Senatorial Convention, 7th District
Senatorial Convention, 7th District. The Democratie delegates frnm tile several Toivnshíps ieomprising the 71h Senatorial district are requested tí ínset in convention, at the Court üouse in the City of Aun Arhot',on Saturday August 25th, at 2 o'clock P. M., to notfjïtatö 1 c.itrliíiftte Senator. Each Township VIH tend lh eornö fiumbot ot del'ogiilcs as to tho County tonvpution. P. WINEGAR, P. C, MUKUAY, M. J. SPINCER. Penaterial Distr io Committoe. Ann Arbor, July 20, 18C0. Representativo Convention- 4th District, Tho Democratie (telantes from tile several Townshi - cotnposing tlie Fourth Representativo District are re(juesteí n meot in Convcntion at CHKLSEA, on SATURDT,PBPT Ist, 1860, atl o'clook, P. M. , to nomínate a cjuKliiUtf1 for H presrntative in the State Legislature. Faeh Tuwiiship w,ll beentitled to tho saino number oí deügates as in the County Convention. Bv order of the Committee, W. A. JOXES, Chn. August Sth, 18eO. Hepresentative Convention- 2i DistrictThe Democratie Pelegates from the several TownHhips comprising tho 2d! Ilepreeentative District, are requested toni'-et at the ('ourt Heuse in tho City of Ann Arbor on Saturday, September lst. 1S60, at2 o'clock P. II., to nomínate a candidato for Kepresentative m the State Ijegialaturo. Each Township will be entitled to the same nunjber of delffates as in tlio County Couvention. N. R NYE, P. WINEOAR, J. J. PARSHAI.L. August 24tli, ÍSSO. Committee Democratie Hally. O. E. STITAKT, Of Kalamazoo. Jrlon. Gr. "V. INT. Lotlirop, Odr Gallant Nomisee Fon Cohgrksií. Hon. Thomas. B. CHURCH, Of Graud liapids. FELCH5 And Oihcr, will addrors tlio Democraoy ef tliis County, in this City, on í?atui-diy Afternoon anti Eveninj;, On the politie topics of the campaign. Come up Democrats from all parts of the County andjoinwith us. A Torch-Light Process-on will take placo in the Evoning.