What A Man Gets By Paying His Debts
Ou Tuesday a man by the name of Joseph Hall called on Dept. Sheriff Nye to pay liim for ix Horsa an d Bugsry which ho had owed him for some two yeara, and lifter having paid him was quietly told by Nye that he would bc corapslld to take him to jail, as someof liia (Halls) f iends in Hamburg were very nnxious tu so him in rclntion to somc money hc was 6!iid to have stolen. "Well," he replied, "I h -Ied to elecl offiour and tliey must do tb - duty I supposo.so I will go right iilong." 5S" The third great National Exliibition of Horses at National Park, Kalamazoo, is to be held the coming llth, I2th, 13th. and 14th of September. The Texhibition is open to breeders and horae fanciers throughoet the United States and Cañadas, an the premiumsj offered on the occasion amount to $6,500, ranging from $5 to $2,000. Flora Tomple, Ethan Allen, Magna Charta, and other eelebrated horses have already been entered, and'the exhibition promisos to be the best of the series wktob has given our Kalamazoo friends a ñamo far and -wide. The several Railroad lines east and west will issue half fare tickets. tp C. C. WoodbUBT, for ycars Postmaster at White Pigeon.was rrosled last week on a charge of purloining money letters He was taken to Detroit, Jexamind. and held to bail in the turn of $4,00u. The officer re turned with liim to White Pigoon, where fail ing to procure bail ho committed smeide by taking strychinine. He left a letter addressed to his wife, giving direetions concerning busineee, and nvowing hia innoence. [jp" Tho next term of tho Jlisscs Olaek's School will open on Monday noxt, tho 27tli inst. J53LMrs. J. JS'. Ixgeksoll, wife of the editor of tiie Owoaao Amcricrn was burned to death on tlia evemnj of the I8th inst. The fatal accident was caused by tho explosión of a fluid larap, but she being [alone at the tim the purtieulars are not kuown. 15P Han-ostekfki; has taken possession oí Uis elegant new bloek and it was throwa open to tho pubiic yesterdny. We venture to say tliat no City in the State can point to a hnndsonier building, a fact highly crcditable to t!ie enlerprisc aiul tr.eteofMr IIaxgsterkek. The new store of Mack and Bikdek are fast approaohing completion, hnd present a fine appearnnee. E McMauqx, haü thorougbly renovated his mili, put in a new bolt, employed nn exporienced miller, and is now prepared to serve li is customera with a number one nrticle of flour. Kis City depot is at the Grocery Store of McMaüon & Hall; ar.d all orders [eft there will be promptly attended to. fl@ We would invita attention to the ulvfxtisement of Mill.r's Unir Invigora" tor. Il is said to bo a tip-top articlo. L- Dr. V. C. Piuce Analyticn] physician of Buffalo, N. Y., wlio has now becomo a regular visitor to our City, will be at lis rcoics in Cook's Hotel on Friday the 31st of August. for the purpose of treating all manner of Chronio diseasjs acoording to bia peculiar system wbioh bas proved so eminently 8uoccssrul for the past fifteen ycars in the enst. Tho Dr. has an oxtensive praotioe tbrougbont the State, and is cunng many cases clairaed to bo past cure. The afflicted hould not fail of seeinp; liim.
News Items
Crime & Criminals
Misses Clark's Seminary for Young Ladies
Accidents - Fatal
Hangsterfer's Hall
Department Stores
Building & Construction
Flour Mills
McMahon & Hall
Patent Medicines
Old News
Michigan Argus
Joseph Hall
C. C. Woodbury
Mrs. J. N. Ingersoll
Jacob Hangsterfer
Christian Mack
James McMahon