or 22 cents for, 11 for shillings, 5Cor slxpences. Ou loti of 20 Ol an'l npwfirdíi, íl ÍS per nz. DAVID PRESTON & CO., Bankers. 72 Woodward Ave., Detroit. gg' Office hours, rtom 8, A, M ., to 6, t. It. LIEC 7 A X. NOTICEST O. II. H, Paisengflr trains now Krave the several Stations In thia County,as followsj. G O 1 X G W E 3 T . KaüEx, Marshal Ar. OTghtKx ypjilantl, 8.60 a. v. 6,: p. m. 9.10 p. m. AnnArl.Kir, 9.10" " 7.00" " 9.aO " '. Dexter, !).36 " " 7.30 " " 9.55 " " Cbebot, 0.50"" 7.55 ' 10.10 i. X GOIXQ EiSt. EveniugEx, Marehall Ac. MdilEl. Chelsen, 5.15 i. m. 8.15 a. m. 4.35 r.M.. Dmrter, 5.S0 " " 8.40" " 4.50"' Ann Arlxir, 5.55 " " 9.10 " " 5.15 " ' Ypsüanti, 6.15 " " 9.40 ' " 5.35 " ' ftg-Tlic Grcat Benefactor of hls Hace. -e The Great Healer nf Mankind! Iíerrick's Sugar Coaled Pilis. whole World United! Sick l'fople tkink! Ajïer xehich act. You'd scarce expoot,at this late day, With Btartling cures a book to fill; ThiH is tbc case, tbemillion saj-, With the cure of Uorrick's Pili Thev come frora Baat, and Xorth, and West, And with glad ti.lingstbe papers fill, Because they are tbo cbejipest, safest, bestf And superior to others is Uerrick's l'ill. From Roof,.-, and Plant., nnd Flowers thej'ra; Tbey alwayí cure- tltey never kiü Tltousands uow in thotr graves were iaiI, Were it nol for Ilerrick's Pilla. Kach Pili with ?ugar is coated r - A rare disi'overy of matchless sklll, Ti.Mr likt' was never seenbefore, l'ntil it appeared m Herrick's Pili. For yearw he's worksd to liral tha sick, With joy ciato his bosom filis: For teas ot thousands uow rejoice At the magie I'owersof Hcrrick's Pilis. LT nEUMCK'SSIATCIILESSVEGF.TABLE FAMILY F1LLS bave inuudated the world with their popularity. Over five million of boxes aro used annual}', (riving employnient to eíghty-flve men and womento put them up. Dhoii enrea are niunbftrftd by thonsau'ls - theirpraises on the tougues of all, CitizenR of Washtenaw Co-, and efeoivhero, hare you ever used themPut up in English, panish, Germán, and French direetiona. Larpe family boxea, 20 centsl Five boxes for SI. Sold everywhorë. See aávcrtitt-nieul od 3d page. MICHIGAN SOUTHERN & NOKTIIERX LNDIAXA KAILROAD. 1SC0. SUM.MER ARRAXGEJIENT. 18C0 lrains now run on this road, íutdays oxcepted, a follows: Leave Toledo por Cliicago at 10 25 A M.,nd 10 26P. M. 11 Detroit " " " 7.20 " " 7.40 " Afriving in Chicago from Toledo a.nd Detroit at 8,00 P. M. and 8:00 A. M. Arriveat Detroit from Toledo, at 7:05 A. M., 6:60 P. M., and 11:00, A. M. Arrive in Detroit from Chicago at 6.60 P. M. , and 7 .06 A. M. trrive in Toledo from Chicago 4,"0 P. M. 8nd4.50 A. II and 3.40 P. M. Leave Adrián for Jackson at '■ Jackson for Adrián at 5,00 A. M., and 1,50 P. M. CONNECTION'S. Ai Tot-üdo - With Cleveland & Toledo Rail Roail, vfith Wahash Valley Rail Road. A' Iíetroit - With Grand Trunk lïatlwar, with Great Western Railway, aïso, with the Detroit anüMilwaukee, íaitroad At New Anuir? S: Ral R. R. Cropsin-o- With Trains "or lalayette, New Albanyand Louisville. At Chicago - With Chicago and Rock Island, Galena, tfilwaukee, Chicago. Burlington and Quincy - Xortb Vest Kailwíiy - Chicago, Alton and St. Louis, Illinois Central, and to all Point6 West and South. J8T0 Trains are run by Chicago tiiue, whlch is20 mió uteb slower than Detroit time. flía "Wudrairs Pktent Slecping Cars accomp.'iny tbe Xight Trains on this Route. HOF No chango of cars bctwoen Detroit, Adrián and Chicago. f Patent Ventilators and Dusters are used oa all Summer Trainn. jgíj Tima and Fara the same as by any othor Rail Soad Route. JXO. D. CA1IPPELL. Qcne-al Superintendent. THE GREAT EKGLISH BJEMEDY. SIR JAMES OLAEKE'3 Celcbrated Female Pilis. PEOTECTED @m?4 LII1EB( BY BOYAL J&5fl[3br FATKIíT. Prepared from a preteription oSir J. Ciarle, M O., Phyieian Eztraordinary to the Quem. This inralnable medicine is unfailing in the care of all those painful and dangerous dwtoajeit to whicla the fsmale conititutlon is subject. It modérales all exeeis and removes aU obsti-uctions, and a speedr onre may be nlie4 on. TO M'tlMIIKD IiADlES tt Is pesuliarly snlted. It wil!,' In a short ünx, brlng on the monthly perlod with ragularity. Eaeh bottlo, prioe One Dollar, bears the Oovemaient Stamp of Great Bdt&in, to prevent oounterfeiU. 7%e PUI, skouU X be ntum by ftmaltt uig tU riHST TH RE E M O1TTHS tf Prignmuef, Huy art ture to triHg M Ititcarriagc, bul aX a)r ttktr Urn tktf w aft In all cmss of Nerrous and Splnal Afleeüona, Pain tn the Back and Limbo, Fatigue on süght exertion, PiJpit tlon of the Heart, Hysterios, ana Whltos, thac POIa m eSect a rare when oQ othw mean han Mleá, and falthough a powerful remedy, do not oonlain iron, caloraftl acfimcny, er any Ibing hurtful to the eoutttatien. Culi (firectioDs aocoinpary eaeh paekage. Bole AgvnVfcr tho ünlfcid States sd Canada, JOB MOasS, (Late I. C. Baldwin t Uo,f -(1,00 aod 6 poste stamps eocloied to aoy aa Agens U k" ♦! f FUI by retan Pula by ít. OFEXV1LI.E, Arbor, and bj flrug r cvf ij town. Important to Jemales. Dr. CHEBIBMAV; PILI,. rnF.I'ABRt DT ('OH.VELH'S L. ClIEHSKU-AN, M. P., New York City. Thccombinatiou of ïngreJiontB ín thosp PlUs ure the rcKiiIt of a long and eïter.sive practice. Theyare mild m tÏK'ir oiicrritnm, umi certaiu in correcting all irreguln.ritiiis, Painful Monsuration.'-, rrmovii all obütructiong, whfther from cold or otherwise, healache, pú in the 8Íde, pnlputatidn nf Ihe honr(, -hif es, all uv -vouw aflections, hystevi'r;, intiue, pain in the back andümbs, ftc. , df-fturbed b1cP, whicbarisesfrom iutr.nui'tlon of nature. TO MARIUEDLADIi:.. IV. CliPORpman'fi Pilis are invaluable, a tbey M-ill bringnu lh monthly prlod with reulnrity. r.jifli(s ivho have been flisaiipoiute'! in the use of othcsi Pilis can pincf tlie utroor.t eonfidenc iuDr. Chcor.cman's Pilla doing all thej reproaenl to do. X O T I C K . There i ave c.nnditton nf the female F73tcm in tokich ihe. PtiU eannot be taken without ■prodvcinx a PECULIAR KESULT. The. condhinn referred to U PREGy.lXCY- the. rcsult, MISCARRIAGB. Surft ts the irresistablt tc-ndency of the, medicine to rtore the sexual fnnetiorts to n, norma' enndition, f.kat even tht rcproductlve poteer of nature cannat KMMittf iWarrantefl pnrcly voptablo, ar.d freo from anytbíng uijurinus, ï-:i)lic;td:roctionF, 'hirh should be renene cnmpany each box, Sent bv mail on cncloKing $1 to In CnnN'KUus L. CirECSMAvBox 4 ,531, Post Office, New York City, J$ïj Fol'l by ono Druggist In cvery town in thcUuitcd Statea. =L& R. R HUTCHIXGP, Gfitxiui Agfn't for rnv. Tvitkh Statt", Nu, 14, Iïroa'lwaij, New "ïork, fT To whom nll Vholfsitle oMc-rs wbuM lf ftddre.4Srvia in Ann Arbbr, by ÜUYN'Aftn, ?itnrïi;.B Í: Vito.v, ?i Q, '.- !Lti , TSiyl MRS. WINSLOW. An experienced nurstauiT frmala physician, haf a SoothinfrPyrup for childro, tecthlng, whicb greátly faU&tfttM th( proras of teelhing by Boftenljftg the gutns, reduoing all ia will allay all pain,, and is sitre to rotúlate tin ; bowels. Depend upon it, mothern, i it will give rest to yourttfelves, and_relit;f and healthto ' your iofants. Perfectly safein all cal sa. See advertíasinent in another column. 33ÖÖ -i1 S1IOE MAKER'S STRIKE. THK .TOURS WI1L GKT THE1R riUCB FOR THËIR wmk and Boots & Slioes will bc hlffhsr! Will havo to pay moro for your goode. I flAVE JÜSÏ PURCHASED AN EXTENSI VE STOCK OF manr of tliom, on ík, count of th3 LARGE SUPPLY IN MARKET! P.EÍ CASE LESS THAN It Cost to Make Them and hftll Sell them tiil I have to Pay more for them at tb EXTREMELY LOW PE1CES namcd below. MENS' BOOTS. Men's $3.50 Calf Boots, for Í2,5o '' 4.50 French Calf Su perfine, 3,50 " 3,50 American Calf doublé soled, 2,75 " 3,25 Kip, 2,50 " 2,50 Summor, 3,00 " 8,25 Doublé Sole Stogas best quality for 2,75 G A I T E II S . Ladies' 50 et. Gaiters, for 37è " 75 " Gaitera for 50 " 1,25" Gaiters for 1,00 Ladies' best quality of Gaiters witli and without heelsfrotnl,25 to 2,50 Ladies' Leather, Calf and Kid Boots and Congress Gaiters froin 80 to l,0D Men's, Boys', Misses' and Children'i, of every desirablo kind. Trunks, Valises and üfatchels ! All the aboTgoolfl'and maiiy others, will bc b1'1, nt MUOH LESS FRIOES than have Been Sold in Aim Arbor. Wm. S. SAUNDEKS. Ann Arbor, March Í0, IRr.o. TSOmi HOTFÖRTHÊ"ïiIW Tremcndous Sacnficel -orOY[PiLii AiaÊ wiwm DRYGOODS! TO BE SOLD ! KEQARDLESS OF NEW YORK COST O 23ÏAO3BLV WOULD rspff.tfuliy annouunce to the eitlzfns of GoodOld VTashtenaw and adjoioiug cjunties, that he ia now bniltliug one of tho most elegant and largeftt fttor'8 in ilichifcau, at tbc tiouth west corner o, Mainaad Liberty Ptreeif , Ann A rbor, and ia determincd to cl' 6fe uut his immense atock of goods of all kinds, at nny Sacrifice for Cash, pveparatory to removing to bis New and Spacious Apartraenta. Hoving concluded to make a grand opening with an entire dow stock in my uew gtor thif fu.ll. I wiU sell for the OTEXT 30 DAY3, all kluda of fnMDfs1 (7 fr (f) [n CF lü'Lrils y} {U [) LH fe) $ Challies, DelaineSy Poplins. BLACK AIS D FANCY AT MOST A NT P II IC E! I can get. Also Bhoei, Hut of pvory ilpwcriptlrin at youi own prico, u go uot hüreheaded auy louger, but yo to MACK'S GEEAT CLOSING OUT BALE ! And have your "pntes"' fovered for a fiUillÍDg and up ward . OF ALL D E S C U I P T I O N Si Til" LAKfiET STOCK erer brmight (o thia placp, anr At Prices to Suit the poorest Family CSa3aC3DC38aB33aï2aB553 Aa olioapor tban can bp fnunrl at Miy oiber c tabliihment in iiiis cuunty, anrt LS" SHORT EVERY THINüudually found In large andattractivo btock,at A GREAT RATË OF REDUCTION ! Farmers, Mechante, Lawyers ana Doctors, and the rest of mankind, L0QK T0 Y0DR IWTEREST8 ! Irnp politics auil rush in en maste to C, MACK'S Great ClosiDg-out 8ale, wheio Six Slallihgs will pass fot a Dcllai all rtay long. Cnrao One, Corae All! I mnan what I ay, 1 am deterinined to eoII olf all my preMXil ltok of gooda at a great EacriÜc FOR CASH! Before removir.g to my NEW AND ELEGANT STORE WhercI aniicipato rrmovingwith an cntlro new ütoetoi cooáá, on the tirst duy of optcmbür. C. HACK. Olh, lSfiO. 757tf Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Fever and Agüe, from whlcli mankind suffer over a large part of I the globe; is the consequenoe of r. iliseased action ! in the üystem, induct'd by the poiwonous miusm of fegetahle deoay. This uhalatlon ia evolved by the action of solar heat on wet. oil, und rises with the watery vapor from it. Whilo the sun is bolow the horiz'in this vapor lingers near the earth'a, and the virus is taken with it through tlic luns into tho bloud. Tliere it acts as an imtating poiaon on the internal viscera and excreting orpans of the botly. The Uvcr becomes torpid and fïiiïs to ' secrete not only this virus, hut also the Mie from the hlmd. Bou thovlrM and Ihe Wie accumrclnt in the circ.ulation, and proiluee violent comstitutional disorder. The spleen, the kidneys, and the ■tomaeh sympnthize with the liver, and bocera disordered dlno. Kinally, the Instinct of onr orffanism, ns if in an attempt to expel the noxious infusión, concéntrate the whole lilood of the body in the interna! excretarie to force tlion to cast it out. The Mood leavei the surface, and rushes to the central organs with congesöve violeuce. This is theC'HIIX. But in this elfirtit fuils. Then the Fbvbu foilowa, i.i which tlio blood leavcs the ; trui organn and ruftfaes to tl. e surface, ns if in I anothor clibrt to expel the irritating puibúa through that other Ri?;it excretory - the s'.un. In thi also it f.iiló, nd the yysteiu abandona Ihe attctnpt exhaiuted. avul wait lor the ree overy of itreiigth ; to repeat ihe hupeless eil'jrt anotlier day. These i ire the fits or paroxysrrn of Fevku axd Aocr. Snch constUntiona! disorder will of coarsc j mino th" li'Mlrli if it is not ire '■■ We havo labowsd to üud, aucl have fuund, mi antidote, Ayer's Aguo Cure, fbiuh neutruUiea (Ms malíivlous poiïnn in the laod, and tUimulí'tiíi the livor to expo) it from the I 'o:]y. As it shouM, BO t does cure thifl ftfflietíng U3(;rt!or with perfect certainty. And it. does more, ;r rather does what i of uure service to thoso nb!aot to this infection. If Uken In wason ir expela ;t from the system as it is absorbed, and tlms koepa cho-ïe wha au it frrf frrm its sttacks; keepfl th c svstiin iïi health althoush rxposrd to the diseanA. Con tequcutly Lt not only wircs, but protecta from, tho cereal variety of affectioni which are induécq bv this tu tl';irmt inJl::onco, euch ns Retnlttênt ''ever, Chili FevoTf Dumb, or Masked Aiïup, Perïodical Hcadochc, or Bilious Headachp, Bíhoua fftvuH, Neuralgia, Rhettmaüsn Gout, Blindnoss, Tootnaefio, Ëarache, Catarrh, Asthmft, Palpitation, Paiuful AJTectio:i of thvSpion, Hysteiics, CJolic, Pflffllyéi, and Painful Affectiona of the toiurif'h auu BdwelA, all of Which, when artitiug ."ro'ii this cause, wil! bo fonuul to nsun c moro or ieu the Íntornittertt type. This "Acte Cche" removes tho cause of these' derangementi, and cures tlie diseaso. Xlii it accomplirthca bv rtnutllntlng the cx.frctoriea to ex)el tlie virus tïom ti)Rsystein ; and ibse orpaus by deirres bccome habitcd to do this ! eir office of their own acrovd. flenee SHses what -e icrmarriimrif-odon. Time mny accompliflh the ;nie end, but often life is not long enougtl, or is icriftced in ihe atteinpt.vhile thia " AGVECrutt " .och t at oncr, and with safety. AVe have grfat Casan to heliere this " ii snrer ns wcll ns safer ■■rnirdv for the whole c1bs of diseases ivhlth are uw '1 by the míamnotíe teÍT'w) thnn wy other which hi bpen discoxered ; oud it Ijw etill another 'mportant sdvwntage to the public, YSTii'ih is, that it i.s eheap 06 wcll tís goocL DR. J. O. AYER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Pkice One Dollau nut KoirtB. Ayer's CheiTy Pectoral has won for itself snch a renown for the eure of every variety of Tluont and Lung Complaint, tliat it is entirely vmnreessan' for us to recount the tfldence of its virtucs, wherever it h:is heen emploved. As it haa long been in constant use tbroughout this seerion, we need not do more than usare the prople its quality is kept up to the best it eva has been, and that it may be relied on to do fur their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pilis, FOR ALL THE PU3P0SES OF A PURGATIVE MEOICIHE. For Costtv i:kss ; Für the Cuitp. or DïSFKFSU.; For Jaundici: ; For tue CtJjiE of Indigestión ; For IIea])ciie; For ttie Cire op Dvsentkry; Fou a Foul Stokach ; Fou tuf, Cihe of Kkï.mi'Elas; Fok tuf. For the Ctkk of SouofuTiA.; Foiï ALL SCIKHXLOIS CllMI'l.AINTS ; FOB 'i'HB CuE OF KlIEl M VI1SM ; Fob Diseases of the Skin ; For the Cuiie of Lrvr.n Comtlaint; For Dbofst ; For the Cubb of ïittke, Tliioiis and Salt RllErM ; For Woiois: Fou Tiir. Cuni: oï Ooit; Fob a Dixxeh Pill ; Fon tuf, Cube of Nüubaíbu ; l'oll. FUBUTIKO THE iJLUOU. They are 3Hgar-coated, eo that the most sensitive can tako them ploasautly, and bein purely vegetable, no haim can arise from their use in any qua'ntity. Prioo 25 cents per Eox ; -5 Boxea for $1.00. Great nnmbers of Clergymeii, Physiclans, Statestnen, and eminent personages, have lent tluir names to certify the UDparallelcd usefulncss of thr;e remedies, but our space here vill not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below nanied furnish jratisour Ameiucan Almanac in which they are given ; with also full descriptions of the al:ove eomplaints, and the treatment that ehuuld be fullowed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprineipled dealere with other preparalions they make more profit on. Demand Ayer's, and take no others. The sick want the best aid therc ia for them, and they should have it. All our Remedies are for sale by MATNARD STEBBINS & WISON, und by all Druggists and Dealers evurywhern. J. J3URRILL, ïravoüng Agent. K OTICE. Wabutüníw Co,, Ci.ïük'8 OmcB, 1 JulySO, 1860. ƒ 7OJCE IS EKREnT GITKN' thut the Inspectora an Director'a hlauks for ï-chool (iistricts in said '."juu iy, have beeu rocoivci, sudare ready for distributlon. City nd Towa Ck'rkd will pleaso culi and ublam the win. KOÜliRT J. BABKT, CUrk. HEAR THE CALL. MO3E.-9 ROQERS sats tbat the harvest m enlea n4 1bat a large nuraïior of promtsM to fay him art now due. Ho hopea tu biar from all INDEBTED TO HIM AS SOOK s oouvenient, uni tliat iho oonveniont tira? will ooma "Forthwitb, Immediiitely. ' Flitsten lo tho Cantam'ï oíBcu iad síiva a culi of fluother kind. Ann Arbcr, Aogn#t 2, 18C0, 739wS School Libra: y Hoüoe. ALL PERSONS ha ving in thoir posse3siona Books b longing to the Ëcboui Libriry of thi City rE requested to ret-rn Ihem to thd Librnry imioeüatfly. Atanng the missing volumei aro Motlcy'a Dutch Iïoj'ul lic, antluther valuabls works. L. B. rOXD, Librarían. Ann Arbor, July 20, 1860. 3vc758 J . Ji E SS G E JL p ESPEOTUIXJE nfonns hf j former patrons, nnd the LX iuhnbitants nf Añil Albor in general, that he wíü ü- fitrurt scholars agaln on ttie I'iaao, Violiu, Guitar, in Thorough lias, tfinging; and al?o ia tho Gorman Langunge. at thu wiinü tc-in)J a ho usd tu chirge. Hu will {five the leBsous in his owu ht.use, or in tbehousert of bis scholars. Iicsidence in dwelling ín th rpur of tho Stor latply nccupied by me and a.ijoinin;; reïidouce ot J. F. Royes, wbare lm may tp teen from T to 6 . M., frini 12 to 1 and 6 to7 P. M. 7&7m3 Bonnets ! Eonnets ! Bonnets ! ' piIE BUB?CBIBER HAS URGE itock of Sili nnd V E L V E T BONNETS, of late atyles, Ihat bTÜ! WÖ nt C0t aml lew L-c-s-s T-ii-a-n C-O-S-T-, to b1o!c fliom out. Trices muflo from IOS to TEN DOLLARS. QfL.Cfcll and hd,i tfaem. at the N'ptt Ttroit tore, hxchange lilock, u, N. öTIUiNG. IOBI ICE! ICE! ICE! rpHE SUBSCRIBES in pwparéd lo fumlth Famlflínaad X. aílpcr,-'ti3 wishing it on iliort notío. WÜ1 dllT to families, 10 lbs. per dny at $l per moiitli Largf r (juftntliiea at 30 CENTS per 100 POUNDS. All orJorn left uitli Thompson í Son wili lif tliAnkfully rccoivo'l and promptlj exöculed. CLEMÍ2ÍT B. THOJCTON". Ann Arbor, Apfíl LJ, 1S60. Btn 1 Howard Associiition, Philadelphia. A Bmmtolmt fnêtkntion establUhtd by pedal er}rf"ítmcvr, for tke rvtuf qf the Stak and Dt$trrrteedi njlUrd with ïrrN'utt and Epidemie Disutueê, and tapunally for the Cure of Dica?fs nf the Sexual Qrgan, Ditpcnmry jree to patiënt tn nU prrrt.t af the, United State, VALÚA BU' BEF tRTfioo spei natorrboM , tml u'i'fi ■ t ■[ ■- P&BM oj Uu Sexual Orgaan, ;i:nl on tho NEW REMEIHES pm7d,ieBt td tlm üillicieil v.i eeftled enrehipes, fioc of charge. IVo or threo Stamps for petag bo will be oepfabi, íTkT AWrpDR. .T 8Kn.IJNH0rÏHT0K,Acting Surp:pnn HomrJ Assoclatlon, No 2, soutfc Nmth Sta-cet, I'büadolphiii., Fa, TSfiyl, "N'O'TrcË " WHKREAS MY WIFE PAWLJNA rpowi., b. lcft roy bed a board without ,ius+ cmisö or provoca tïmi, thcreforo 1 hcrabr foibid nll perrons trust ing het on tnV jicr.'Hint, u I nri]t pa ƒ üo iehU oi htr pnrttmMfntt S', r y hi in. maruji cRoirL
Banks & Banking
Michigan Central Railroad
Patent Medicines
Michigan Southern & Northern Indiana Railroad
Shoes - Retail & Repair
Dry Goods
Public Notices
Ann Arbor Public Schools
Classes & Instruction
Old News
Michigan Argus
William S. Saunders
Christian Mack
Moses Rogers
J. Bengel
William N. Strong
Clement R. Thompson
Pawlina Crowl
Martin Crowl