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I. O. . F. WÁSOÍENAWLOnGENo9,of the iDdepisndfnt order nf Odd Fellows moet? 8t their Lodge Koom, TerT Fri 'v evening, at 6 X o'clock. C B WIUON. F. HQRg, Sec';. TWITCHELL & CLARK. AnoslvsandCounsellors ut Uw, Cenenl l.ife arid Fire Immrance gent. Office in 1y Hll Block, on Hurón st.. Aun Arüor. Collecüons proraj.tly male ud remitte.1. and npccial ttention paid to conveyancmg D. 8. mam, [74ótf] r. t ' J.ME6 B. GOTÏ, IAWOFFICE,Ko., OTerílwon & Gier' Store. J BCOTT& lOiihY. AmiioTTPK Ji Phoiouhph Aktists, In the rporos liirnierir .iccupied by CuMIpt , over tho atore of Sftnj t Moor Perfect sHU-faclion guarauteöd. L. D. GODFKEY, ATtounit amjCou.nííellok a1 Lw, Ann Albor city SUTHEHLaNÜ ísBELJí, n-nouLL l KTJUt grocek.-, iCst of treet W Ano Arbor. ÍT ITovÜHuM bouglil nud oU -6 W". N. tíiliü N G-, DxiiM m Pry üood, Boot ndíkoL-í, Grocer.en, Bonnt,Fucj Uoodí.so. BaJumge lukBnAijr. W [NEd & KNIGHT. DjuinSuiph.. t Urj u.JUu, ioui. and Shoea, &C. JCC, Ml.l Jl-i'i'l -'Uil AIVOl MARTÍN & THOMl'SUN. mMen lVi-KooM,UUt n u kmui oí I uraitur, : tUtíiON & HENDBBSON, DEALtsi!'. H.raare,Stuve..,l.outfurmQin8r'odl. A. P. AlIl.lA DilJ in Staple DrJ UuuJ, Orucories, Boots und aauw aiid ñesOj Jia M Clotu.uí, liJiuii.'ati..-ot vii.a fcjum JUÜN W. MAYNAKi, l uu totUnrt taucybrjliouii Bout tsd Shoe.. Uíc. st., vi-" suoWi Aun vu fui-. biiAKÜo AliJiU AnlMiiH QsnoauoH i-". Ild '''io''0" iu LLuiiW. UlUwiulUoolal-o.tullictibuiloing, Aun trwir _v i a líaLJSY iM ÍOKb AIS, ttor.eys, Con-eUWM. áolicitura, nd Natanes l'nbIh: lm liooki añil VlaX skuwing titles ol au lanUs 'n toe au:,udatend locjim:yuc.iignclcoltei.iing lemaud, mu lo [mying tuxes and sobool ulorest m hj pan ot tu ÜUte. itlceeatsool thu square, Aun Arfci.f. JAMKS K. (XX K, T MMi or tbs l'ua. Office near th. DeDOt , ypsilanti , J Michmn. . J. LOVK.JOY, M. D, PnTsjouN S ïiURUiox. has inrm.inenily lucated in the tïtï..fAnB_ilHrian.lhol'WtM-ielt in readine. ta rttindto 1UcallsintUelmeotulu.ofes3ion Ke.iaenco MXorth St. . 'I DUUrt nf latuolic Church. ' vvm. j.hwirr, m. d, Phtsicuh & BUKGSns. Office at hi rehidenoe, North . of Hurón sueet, rd Üd hou. We.t of Uru.on tret, Inn Arbor. ___--------. ( k COLLIER, MAxmCTUluwanJ dealer in Boots mi Shoei. Exonnge Block, i doors South of Maynard, btebbini fc Wilton' iior,Annlrbor, Mloh. MTOUE & LDOMK MlNCfiCTUBEBa and Jeler in Boots nd SboOT,in st, ono dour north ufJ. Maynard'n. Wji. tí. 8AUNDERS, Düue in Boot,Shoes,Bd Rubber, Ann Arbor Oub Boot & Shoe Store, outh ide of l'ublic Square. M. (tUIiKKMAN te CO, 1X7 holisíle and lUitail dealerí and manufacturera of VY Rvadj MadeClothing, lmporters of C'loths, Casiaern , Uu.lim, he. No. 5. New BLiielt, Ano ArBor. C. . PiJK'itli, mes. Stegsoï Dintist. Office eoruw of Main CïjN u,i iiuron strüet, over 1'. Baoh's atore, iTRW% Anu Arb.jr, Michigan. 1 April, I8W, Wm. WAGNEK, Deil in Readj Made Clothing Cloths, Cnasimeree and Vtstings, Hals, Caun.Trunlu.Carpet Baga, c. Mum ., Aan Arbor. _____ M. (JAMI-LON, jTllraLiTr TiTLOR nd dealer tn Readj Made Clothing, IVl io 41, Pacemx Block, Ann Arbor. BAOU l'IfcttöON. DïALRRsiaDry Goods, Grocerien, Hardware, Boots éi hoes, Kz., Main trpet, AnnArbor. MAIsAH,l), hlhBlUIsb tí; (JO., DmALbBS in Ury (jood, üroceri, Drugs & Medicine, I-xjOIo fclioft . vc.cornerol Muta and AnD fctrteli, om ul = w ttu. bxcliange, Ann Arbor. fcBl!.KiACH & OO„ DïJUtRB in ürugs ud Medicines, l'erfumer.v.Toikt arlicl, a lew doors south ol the Frankim liouso, AM Arbor. 8LAW8ON & (tEELÍ, f", soctüí. Prkvisiox k Connns.Bün Jlerchan'.sjand dei I liu Wjiieh door EwdoïCnolr Hotel. U MA ö, rAjUüXtnClodti, VrttBhW, imnllf. "ind Tancy Good, 1 al Ihe ign ui thuBig Waton, .Nu. 7 , I'Imbuiï BlotW J. C. WATTS. [. Biir.R in Clock , Watchcs , Jewelry and SiWer Ware No Í 93, Npw Blnclt, Ann Arbor. T B. tUEE...AN. Binara and raahionabie Hair UrB..r, Mlin Strwt, Ann Arbnr, .Mictt Huir Iroma and Curia kepl tonstantlj nn ..tii'i. ,-CllüFF c M1LLKR. I.EALKita n H MlTaiiy yi School, and blank BookR 6ta L Uunerv, rn-r Uanging, M., Maiu ttrcet Ann Albor , D. DkFOREST. WBOtKAl.l!BdrU.Uil l.tnicim Lamber, Uth, Shingle, i-Bh, Do..rB,, Water üme, l.rand Rivei Plter, 'liiBter l'ri, aud Sailh of all A tull nd perfect a ortment of the abovc, aed all othor kind of buü'ling mitenaU constantiy on hand at the Iw.t posible ruten, on ■etroit titel, a Tew mds frim he Railr.iad Dpot. Also orertmK in the Tmtent Oiaent Hooüng. W.ISIM'EX.WV CUUXTY BlBLE SÜCIIiïï. SPrtiTORT of Biblea anrï TeUmentB at the Society CHAPÍN, WOOD & CO., Tü MANUFACI (-f lErirxt Bock, - AND - COLOREO MEDIUMS, AV AltltOK Ml, II. O. PORTAR, I) K N T 1 a T OFFICE corü'ï of i.raiu & Hurunstreettí, opnositethe Franküu Híiur, Alm Ailii'i, hcie bf contin w t' offer liis customar a:iy style f work deaired u lUe ari SufRical Mecbarical it Denistry, whif1"?1 with frtri B"M feil and iponge fdld, OM for chiMr In wV ,,ifflcult an.i ImpMfèet 1T; i ,re ,lrtl ?an; niw tBd bcHuiiful JtroreBenu littly mtro,lucl IWoMwihlitial l'vnti-try, which for bca.ny natura! ,re.,jn, and Etrength r,fr„„rk, pi„t oottnaou gum, work pUiin pinte. AJr a ntw and imjiioved m"Uiiof inSMUDg te,ll, on M "ulioi7íl ru6ber .nd ruttn peicha, bate.ralled Iii kiob in many reejxKís ííU[Wi-sth;s all met lie ÍS8