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An Old Citizen Gone

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Dr. Samuel Denton, of ihia City., died ut his residence on Friday evening last, after an illnts of tenMays, of iiiflamation of the bowels. His funeral was attended on Sabbath afteinoon at his residence by a large number of our eitizens, and by many from Ypsilanti, Dexter, nnd t be urrounding country. Dr. Dentón was 57 years oíd. Speaking of hie (Ucease, our cottmporary of che Journal He carne to Ann Albor in the eummer or íll of 182H had been here about thirty four yenrs, and had been a leading and influtntial man in society and in politics, as well as in bis profese on, for more than twenty years. He was Iwioe eleeted tu the State Sonate, and erved as Senator from 1844 to 1848. and was for a time Regent of the Udiversity. Wlien the Medical Department of the ÍJniversity was orgaaized, he was appointed Professor ■of the ïheory and Praoice of Medicine, the Jutie" of which he has diseharged with obility until his jec-as3. He was a social, pleasant, gentlemanly, intelligent, and talen ted man, and his denth has made a large Toid in our society. He will be long remi mbered by a numerous circle of frfends and nequaintances as well as by his afflicted wife: and large number of atudents who have been profiled by hi lectores.