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Oregon And Kentucky

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The Disunion cundíanles tor the Presdency nnd Vice Prüsidenoy have 'een badly treated by the peopla of the Slates in vvhioh they respeotively reside Preparations are in tact being it.ade to give both, if not a 'bloody, nt loast a sincere "ivelootne to hospital graves." Dragon has ropadiated Gen. Joe Lañe, in advance ■ f the Presidentul election, and Kentucky, animated by and following this example, has pronounced a similar verdict againSt her fbrmer favor ite pon, John O. Bruckixridoe. There is much in this lesson for poli ticians, and partifulurly for aspirants to high places, to la. close to heart. Ii provea that no man - however strong he inay be ir. the aflections of the people who 8iirround hitn - can t.ike uinvnra "tabla hberties with h;s ovvn íriends, or with irnpunity place himstilí upon repulsiva platforms, and become the orgao of dangerous theories. Gen. Lañe seems to havo gona wild in support of the '.ïorsi proscriptions and betrayals of the Adminatration of JaMbs ciianan. He out Yanceyed Yancey, und believed that, bocause he had been honored by the people of the Pacifio eoast wiih high office, he could carry thern with hitn in a crusade upon the Union How far and how low he has fallen is provdd by his present pitiable posiüon I But the fate that has airendy overtaken, and the darkar hite that i sure to overtake, ung Mr. Bríxkixridqe. iarnishes a still more iinpressive oonn ment upon the text as we have laid it down. All his iqstinot, all hii aaaDcia tions and all his intere-ts, Were in thu diret;tion of uttuchment to the Union. He itiherited conservativa sentiments. O.i botli sidea his mcestors were the types oí that uevoliti'nary stock whioh looked to the continuance of this Republic as essential to the [.reservation of hu.nan lberty in all parte of the globe. His diinLushed father, and ais equally dwt)Dguishad uncios, living and dead, ontributeil tnoáloulablu treaaure? of thi.ught and eíarnpiá to thuf spirit which had tn embodimunt in Hksht Clay, liis followers and ers. Ho birnseH pmww I a Congres stonal career, not as the symput áíers or tha Öecessionists, but as the idtat of that sentimeut whiüh hlds that ilie Union of these States is the bet blussing ever confarred uj on a civi ized cou.inuiity. There whs not one ppeech thit he made, until unfonunately he allowed birnself tobo controlled by 'hu enemies ol the Union, tbat clid not giow with this sentiment. He accepted the Kansas-Nebraftka bill as thu solution oí the slave cuestión. H. held up Popo lar Sovereinty not niuiely as a loginal dediiution rum Ulo repeal ot the Mis■soiiri Compromiso, but as a rneasureoí j no lesa duu to the South than to the North ; and vvhon he went to Cincinnati ia 1&5G, as one of thü oh ief cluunpions of Steiihen A DotJGlA, it wus ruainly because he wns inspired by a sincere parpóse to roward tlie man who led bo oobly in subatituting a graat popular principio for that inuasure of nettlement which had becorno obsulete in theooürsoof time, and which was ro garded by many of tha first statesinen ot the country au an obstacle in the way of the adjastment of tho Territoriül question. And vvhoro doe tliisbrilliant younc; rtrQ' stand DfoW? ilaviug iorgot'un all tho teachingn of the past - havirig throvvn asido the injunclions of (h'so nearest anddearest to hitn-of men u the Uemocratiq party who upheld him in youth - of tho devoted friemls in Pf.nnsylvania, who eaw in liiin tho promtra oi a noble career. und who delig'oted to piosent him in tne most favorable colora to their ovvn puiple, and to the country at largo - of hia atfeetronatë unc.le, whose recent letter addressed tn his sering nephevv thrilled tho country, whilg prophesying, ahnoat liierajly, tbe downfull of all uien who rejectod his I wiso admonitions - having gone back oí his ov n record, voluatanly, and freely given in support of the imperisliable j principien of self-governm nt; - having tbroltell uil these, the fUUBSÖ of his owu fetate, in their turn, have tumed 1 upon him, :uid bave ehown him that r. who otiii Inrget hu mut-ti that he ought I to havo retnenibeied. is UftWOrthyof their confidentie and theii' regard. Thero mingles vvith the Batisfaction vo f'eel in contemplatinj; theaetwo striK ing èxatnpleB, the profoundent regret Mi'. BllKCSIlíRIDOÍ. Thousunds stond re nly r.o givo him their upport, at the pnp'' tirnu, f o l' the hifhest office in tho gift of thu Americui) puople He hnd btn to wnit to g;ilher th truit whioh was rkpicUy ripening beiore his oyes, lio hiid but to pnwvera in the coure hu emiy marlced out for iiimstilf: iuid even uow, wHen ht) a so fatsiliy defeuted, men inqniro, oiiö of thu other, wh;it evil influencen couid havaswuvea him from tha pght to tho wrcmg t But he mny yet recover himself. Thu duil; uluud of diaunioñ is giuhennü: in iho horizon'. The güV:ty men who hnvo sadnced him into their oOOipirwoy :n-e prapiirkig for wlml. they eimewve tu be the rapidly approucbing disnulutioa ot our 8isterhood of States. Will helenU them when tho moment for ihw catatropftö hall ::rriv? or will tit mtt rathur look into hiK mvii heurt, and :it 01:0e n l)ly and boldly refuso iha cointniind ihoy nifji' to liim ? If hu waiu til] tnu üleclion hal baan duuidud, it will ba ton late.