Am ftperient Stomaclilc prppnration of TïlO'S pur iefid In i Oxygpn and Carbon by combustión in Hydroj?en. Snnctionefl by tht hifchest Medical Authorities, both in lïu rope and tho United Statos, and prescribcd in their practice The experionceof thoosamls daily provo that no preparationof Iron can hu compared with +. Impurtties of thp hlood, dopretiöiuDA of vital energy, pale and otherwiae eickly complexión indícales ita nècesmtr iu almotit every conceivable case. Innoxious in all maladiea ín which ít has bofln trïed, bas proved absoluteïy curativa in each of the following cornplamts, vi: In Dcbtllty .tfcrvous AfTVrflon, Kmntlatlnn iyI-ps1a, CoiisUpatlon, Dlarrlioea, Iym.nto. ry , Imlplent Consumptlnu, Scrofulous Tutx-rculoal, Fait Itheum, Mismcnatruution, ffkte Chlorosis, Liver-Complaintë, Ckrtmic Hradacket, Rkeuvtatism, fntcrmittent Ftrert, Pimples on the Face, &c. lnjcane of Gsneral Derility, whether the result of acute dheaae, or of the continued dimïnution of neryous and muscular energy from chronic compíaínta, 0119 trial of thli restorative han proved succoss'ul to an fixtent wbich no doscription nor written attestation would render credible. Invalids so long bed riddon as to have bocome forgotten in their own neighboriioods, have suddeuly re-appeared in the busT worJd as if just rcturned from protracted travel in a distant land. Sonio very sig nal instanccs of tbis kind are attestedof femalo dufferer, emaciatcd victiras of apparent marasmus, aanji'iineona exhaustion, critical rhangea, and that complioition of nervous and dyspeptic aversión to air and oxercino for which thu pbyaician has il o name. In Nervous Afpkciions of all kiuds, and fnr roasons familiar to medical men, the operation of thm preparationof ron must necesp.irily bosalutary, for, unlike the oM "xidöP,itiftvigorou!;y touic. without being exciting and ovorheating; andgeutlv, regularly aperient, even the most obstinate cases of costivonerfa without even being a gastricpurgative, or inflicting a disagreoable sensation. Itis thialatter property, among olliern, which miike it so nn -irli.ably eflfoctual and permanont a remedy for Viles upon whicb it als appears to esert adistinct and speci.ic action by dispoisin the local tendeney Tthich formn them. In Dtspbpbia, innumerable ras aro ts cauRcs, a singlo box of tliQM ChhlyhcAte filis have often nuflicttd tor the most habitual casen, inludíng the attendeiit Costiveun, In nnchfoked DiARnnKA, eroa wheD atlvanc.M lo Dysm confirme.!, cm-iciitng nnd apparently malignant, íFccts havmg been equally doiiir and aRtunishing tha local painsjossof a#f(h nndtitrongthjdebUitating h, and remittent hnctic, whfch ffflÖWally Indícate iant Contumptwn, in soveral verv gratifving and latin,;; ïnstancei. Scrofuiou Tubrrcuolëii, this medicittcd Tron has far moro than the good efic-cU of thp most ofttttlttoabal&need prt'iiararionn oï iodiue, without any of afloif woll knon-o liahihtics. The attntiou of feauUMi c.innot botoocouflJi nt!y ioriloi to this rtfwifldyand rutorative in thu cases peculiar! y affecting them Ia A'ieurituunt, both chronic and inflammAtory- in the latter, howovur, dccidedly- it h&a beo loTariably vroll reported, both att alleriating pain and roducing the awellinïsand stiffnesaof the joints kttd KiusacU. la Intermittent i'rrcr itmu-tuncssfirilv boa gr;at romedy and energetic restorativo, and it progross in tho ue cttlements of thtí West, tviü prubably be one of high rjnown and usefulncss. No remody has ever been Iiseovnrotl m tho h!R history of mclifine, which oxerts such prompt , happ.Vj an fully reatorativB ofTuts. üood appehte, completo dlgeiilOdb, rupid Piniiaition of etrongth, with an umnniil riiflposition for activo aal cheerful exurcise, Immou'ately follow its ue. Tut up in n&at flat metal boxea contAinlni; r50 pilN, price 60 oents per box; for salo by druLgstti and dealere. Will Ue nunt frta to any federan on receipt of the prico. All lettórn, ordarf, etc., should be add resscd to B. B. LOCKE,&Co , (General Affont, ?7yl 839 Brodwy,N. V. GEEAT BARGAÍÑS AT Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's. WE HAVE AOAtM RBPLEMBHHI OCR STOHK WITH TT the inoiit slendid Stock uf E3r O O 3OS t'riTt "V.S rvrr oilerol in mït ou fRtallÍFhinot is ilic State, all uf which w. off for i low as ratÉ be fuucl tn tbs Unloa We want Money l md will mak örcat Sacrifiecs on AnyiiiiiiP wo_havft to obtain it, not excopting OLD NrTES AND ACCOUKTS V? cortlillj invito ALL CASH CÜSTO-MERS to cnJl and exanne our Goods and Prlcoa. V?$ alc nvit our Prompt Paying Customors to n &al buy tholr snpplloa for thoWiuier. Tstlio'i liüshf'il ouOi that are aliaid to cali, wo sey to lliein, tak. oouraRO f333IUIj Toar WHEAIÍ without longw vr&itv g for htghor prices, comf lo, old ecore!, and then t p.udh prirpn as will m up all Irm. It is Lariïl, noccyüsar to enuraeihtGoui Uooda,for We have Everything! A brgu isiortment nf CARPEING. CKOCKEM' DRY GOODS, MEDICINES, GEOOERIES, PAPÍT&, OILS. HAT 1, CAPS, BOOTS, S1IOES YANKEE NOTIONS &o., &c, &c. (UM0 MAYNA1U), WSDBW8 ,'.- WTLsb JSÍJEJ "tTViXïl. 3MC. Grenvjlle & FuiiiR, TT AVIVO AJ?PCCllTE0 öwucTtm fti lh. puprr of Jl xle.iiiüir in tbc varíoue íirticles in thp Drug trmde, oITot for sale a fuU assortmfnt of Pure and Genuino Medicines, Wine?, Xoïe nnfl I.e+tcr Fa por, Llqnori, S., Fnncy Artfeton, Perfumn-y, Flavoring Extra U, Oen ba, " Fbw'i tJoncilep Cnislicp, ArnoM's Iak.s. Hair lïyec, Popular Patent Medicines, Jaynes', AdAins' Ltrer lïMï-ain. Aycvti', HnRtottcr'f Bitten, nollowajt, HooÜand Germán Bittors iliuwn'i Tmches. _ TownBÖiidft ;itld Piyant'B rulmonarj' TJalsato, Gujraptt'i ëarmpriUft. PA1NTS, OILS, GLAS8, &c, &c Zinc3 VarnMiofl , Pitont Prver, Hiberniii Grrai, liiiriiir :x Fluiri , ':- mphino, TildetiH r:.nd Extrflots, 9upve Cnated Pilis, fnd Granulas. N. II. l'rwcrf]) ■ ■ mndad wjth Dwtne disrntcb by pxporieuceü prEons. JO1IX T FULLEE 742. t I?IÍOM THE SÜBaCWBER in the TownsLip of BftllDfi on Wpdnesdfty, July lltb, on" vpn of dak hay horaa, iho IM has a star in the tnrehfad and two white hind fVrt, tho maro haa no partlcuUr murks. Adv ■■■.toi-mition which wili lc;ul to the vocovry of .;i:d hffioc , wiil bj tihcT.iüv rewariled. Adflress 75Jtt LEWlfi BUSU, alínc, Mích. Ayer'B Aguo Cure, wvïSS1 RiSPtCtrULL.1 OFFEK tmc'i.: ' Tm. ESSENCES OFLIQUORS in tkeir acKnovtflrtqed pi'Htit to the trnti'e. Addrfr ei , ÜATSL EULESl mahaur, l' CHICAGO ILL. ..,.. NEW GOODS. We are noi? rcoeiring our second look of G 2P H X Itf G Se 0TJMM23H, GrOODS. Owlog to th Great ITallmg Cffin Trices Easl, We üa. e!l NEW & SEASONABLE GOODS ! The Reling Prices of Maroh and April Our Slockis LAP.GR and VARIFJD, oiM oflm Superirior inducoments to thuse vtshttg FASHIONABLB SCMMEH DOODS. Our a::80r!mint of ttAT?, BOOTS AND SHOES Crockery & Patuily Groecrli s. WAS MOVER BETTER, nuj !■-!.■! to reface onr CliKm TLUT,n OLJSÏri: BOYERSi At pfiow lht;it caaii t faíl t;j bt .iu'if-n;!'rv . WINES & KMIGHT. Asx ABDB, MnylT, 1800. 747 !f Rifle F actor y! A.J. StTTHERJLAITD HASretnoveJliisGun ?hoptnlh8 New nlnik n ;1i ton Btrftet, e-mrh nl ihf (' uit Ui use.oi.tue u ticor, whert' lip in prfpsred lo furnith Guns, Pistóle, Ammunition Fki-ik.t, Povchcs Game ■ Bags, ;!.-? Evcry otlicr nrticle in lus T-ii:o. On tbc? nniBl rc5onah]9 tirmp, m.H to iïo til bind I I 3FC sí a? a. x i-i x 3?í C4n the hortEt rctice. Hnd in FhVbest innnnei , JMk. lBEJ3Lgasöi A fui! neíortiMont íílwnys kfpt on !]j.d. oi-íl mn{íe t ) o - der. Mo ncy Wanted, W lio yfi 1 1 JL e sí 1 M u c y ! f AMBEQCBSTKn PKBSUN3 lu oWalu i m .'ney for til Ton Per Cent I ítersét, (OrMorcO For ftuy on wilifnj? to fend, I nao t once hr jooil unencnmber4 Bb-n in1 REAL fcSTATE pfeurití any Buinj f moa%y n 1 1 -1 m I lo and aosuritv iré ALL tiCïl'T. L"" 'l'liy bjOTTOwei y]] ■■ , (ticll : ccrdiny. E. w. M0B4AX, Áud Arbur, Gcl. 7, lcv. 71. !? MRS'.WINSLOW, 1 An experlcno 1 N.urse anrt '■■■ Uiw atíeutioii of ;■ ■ Soothing Syrup, wliloh groatly bcüitul I : .'." f. caiiig tiie guins, rduoing io2 it 1 .'alo and ppasrcoáfc acción, ni SCRE 10 RBGOLATE TlIR.pOWEI.?. Deporté opon tt, motbcrs tt irfllpve rtto thtmO w AND RELTEF AJíÜ FIEALTH TO VUR ÍN'l-'AN'JV. Wo have put up md aold tln's wrticto f i' ('vei - yoars, and y,l!i ronficltnc ; mi í' uvl tñ kit to SYKUP. s :' ■■' an v uth ' ?T n -■'"'- xn&- VER HAa 6'i1 HJ,u, ÍS Si ÜIíK ÍNTANÍK, 1OKKFECT A tlKf, wlteo timely uv:c-}. íícyffr (id w kn.-w un instai c ■ ! issaü-sfacíion by ímjv oaé Uo uv it (11 H( Ciütr ry aliare deligUM witfi it opi 1 tnv 1 of „higlicHt oBineiibiiii oí i n:ttuAi tlfocia u mí-liortl virtuoH. We sptak in íhte m.itttíi ' ïï hal we fio ïtiio'w." fter tn jtpa m1 Kpii i;?v, " rl plrtly reputntfoti X'tr i!ic tuifïHint i,t cf nhi w licre d:-.Iaï"e. ín (vlmöitt ■ v„rv üisttthi'e irlity thü Enfant ia inffering tv ï:i pain f ni exbuuKtion, reiii ' wriUbo fu'.iüdiu üTLOca or'.v iuiüutfefa of ?ï ). 'm admiüUicn 'i ïhh valuahV prip?vrflioti Ir Uïp rrwr'Jn of ore 1 ' the mostEXI'EI : 1 I ÏKIHTl NLRM t ie v ■■ F-asla-ncl, aud has beec ued wif h sm Wt-ïAiUKO cm xnorsAMs o cask. It net cnW roliarei tbr chlW from pí n, "■ ihe stomadi .nl bowi ■■A. kis f n totlw vhola ayattin. ii wiüilinet inttntl.T relieve QUIPlIfOln OijBOTVRÏ-S, r.urt P.D PoMe. ani overeóme -ip A o foTT Tl Tl TPT iïnrolto"F rrmeiïrd.1 TEETHING". Wl bfiievf it the __ ." )IST vï 81' UKMKi-Y IN TUK Wt'IUJi.m l a -■-cl l-Yb' KNTKKY &nd PIAREHíSi TX CHIU'Rtó wh ! 1 I arises from telliïng, or from ioy oth cauf-p. T ) would sav to cvtr molber who bA a ohiW sufTering from .iny óf the fbrrgo] c 1 1 ' ' sor t; yoih prkjvpicf, ifOR "uk PiuuTW or utobw, ptnnd be' wrn r vour Bffwingr chlM and tltí w. thl nlü be ÉUK1 - yes ABSQLUTELY SüRE- to tVüow 1 um oí 'hi mfdcinf.if timclv u-cd. Ful] d iti .: n%i foi i.-ir. ..vill accdipinv ;ich bottle. N'no po ■ Üj fi lixnih o1 CXTttTlS & I'EKKlAi, Nw ffftktUontkt.ouiaWe ivr.ipjicr. Sí.IíI by l)niíí-'pt tbr ingiioui tl? wrW. Pr;ulinljfflice. Ho. i3Clm StiTC. N. T P.iceonly 23 Cents peí Boitle. EMPJB E BOOK STORE' J. II. WEBSTER & CO., CITY HALL BLOCK, Oppooits tho Franklin I.ígu&c. A RliXO'.V urpilNtï. DIREI.T FROM K'KUSIIEUS AND Miiniii'uclürfis, n Xc-v auJ Coaijiiete fttock o: LAW c MEDICAL }OOKa Sch oo? Bocka. Miscellar.covi !'.. Blank Hoeks, dun Wall aod Piper, Drmriog si;"1 I Kuale, J'.ivcnüo Ubnriu, Eiirtlopw. Ink, fard , G ÏTlndow Corotce, thldM and 1 i i ■. POCKET CUTLERY! And vcrytbuig poríainÍBg to the tmflo, -vil more tr WHiüUi m y a ■ ui ■ i;1, itc ' ;,. ■■' '.- mlsü til tin' eoaotry. In cOTvJoctinff ir Bosinets, we ' .■' cap ii donG.isn tbat no rcasonit f ' any f uit. 'o p'rï faciiiUflj wcb will enabio -i.; ty ■■] j ly oui tiitntt?n at tli e Lowest Poswibie Figure. Wc propone to RfUfnr KK .V P. Wxjpucti [arofit po oug Cash Sales wiil Admit of Low FIGURES. Wc hava sngagcd tlio Brricaa ol JAill ■ F. 5FALDIXG Iipicforc aro prepara] Ui furnish Vititing, Weiiding añtl aí ol'icr Carda wriltt'n to order, with neatnws and tlispatch, ! ma!1 or olJierwise. The "Empjre Book Stóbk, is manu ' tid they u-:U alwaj s hu ÍVimtl on thi l-tj.inrti'; I .i willing to attend to all wilt pteásure, who wili favor lU'-ui with a cali. lïemetnber trie '-Kinpiro Boolc ?to)e." JAMES 8. WEÍÍSTEK & Co. Ann Arl.ur, SUy, isiO. 7!6 City Me at Market. 1 ütlic, koop couatitutly on jian;] a full 3L?'-r-o-í-as-la. IVT-o-ii-C -=-, whicb thpy wül nhvuvs ül founij in rüarüiM-s.-tr. ent upi n Ëll'Ct'SrOMEB3. Ko :.::■ .-.'i to - ; thsiv ciarkot EIean, and Moa ís il ntl patroiia rny ie'.y upo -. Itil r th t I EIE.VKS, CU0KS :'lc.,'hut cah bc lüonü ili Uw City CA] AM) I-.Y L. ■ I R. e irick's fugr.r Cc a tí d Pili CSltDRKK CRY FOR TIIEM ! si gf Tti retBrkbl jztf-mp}'A - Amurcan rttandy ca.:,J7 y% í-y ._ u ïyins tb KerW br ';, tlorm. Tor iivo :a ! - uro sai-I [ - i ! riüf.Hll y. ComposM i I ''' 4; r G t :- Iv r,f hji-vï-, '."V" r. ' li ï(- '■. i-';i='ï:i :r4K'■■ -.i i, tlteir rflct i ií ' ' ' liunmn syhUiin i-i VèS' plaant utisiactoty ? ntd uceomfal. ictfn 3 ivoily (,r h &.W, f!n:.,í,s"!ii)ina Suida ■f, tlwir ut '■■ i'"i ■' II ! -!: ■!.- oii ) ■■ "SW BlUuL.'J ■j- r-t'T)tri !r'qucnVy - o c!'-nsfy i},c -.-.-v'f :ni tnatgoori nwlin ld tfa rM:l!. Nö chi r:p' in eraplnymeat oi I t - ttecrailOT. Tby oevfr r.iuHf; 'oro rrj'iuih, twellpri j .'-nis, achlng l-m, j'.c, ,t do many ofhtr kiij-ip. TV-y re warrairtofl to Rn eatiaiactiorj, nrthe prir Mfoadod. Thpy ré OIWu!trc4 chfaper, sufcr, prjHier, an] in alt rMprtta aapr1or t any porgarWs jilll n the verft. O-TludJmowryof coáxiñg a pUI rith M'gnr emftnated wiïl) iïr. Berridr. All DtnAri nrp o ad If üne-1 , will lli Wn,u4 dltappoint th ilck. Hwrlck'a j lili r !epiat;r v ui, 30 in a box, w'-'i a Ia rgi Ureotioaa, aadttU i '.("■ceuta per box; í buios for SI. Hür.r.rcK's KrD Strexothkiko Pi.ast):ns. Tlu ' gr ent trc.vqlher and Pain Deêtroytr The Ètit and cfirapvst FIouscKold Rrmerlyin the wnrlil, ThfwrenowiiBd ■ niinl di,. "■ in 1 1. ■ lnil brfaat, n fivp hottrt. tUMd, o certaln &retby ■; do thla, that C" proprivloi wartaoli tucm. Sprond ffrom resins, balMm n! mmi, oa Ix-iuitiful kW iMtlicr.rendermlicinpiTiillai-iv a-laptoJto tbe ivar.fs uf FemiUm ani oth-r. Tboir appliaatioii li uniTerwI- iu:illy totlipstnnrimii.ihcili-iiratt! wnman, an.l tlic feeble ,-.t.,n(. To pai-ii and all tliey wJU mjt a boiir. nni ablcsíing. Tlielruneis agi-bl uní vfliimt annoyancs or truubl. Each PlatrVillwtr 1'rosioDn to tour moiithfl, JiD'i ín rheumatie s.,:ii; íind bruisej!. frcouantly cíTpo! curo wIiimi dies fail. Kuil dirtctlon Wil ! round ba ttkcknl each. Public ipsate; ., . e ilini . lortni and oihers, wffl strengthen tbefi lutjftsandlmprrtrp tnctr voicM by vearlng theui o.. :!.■;.; --r;.i.;. l'fio WJÍ 1 ■ aV)To irücl.'i aM s.iWbi'iiH the in Ann Arbornml !■■ lútth i'r.i'M Sim.--. Catw das and Soatli America, at whaloialc bjaU.lai tba prlneipal elti n hkjü. : ;:■", Ifl&l Pb i fRvu.CMün ra, AIbao,H.T. A BLOODLKSS ViC77" 1 ,000,E60 Boxes Scld. - OF- MoroIicadL's MAGNETÏC pLSTER. p !■'■■.■ th! ! :■ -;■■ ibb I arm ■' : . bHl ;■ : ;- -1 .iiir.H ( the sim: t time ;; hu y# , , ■■. l k röaisfn uaJ , trnth .'.n-!v,i!,r' tA i . ..■.,-■. mie bnvs il JA N'LÏIU l'[.A:-'(i.:i v.;:;,r;,:. lCOBWn Us iriKÏ. ll.;r form : . tha'l j :■:(."-- 1, .f: i ,lt, ; ■- With lt ttü UKH nfiatioo. '1; Ay Ihu ba Wctory- poei-fil ftn i Idoodlesti - bui we bolit-ve nol twu gUipouii thn tim triurn ilis if wr, n-t)i iU train of eartu ■ IhtiuiiTl'- ' AR TIC ' ■ t tho (.'HhteK ;iit Uioner ai Pain r i ■ hfta yct [- yo : i bh ■ "■. ii lafn i-i tben the Pin ster ■vill piick tuerc uniil the J'njn lm vas lied. The l'Ia le? i i '■ thi l'ain hkv.;ihü l'ALNr CÁKNOT EX1ST WVKBB TiriS Plas'cr 2 ei -Ajpjolica, tnrtilBm, !. iwneïit. RtiHWM, WeaknMCcbtttiy Nttou-!uoí(8, Nearaïgia, !■,';■ . . ,( ba anti et, ■ : ■:. HK lilllEl IAT1LT RE'.H.VKl', TT.r! trfth n littli patiencp. 1 KRVANiK'H.Y, .1 ii Di pnc nf lh '.M.NET!i' ! I.AhTi:R. II Ihe Mni[i est, mrn! #vfcai, plrarai 11 t, .u il ('■.f.f;:t K iiit'ly i. existcuct. Ua apïiiii: li( ïj i ■ univorsAÏ- j )':v in fliv s:ron man. thedcTcate Iru inan, .init tl e [etbte iu'.hut. It uiftU ttjirtMblr, ftnl witlioul anno. aftci pittTLb'p. 1 prW ie jvltK'HTPKrli ! .,!,'i i ■' ' li: ;.! have :ü riag in uu ' ' lliirirri I# inifplild rïtll Cc ! A XK11C I ! STi i!. 11 11I bo . Uiany household, reiulyiit n!l i mes fi-'j a - in air t;. 11 Un 1. ■ . Piw'i hoi wil! ra kt I '.. . ; ; ■ . : ril ll Cfü -;-l' H 1 dl 1 llcC. ... .■ : D. C. MOREHDftr, Inventor fi. Pruprri'liir. 13. WhII pf (.. K. Y. MÓK1'HEAT8 M VGNKTÏt' ï'LA'SiT.R s ?OLD BY ALL DRUOUlJiTSi ■ (Jnj, Ton: ncl Vtikig h tba United .-:.:■' k 1 .T.i'. M. W. HAWLEY'S Gelebrated Embroeation, For Human ficsli ad laimals. p. calHiig tlio aitentini, cf th PuHk tn th M. I'cl ■. X wo woul'l say thöt li . ndreds who har used lt Bpeak hl the nc.'-t n!;tiy terms ofits wonderful esects npon Human Klt-s-h nul ilm brute creation. It to faat gatnluff popularl ty. s'liti:t.t:r used lt la receiv&d vriih ftcciamatfons of joy, mu] pritiounced to bc the grpatcst Kemcly íor Adíes anii Tötua veroffered U tho I'nhllo. Ita mterty effocis over dlsoasc, wlion r-x !)iK' n:"';- u a colebrlty unsurpnsáed by aiiy xternal nrt-paraUon nIn use. Thcreforo we can say, wltli tlie utir.ust eunndtnect that the Embroot wffl Ccr EIisnmiHsm, " " . Buint and ScalrtJ. " "Weabnssüf Johif. " Tv eUlnoti -4 i i;r':.-, M ' ïlemorrl'olli ar l'lliiB, CbJlMalut, ■' Tootbacni) and Cbappcd llanJj, Ëmbrociitlsi vil! Curo oíd Soren and Cramp. " " Bo!ls nd Corna, " " Conlrnctod Musclcr " Galllofall kln.i. " " Elng and iVl EviT, " " Caltous rl: 1 Bpftvta, Cmbrocatton TlH Cuié Swray r.:ni SHIast, " " and i-'i-'i:', ■ " Bcratcbes or Gtpssot " " Kxtcnifll rulaons, " " Band Crnc!i5, " ■ Laineaeös and fitl .i:1, Enitrocation irill ure VounUeTod reet, " " Maiiïo " " Crackol TfA ' " Garset In Cui, K " Foot Rot i:i . ADBBJt-N, iN. .. Malch C. 1Ñ". "We, thi undcrslitnd, do CiErtlfy. t!:it wc lare u,r.i . W. HAwusT'e CBLSBr.Aiin K:;r.'oOATio.N, fur Ip.flainmntory and Chronlo P.lieamatistn, and clu-srfully ri-conimonil lt as thö best remedv we liavtí evdr usrd. J. M. Morris, iii. 1) , Jamee ï,. Ilev.-Mn, L. W. Clement, Onin Hard, Peter Fiero, S. 1'. Gonld. J B. Robinson, of Prophatstown, UI., Fa.vB: I ottcprn t the best Liniuiönt I bave ever known, lt gires univwvt eatlsfacrlon, and I can tüuttfy tü lts efficncy (roui my c. n eipGriencp. j Manufactnrad hy M. W. HA'SVr.nY. utiirn N' T C. N. TUTTI.E, Aubnrn, N. Y.. Giicral Áaá. to wboin all orders eliould be addrcsïti!. Bold by all Drugglsta and Mcrchan! Brmuibdui tha country. : a . ■■'. L.-Í v SJ SLiJ VI .Si.-'XL.iii. i m LL New BBIiSï. Boots arica. sSSio.c Oí all Í - L3 Olcl O XX 23 _C X"5 XI T 7ii.lA" C.l.V Ffl BOUüll 1 r ■i ni ' "' ■ Fa sklouftbl e '; ;. 5 s i tl I AVP EX P E RI E N CE D W O KM !■: X . FRENCJfl CÁLY BÖ3T3 ,'■,,■■ i ■ , and are o i tn i ir, Oyr erOGASANO K I P S ni e itn 1; tbc bc -f mal ría] ' : I M O r o o c o 15 o o t e o s fiv I idips H Míe 1 1 ' ÍKntit w b tllftke t: Onlu-, , ■ llirl tlrftí t . ■ ■ ' . . :■ k : ■ ■ i l'. !- . ■ molí wan du nui mond. ni iti the Ktnt vst Olaiiiii r, - ■ i. Qulckaleuiui 8nuüi i'roíits, XhKnkl i] 'I!'', ■ i i' rnnairi t n i ■ --j :bo:i tas . Hilas, mu 'i i ■' y ani 1 1 ■■ .i v m . "{ ■■ , h - ■ ] . n ih Ijiko lüi lL:in White Fislj ad Mtckj i ■■ . i ""■■■ 1 'n [m ";■ i ' ! vil Liii Al .. '.: l)i i-, Jl . Wy'
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