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Postscript: Another Forgery!!

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Justas our paper was going to press, the mail arrived, bringing papers containing an article purporting to be a letter from Mr. Birney to Mr. Garland, a Democrat of Saginaw county, in which Mr. Birney is made to declare, that if elecíed, he will "forego the agitation of the slavery question in our State Legislatures" and "pledges himself togo for Democratie men and measures!" There can be no doubt that this is a FORGERY, got up to affect the election in Ohio, which took place on Friday.- The first news of Ihis article was from the Cleveland Herald, purporting to be from the Geneseo Counly Democrat, a Whig paper published at Flint. This tenor of this pretended lelter is flatly contradictory to Mr. Birney's explicit declarations, as published in the Signal last week. The only reasbn we have for noticing it, is to caution our friends to be on thetr guard against THE GROSSEST ATTEMPTS AT FORGERY AND DECEPTIOnI The Spuit o f Gambling. - A pugilist namsd Sheltoni after a day's pleasure at Mampsted, England, gambled awny Jiis money and clothes at pitch and tos,, upon which he tosssd with his companion to see which should bang himself, the survivor to have the money mid clothes of the loser; ihe lot ngain feil upon Shelton, who actually borrowcd sixpence to purchnse tho halter, and then fulfiiled his engfigement. A watchman carne up at the moment and cut him down, for which service the poor fellow was knocked down by Shelton m thet-xcess of his indignation for Uie interferonce. He wns tried for the nssault anri deservedly sentenced to three months imprisonment.A Pertinent Queslion. - The Laio Beporter asks, "ín case of theannexation of Texas, what effect is to be given lo that provisión in the Constitution relnting to 'fugilives from justice?' " It is feared by some, that in the event of annexation, if this clause should be carríed out, the newly acquired territory might be depopulated. Abandoning Children. - The Commissioner of the Alms-house, N. Y. have ofFered arevvard of 8100 for theapprehension and conviction of any person guilty of the crime of abandoningchüdren. The punishment is imprisonment in the State prison for a period not exceeding seven years, or in the countyjail not exceeding one year. A mas in Michigan, not long srnce, committcd suicicide by drowning himself. As the body could not bo foimd, the Coronere lield an inquesl on his kat and jacket! - Ex. Paper.Male Fashion of 1650. - In imilation of the ladies fardingales, the men of fashion stuffed out their sihall clothes to a most wonderful size with bran, wool ond bnize. A fop of tliose days, as he was conversing ne day in a party of ladies and gentlemen, wns so over stuffèd ift'thia wayV Ihat tlie lower garments burst by catching ogainst a risil, and tlio bron feil out in large quantitiés. Baize si.uffing was probibited; and a coxcomb being Irought before a c'ourt óf jiiylice fór having" broke thrnugli the siatute, convinced thein that his siuffing wns not contraband, but corisisled cnly of the follówing ahidles:- a pair of sheets, two table cloths, ten uapkins, four shirts, a brusb, and several nightceps, '.vith suridry other small arlicles. Singular Charge against Preachers. -■Twö pi'eachers w'ere arrested a weak oi' two ngro in Kentuckv, about seven itiiles from Mouht Sterling. There was a camp' meeting, at whicH a man named Jesse Conree Wcis holding fort'hwhilé in the crowd sat his daughter, listening. The officer carne,' and MK Coffec wois' made prisoner while speaking, charged witii having' concealed stolen goods some of the articles being recognized as forming the dress of his daughter, then present. - Coffe'e wa3 require'd to give bail in the sum of í?150Ó, a disclosure having been made implicating him deeply with a set of villains who' infest that country, and live in' tEe caves,' & so númerous in those parts. On the day follówing the arrest of CoiFee, the Rev. Mr." White was also takon from the pulpit at the same plnce, cliarged wiih being pa rticeps criminis. A large amount of counterfeit mohey was found upon hitó Trinity Church, tliey sa'y, wül be orie of tbe greatest specimens oforcliiiecture in America. The 6téë(jle iïalready 200 léct higl), and is to be carried up 70 or 80 feet higher - bul a poor wornun with 4sinnH cluldren vere turnèd out ofa house with iheir furniture, on Wednesday, in Mott street, because tbey could iiot pay !6 advarjee rent, &]épt in thó sireet all that :iig-ht, atid wer'e thère' at a late lhiür od" Thürsday ïiight.The G'irard Cólleflgè in Phila-del'phièf iáriów nearly compleled exlfrriall}7, having at present over a hundred men engaged upoh'it. The oíd farai'housé, whièh eloód upon the groiindts át the north end of the building", has been taken away; and tlié hope iriay'now lé indulgid' that this generálión' may sce the strucüire completed, and ihepaik laid out accordirig to the original design.The h i er hes t salary that any Governor o the United States lias, is in Louisiar.u, it bc ing 87,500. Thelowestis in Rhode Island being but $400. Is there any specific difierence bctwecn keep ing of the Bible, in the vulgar tongue, from the Roman Cat'jolic laity, by the Pope o Rome, and the Protestants keeping it froi iwo or three millions ofslaves, in this "Jam oftheFree, and home of the brave?"


Signal of Liberty
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