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From Pike's Peak

From Pike's Peak image
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St. Joseph, Mo, Aiig. 21. News is reciivod from the mines to tho I4th of August. A silver load mino was discovcrcd Dear Tarryall, about 65 miles from Denver. on Fr'.day the lOth. A meeting was held at Tarryall that evoning, and the Platt River Silver Ler.d Mining Cornpany organized. A large nuinber of claims were staked off on Sunday, nearly all the minors in that locality hastening to the silver district. Great excitement prevails, and the value ot the diseovery wil! betesUd immediateI ly. lt is reportad that the ore yields on assay from $100 to $18) per ton. Fine specimens ïreie yesterday exhibit ed in Denver. Tho qiiöstion oí llie oxpedioncy of organiziDg a State government ior tho Pilce's Peak región is being agitated. Sevoral meetings liava been held and' vario:s measnre? proposed, but no important action has buen taken. Tho first United States mail eastward leaves ta-day, containing over four thousnnf] lettere. The number of returning eniigrants is decreasing. Business is dull.