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Speech Of Hon. Geo. V. N. Lothrop

Speech Of Hon. Geo. V. N. Lothrop image Speech Of Hon. Geo. V. N. Lothrop image
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AK.t thü idjnurninujt of tlio democratie Congreiwional convention ot Grand Rüpids on Tueaday a ratification meeting was held. It wasfirat rddrtwsad by fl'n. Thomas IJ Church, tha nomineo of l'no oorVöntinn, who im on rttiring, intr luwJ TIin Georgu V. N Lotbrop, of Dtrt. Mr Lothrop took thd stand a:nid boutaroua iip plauso, íind s;iid: FiiLT.ow-Dn5iocRAT3 of Rixr Qavsn - Mv !e;iriit:(i ffiend wh h:is juL preceded ma h is truly laid th;iï n df.':n' rat of twvnty y#ra' landing in by n [nc:ins a veter;m in onr ranks, and I il so aa;ri3'.) wiih hiin in my aonfeision thut I have no cmception "í ti rcpublioan of thit iigs; id o I, a fiur yuar ahí il the oid st pwiinan of tha gevut. 1 b'-.licva tr:o vord.- wnioh riss furvmwt to ïny ]ip uro thu wordri whi;h oom Mnd thu ym of vvury ono of yon. They tora tha worda of pratification in htetjolding vt banutiful rity. - Uiiriüi iny uhnrit absetioe of a (■' yte-trs the liltla vilkgu I thyi huw o;i th sant ide of G-ruiid Iliver h is grown Lata tiiis proprimi town, aJttonding nn b th i. lm if that i i ver. and on tiiin Dfl blamp!iitbeittre if bilis hnvg iirÍRen the m u-blo nal voen ot vour wealthy ewizen. Ir W4a' th btiant of tho Roman tuut whareaa h') luid fouhd ttnirwbrick fte h:i(! lytt it iTi;ir l.iti. ani Graad Rupid" ii fjst boonnÜDg built in buautiiui mar Ulo í hopo the prnsparitji wlnch I no suo will ng oontioi, that tlii;o;ijoymout of voui einioont blsa:i;s wili ba luting, 'inJ thut, whila ymi cnjuy thiá pnmporhy, yon will not fo.-ut ihe rtriuciplü wheiica t sprinei;x nnd toe on ly rnuiin.-i of ita prnrvatioa. I e.onsrratiilatd you mmt siooaro'y o:i tha r;nination nrartu hora to-thiy. - WhatüVür in iy bo tíut rult oí' tüc camp iig;i .yon wil! ha u nnthing to roi orfet in lollnvving the nnblr laader vh')!ii vou to dtiy llave cliosen, If yon sutwöd n pUcinghim in tho pusition ofyuur chelee, hu bv kaniiug, hU Uilen U, and iii--ï devotioh ti the purty ha reproe ont, will honor ynu an 1 d h n r;c thu StaUi of Aliohiy-m. [A].ikiüs,;.j And j MMUrt) yon tliHt, it' yrtj stiouucd in hiui to Qonjfre, liu will rjot bt under ttia nuuessity of oalling apon thc rienator frwin another State to print u speeuh wliioh shull bewin with the onnnenuuinent of his ho;ir and and at the u inclusión, whon lid nevor peak.- u word of it f Applausü a. d crie.í of ''N j, No."] No. indoad, ut you will havu a man thure who i! spaak his hoiir a"d coinmutid tiiH attention and tespect ol Ins eompeurn. I come maonjí yon to üiid that vo'i hiivu br.rrowed un of oür luüderts. I fiiiu nero (Jol. Alutttfynold, wbo was a prmnfíern,dmowa ialo.idoi uheu wub os Hl Dutroit. He s'.ood al the heud of tha Oüjumn in th .Mexicuit wnr, uüd Huwt appropriutely you liave swluutud and piaued ru:i KL tha hand oí ihü duinocrutic üolumn here. 1 eongruiulatö you upon youroounty uoininationc, tbough parsonully auqii.ii.ited with bui ;vv of the:n, feftliog a.ssurod tbatyou liava salaotacl iho IllOU ol your cholee, and toiaed, your boisi inun. I wisti to et:j'i;i upi:n you tliat voür bast rnan ür nut Ui be put up to lucsiva ix ciiol and lukawiinn support, to uo snuritiütíd ut tha polls. In utn word, they ure eatitlod to suocusa, and you lllinl go to work and givo lt tu Liioin. thougii you will Imva 0iarmÈ )imrseU'e8 with glwry thotigh defoalod 10 au tioiiomljia stniggla furthwr uluviiliofl tu ilia utüuus ot'yuar cnoioo. Biu I luoit lor viotory - ttiura i a spin itbruuci in tim 1 iiü vvlujti proiniüen tnai. ru-utt. I sao ttio patl ol dai'kua.-ioi'd.iidiig ííwajTj niid tiiü duwn bttgiiuung lo apptjur winuii is ajon tu iliumiuuW int land i spik with uu insu o con tiuenca. I bo.irtVd tliera is a spirit abroud aai ng the dainmcy is the bust of ti.iiaus. 'i n late dissöii runas i Uio doiH)üi'.uu pur.y wore Di suoii u clüiractüi ihut nut oijly d;d uur oppu.iuutD tttBiurHjjö, butour i'rionció felt Uispiniüd. iat tiuw thu slttrion nulas oí inir graat luador aru sounding to victury; ttiaro ia u intivuinent Kinonjj ibo ddia cracy suci) un bus not Oat).i 6ui] einou tlieU;iyot' Andruw Jauk.suu. [Proimigod applttusü J 'i'he hwirU ol ma poiíjjlo ure limuiiea, ami, wiieii tlio tivul'd ol ihtí pyople me moved, wliuu tüiíy aru iliovad irniii oue cnd of tila tu puulio tu lilo otliui', un pu.u.' Oü i wiiii m,u:J lis itvtanHniUtmit utight. iViy t'rttaniiaj 1 teil j,i 1 f;(3] the gitauluil uour.ige, and Htiuíi kIhhv ya, ií my vi'iua üuo.s iio hiil na tanc our rupublicun oppoiiciiiti ciinnot tiiicceud, anU mat ucüii mutl üo nurí. Id ihu progres ol pariiöa, foll-.iw uiiizoiia, it óïwu tmppour, nel iioujsaiiiy happens that evuiita ooour whtüh huve u teucUo ey i'ir u tima to dividu grout nutional partita, iind tjem to thrpw u wunt ol uuriuoi'd ainóng uu, and inpurt na ahStílJCÜ ut CUÜl'Ugü tllOUgh, ,it KUinu tune, tliero is luuud CtuTöfiipIng itsali m pri.ioiptd WU.Otl tm.s all tü'j öio. lienta oí Miuut;.--!!, but whose etitabliotiihttiit req;urtj!i uil llio oüoriöd of Ulo pai'ty i UeiiiíVe, IoIIow-cÍHJSoiih, thal wo 8 und in uutj iiTiIidso jjosiin.'ii-, tnat as ik. djai ccratlü party, orgtmu&d by JeÖorin, uroso iu biniu, o, lu, üy tuu iriiiniíasL duhtiny uttha puny, ït must slragglts mm iu gwiu ts niuviisblij viotury uyor eiTur. i'ha dj'ii iLir.itiü party is nut a )iriy vvh.uti ti.nds s iflj it is a p;irty wiiiuti nucos.-aniy mova turwai-d. n is u party wliicti uikcs up u principie, piiitj it iu i La proper pluoe, mij movos lorward heeibiisl]!iuiit ol' a ncw pri.icijjlo of tr Li l h Tim poinï of doubtlul .--uoouss aniíü.-í only wüoii ui'.-y urn dixvin lorai(j Iroai au old i.o.-itiaii to U ÜUW U t'. It ioövitubly hsnpens - forstioh ! human Datura - una pvagroa.aun ii strife Alen líiiÜstiiiy iu tur GcUisu can only il 1 stu.ioiis ind purf. ni) diltien accordiny ti thtiir cüpiicit. and 0urujje, VVrmn ' nev po-itions vn ta.üu, uil thestrong ; hi,d-i of error aro 10 o aüaokuil, must ieaü íead tilo CHarga. J,ut?Tlj o,ii yu.iiiJ llKit lius unli.stuU tbr iho wal' oiH.Duo t:e c u.t.-st, asiurt-d tb t Uiey must oo'uqimr. But we i i.i giva no uaeasi:ie-s ubúut uttífr.(rs. Wiltíf'ü ars . o iioa? We :i"i.' I n 0 r .: h ing likt) ihe lsia;li.e.-i thniugj t.e 11 d ea, vvh u 11 o vv.iVo.s ha-u ji-t parta J, 8u tiiat va c.ui'i mi-lako oj.1 way. l rdLurd tya pusiïipa ül .hj dsiuuc'rutjj part}' as succus-ful. Tho.'o are bülore the ponplo cf thia rej)ii!jlio ihreo groat ar.ii-, uppuioijHo euclvoliier in tbeir pnavij'lcá .ud - , , __ '.'"'". Th').-Q po! dons are 'h e, ni i wish you to g'ive ma your cardlul nt;t:átiun vv-hilü I s:a e them, for I intetxl tl -.{'e tlii'::i a f I wero m:ikira un tupeninorr. bofore a earvful, oriticaJ, discriinin.uin? audienuo, :is you aro. I im bh ü we havo ío convinco the juagiMnt Hfth peoj!t, nul I intond to truikd such :m aiíí'.irnunt ;is I liall feul satisiiei.l to uubrntt t the most critjeal obporvtttion uí friunÜM .'nd fexw. F'nt ie the rppublionn prtrty, ffreat in nuruber.s, greut in the trbtltttttf ot :t1 udlierentí, gruut in 'us oiguniiation, hut rmnarfcrtble, however, thntivosiht onlv in on Soctioh, which i-i known as thu Iruo tita'.os. Bevond this limit il ti:n iKi p :■; it is nn party 8:iu!h of tité Ohio; flouth of Mason nnd Dixnn ni it lias nbstiluteijr no power, it i no party wliutevur. l'his p;.rty tunds on out? singlo id'."i. It ík rérriarkubl, indeed, iny friunds, that h this great rupnblio, witn u!l i'a ditferaity f wanta and inlyreats, Ui:s ono-iileit party Rhoulii cnfry inoro th;in c na militan Tutes. Another ihiiigiibout it is has been suid here tnijftlt, I it is only fnur yoars olí. It ü ufa ii lied by mitií, that it was bom t Jiu;kio:i; don'l undurst -mil me ttiut il was boiTi in ii [jubilo iaat Uiliou thjru. [LangNter] üthera ainonj whoni, I undurstand, 8 thu lepubücitn candidiiio for Lieut. (jovai-aur, Air. liirney, duim tHat tuis party had iiw origin froin th j old liburty party of 1811. l ttiink that Mr. R:r' ny is riii1.. Tiiat party oí 1844 did ihj büuór of noiiiiááting a citilsy ot tu Ötats, tha iu:hr tif this Mr. Birv.y, as eanürdiit fW ths ' Prwfolèrteyj nijd tiifü'u wui hol n whig of that duy v,iiu o,.! ti)ucti rh old liborty party i :; pair óf totigi. !-iughtor.J l :). s.tinti rriiii who wui the le;idi.T t uu ola litíortjr pü-ty iilso wrotu tiu Oufcajpi pl.itfoni), ;iiíl l)osto:o ilalirifit Ijodily fi'inn tl.o [Ji'uicip'es of ihfi (lil kberty par tv, bui li.ui uot ttia m:inlinc.-s to o .va It; I vv;i3 out atinfiodthat thrpublin(n [jarty hkttí Úuy anconiry, and a n ri.rtj ilmt tliuy aro uot, as I sii)poüi!ltií.(W luiliui. bul h;iv: ;; nruiit g!, tho'jh th.-y üi!.::ue!vus m iv ot lüol iiomiroii wuli ít. u:ij chüers.J ttopuUticitiiuin has bit uno do:i - ilns iiutUtr of ílnVery. Let r, republiosa toll nía inhi'l'wiso. I tall hiin, a idc.i ol aí.ivury wtis wiitniruwn, ii wuiiiii uí a purt? w.ilí.iut a plutfrm, u puity wnlioutau ubjset. Tn.y v Liiai, s i lar as raíalos tu Territúrwa not iiígauisml intd Sciitw, itU ihu duty of üungreN by logi.-ilution to prtjvant tno (jeo.jif, witOVr uuüussury, lro;n 'nitroduoMg tiluvcry therem ; lihtt lraioui ts Uu iiunna! Lalo nf Uie Turri-orie-'; tliat sidiory is u g;' vni)í{; aud vviRinuvur it la n:ue.-i.-;iiy it id tlio duly of (JiHiru.-iS tu osüluuu ït ; that neithor (Joiigrvdd uur Uii ponple oí tlia Terriiu. uoi' unyb.idy oliall introduuo .-.iVüiy iiuo ma l'ttnriiorrmi ÜOi)grss4 (Jviigrtft, C i.vQRnWS, is liJt) groat rom.5nul uguoc to [jiuvö.'it tlio tiprouii df "luvury in u ihc 'i'urntorios. Now, wiiei-o ia tha otttsr party ? - fba rupublicaoa auy Ihut wo are ft glav-piugtttiitg uarty. I c;)ii!r:itlate yju as il hm myself tliat uur pomúua in pluuaU in 8twt) üght, ■; itit rapuüliouni on the ouubtMtd au ihu KtfctiHöiuniiiUt ua tiid otiier, tht it canlio! bo mifilaken. lius not ihU riiMi tittten 'uco siiio y on ihu grourid v.:i ttaö democratie pwrty rofusud lo lMd its aid om u party t. iiiirod-.iit! or iWniHtuin lavery .ti thu Toi'ntoriê? - UonnCjiujn!ly taer hang tti thu den ■■': cratic party u u counterpart ;o the republicun p my, he seoessiosii.-its, Thoy declaro tbat thè Territorios ira the cominon j.roperty oí tho United ■Status; that evcry portion of the pao. pte of tliu United látate have a right ín tuko their propgrty wherever they ohoilaa. ffer.ód thcy havo a nght to take tlieir property, their sliives, iutu tho Territoria. The on& says tliat it ihe uty of Congresn to prevent slavery, and th otiier utittmo ttmt it is ihe duiy nf Corgiuss to maintaia siavary. Novv, wluit i the rcsult of tVicso is sivs? 1 will teil y')!i. VVu h ivo an 'l impresa ib'c conflict Y' Tlio lároukinridgo i'iict.ou ll;ic bul littlo ór no euppjrt, us it party, ut the North, and in ktot, p'.issu.ssos but littlú sti-üügli at all is i pjirty. Th as yon havo two suot:onal paitius, bo.h Hruoili th:tt Cntlirva the po'ei' t interioro in the n'iatt ■]" ul ulavory. iind ench wishing lo us thut lowöi' Bubsurvieut to their own viuw-, l!' pulpases And thusyou (iavc an " irrcpressiblo coi.tliut." I airi uttiiring a most uppalling tn;th. An ' irrupr. ssb!e cmilicí," ii-t boguen ndividiui!, but between two pmrorful Beutioua of onr inigh y Repuóliol And, if ihoro it no pnncip!u of nou intui'Vöiition to conciliut and nannoiü.e ttiou 'bi'ce-', ihe b'iud of ih s fTni n rt. bi (isst-vcrucl, :md the fabricoï thjs Re ub ie ovoiutially lev. tjTriii with thri'diwt W"l.r.)ii the H-uih nAürtH ás a bbrly Uis [iriiwipiéa "f tiisj lirocfeinridge i-- ■ v. aad the the North rnaets t!ie outh on thu is-uio ba weun ; t'utt party and repúWiüknisnii títere nothiiig left bul ruin. destruclion desolatiód fid diiiühion; ifit comus to that, it is ha neviuible coDstquenco. Batweon the-ie two partios thora stands unotht-r. And ) tiits hands of that third party there isp! iceti, üid ulvvays has l)títjn plácpd, thu dot-linifi ol tliis our own glurioiis Rep.ubtiJ. It is tiie party ruceivipa; U iniésioi) frot'n tha hundí of thu Fatliers of tliia country, that hus o.irriud the titfeuttoaa o.f thé püoplü with ie and biirno thé detii)ifl o( ;h9 crtuölry ior more than threefounh of u uentury, in every complication, through evoiy Diiiergtuiey. Thy sland holding up he cidisütutifiö and rtfiiring the ilug of our country trininphantly alot:. In the murpl) of par lies, .ve have tu meet thjs slave'-y (iustitjn f ico to faca Doj-i it sua.'. loyou that tUis i.i a r.y.v q-ics io; V It doos ísuem s) to y yw.' repúbíjisnn.--; [Laughtor.J This q-.ics'.iun was sononsly" qonsiderua uüd dèb:tto4 niglity yo u1 ig ; considarod, deiiaic-i, ind set. led on thu vury footing ihat tho dt);niH-rauo party hus r.;).v pl.iujd if. It s o : i y iij'.v i:. tliis, the f Cüior opp-s. tion of the uenioonitiu party h:vjrig bocome ilefoatfd, and hav;ng settled thu pi'ihdplus iclitia to bank-, fiiianco-, trad.-, and pp itípaj l'C n'.i;riy, ih'y wero luivUr tho ncnessity of cantirj; nhoiit for sonnilfvog lieW.. An;l I they f'iutid, buritid uw.iy in tho.ío(í of the oid liburiy purty, the a .a-L-ry : q-MA ion, and Uicy tiü'.tjd it .uit i.d Sonic b'::;: riflw . , , For a timo ve woro so Windea na 'o 'yiu h'." o lieory attenti m. Fui' a í timo o ftii'i.0 .i:. ■ , i . : ■ -.oriu ce and in tho wi-dom of onr f thers wö wo lid finid a salo MMinion of tiiis (jnest ,n. If onr opfioncqtq ;1 tnke tt.e tr i I 1-' t (■:: ! in'e Iao lifliato of that perí d, tl:oy wilt, i?"Í liat tl;o slavery queUion, in :i' 1 it daricest as. port-, ' as si'nt ligtht irKo tbc cons'itn. tionai' i'o ,ve:.ti n.' Bü', ientlcinen, it i no; (jefcat L.lie d libomiions o t'M$ roly. T.xre was tliori that wl drtfft wUiob pan 'W !.;.-;ü t,) tüteup th M itinu lis it was and pi I rlïiinè i'. Theo wás tlutt wliic'i KI ttp'tii lo determino l'.iat inoïi !r ui tiavt Yo k :.n 1 M.wsui-liusot's. frOJU - C inli:i:i u n 1 1 GJoilrgu, winili] voto lo lc .vu Uio tiliu.íliwu ti) the pooplu of Hití H.'W.ral i-.o.ii.ii-.iniln.., i;it.-! . .tod tó t!f c.ilo !'■] Ototte'étvrOï. Ttiid was llio si.üplo principio tvii.ob w;is iho gulding lilii lm tht) l'raihijis ui tlio cuiislilutioii. 'l'.jis was iho i i : -, 1 1 1 ffliioli wuiiiud tlitiin 11 all tilcll lillilüulÜOS. Tliy Illtfll flulll M irMcIlü-olUi HUItl U tllO.-iO -! (Colgi i, II you want. pltfvwy, il 'n ymir eo ii i'ii nut mus. i'lk! ilion oi' (iooria t .ú . i ,1; ,.iui Iro.n MiUiSUchUáOlt, it y m cL.n't. want blttvury, abolisb i. ;-A Li I 1 ó Dal' Í11 'lOUcj COMStilUllOÜ ;t .-o i.. íes ilKiguiiiudUtj umi boiJOÜeeut p.'yur !--. Nmv, liio in 1 -i(j, ivheii Lhicj ]ne.-.,oll WU9 spruilg i.,m.i tiio ciiiiutiy, lu-ik ;i similar pusitl iii. Tlio Wiluuil proviso ua.-. proji'isuJ, au..! in 1650 ilio country was int-) .-iK;h disorder that thero wo.c anieles of a .so.iüieni confoderuoy f'm'nltu] n ilio ciiy ol WashiogUin. - Uil olaliil tu lu.SH:vji. tlio llalIICó ol' C'lllV ailtj Voi)..;i'. „Si'. Ci.iy was at tlio houd ui tim cwaiu.iU: reponed un tliut l)ill. Your groal léad?rti slood bt-aiio uijr gro;ri, u..úi's, aii.d trod with ii.: iliu .ia. ik: [..Ui u iiioii dolivored uiooiniiry [rum tlio Jaiierd which thén tiilo .touud U.S. 1'iic priilüiplo vvhioli m:1 liio qücbtiun at rooi, ttas Lhat oi a Tci ntunal iiill, leaviug the QdoStioo to tiiu [oujilc of lho Tofntorips. Jivor ijHice duit timo tliü principio of tl.u ilfmoi-.ii.tic poity hna boon iisod, and ihö (jiiosüoii Iris boen tunicil out o! Uuiifireos, and ioiiiitt;d lo lllö COQslit .unoios Ui wlioin it lcyully lioloiiys. iii KuiisiiH, in Utah, in ovoiy Teriiiory, w' oiiiur wo own it, or aro inteuding to Gatlioi' t umior tlio wibgat'f t.bu Ainyriuuu oagle. [Chcol.J Thu prinoii lo iá simply tlie pooplo of Lho Territorios, liku tlio peopltí of the Status, shall determine thi.s questicfp in their own way. Jsn't this fair? Isu't tliis ('„ir, quito fair, my republican iiio do'? [LaUghtur.] Liu'l it tugal as wcll as í'.ii. 'i I want you to Low me one chi'.iso in thu constitution rhich tiivi,1 ('011141 oís jiiiwor t" raaioliiJn qijMi.-ii.;. ft). 1 vol f in the ïotriCurius. Can ymi limi 'i Ifithori', it imisl be undsr the hoad of th'j "general wel faro1' flans.-. TLcTo is 0110 cju c in tko tí!ia;;o pEitionn wLiüli is somtfwliat rein uk,tle, nod wliib í thinls aa uot min li uitmutd wlu-ii read iu tlioxxj t;u:i. Í ruiur t ülauju trhieb dorlalos liiat tlio llghttf of llie BtjVorul iStalos ninst. iio ircsorvod. 'i'his s de inKTu'.io doctrine; butwu go fmtlier, mJ insi.-t iijion pitwiii ving the rigiits ol tin; Ttrritoi ios. Jf t o ioo]ilo ot 'iriniaand of iIii;hiL;ui aio k-ft to tako caro oí llk'ir 0A11 uunooros, why slionUl not tliopeoplo of Kansas and Utah onjoy tliat privilege. Thoy thoro go to tlio bal.'oi-!)o and can voto for laws to suit llnüiisolves. Wliy, yon linvo voted tvvioL' on the quostion, aud ouch time nyainst fkivery, You miglit voto that you tfould l.avu slavory. Ii you, hero in Michigan, can tlms vote, dccs it diítjiialify you to volo with c(jual IVuudoui bocausc you are transpOCted to Kansas? Why, in tlio namo of God, it transportad to Kansas, or whorovor yu inay ploaso to romovo witliin tho huiiUol tliis Republic. sLould you not havo tlio privilege of makiog laws for yourselves? Wtioro you livo yuu know your own want.s, and can inake lawa uongoniul to youraolves. - Wliat is it thut niakos your laws hoio congenial' It is bocause thoso laws are mude by your own hoort, by your oivn hand. 1 want to tol! you that it was ou lliis vory quostion thut tlio liovolution was fought. Jt was tho principio wliich was at issue wlieD tho British Purliatnenttluiinud llio powur to rulo uur forefuthoi's in uil cases whatsoever, wjiile thu Colonios claimod the ritcht of local logi.slaüori for thomsolves; that is, to regúlate tbcir own dor&estic concern& in their own way. [Applause.] But interventioniats say slavery is wrong, and can you stand by and seo a graat vKpgcommittod and not intorferu? Salmón 1'. Chase, who is a high prijst in the republican synagogue, said iioniu'orvontion is a cowardiy principio, ;md tlie republican party consider it their duty to interioro wherovor liuinanity calis. Do you hear that? Why don't vou innroh iuto Virginia? If tho constitution declares that . slavcry is vron2, it bhollld bo interforod with whorovor it extsts, if Mr. Chaso's intervention principies are correct. Jiu t they are not correct. Non intorvention ia tiie wisest principio ever dovisèd for human governtnerit. It saj's to tho btrangur, you shall not deterinlne how your dislant í ello w-man should bo governed. Just look at it. They have a law in 3Iasachusetts that a foreigjier shall not vote for tvvo years after boing naturali.od. Why don't you ro down therc and protest aguinst it? Don't you soe it is a great wrong? But it bclongs to them to euro it. To earry out tlie prin ciple of ntoryenlion, yvu mus. go back to the posilion of tho old liberty party and declure Ihat ''the constitution is & covonant with death and a league with huil." "When Mr. C:;asu s;.id that nónintervcnüon had its origift when Cain slew Abel, thut it was falso, cowardiy, and diabólica!, ho knew vcry w'ell that it is a principio for whicb has boon shed the best blood that over flowed for fret'dom. But Mr. Chase is not sound in theology. The fïrut murdor came froin tho interventiou of the devil him self, win went iuto that family to interiore with their mannging thoir doinestio affairs ia thoir own way. [Laughter nnd applnuse.] The itfrlest intorven','ionist inay be iound in that charactet'. Dr. Johnson, tho old, !, British tory, aid that thu dovil wras the lirst wtalg, Bccuue he was tho first rebel. Ho is also the first intorventionin, and his fol lowers inay go where thflt Fcaly indi vidutd alwuys loads. [Laughter and renewed cheoring.J Tire principie oí' non-intervention in the principie of mind your own business. You have a right to interiore in concerns of friondship and peace, but not to go out ot your Bphere and interfvre in the domestic concerns ol unothor. Suppose you tbííifc your noighbor is not very wiso in his dprne?tiü relations, nnd you foei il your duty to interiore. Why, ymi might be gooq running away with his wifo. - ftkighter.] IIow do tho people o( the Territorifs view this Mibject? They don't want you to send your Jim Lañes thero or to have the MiSsoutiatia interiore; they bimply want to bo left idonc nid govern themselves. And I appcal to nny of my republican friends it' tho principle of interventiou i not unfair, unwise, mnjust nnd impolitic. Am I bot rïilit when I say that it will bocomo au ainiizeinent if the people of tho Stute of Michigan do not rise ns one man to sustain the principie of non-intervontion? [Crios of "Yes," and cheers. That is the principio of peace, concord ainl ffatörnity throughout the Republio, apd tlis othcr is tho " irreprcssiblo coufllct " ! I hare 110 doubt tíitire aro soma repub ( licaus bcfC present who Ihink they are . going a oljjt ,Mr. Lincoln, [ LangDtcrj ■ ■ "ut !i) gct t1 ■ ■ ' ■ tO :! if wi'.li e yon ever doe ' Vo i tmvo ■ ■ r.icOi 'Po :■ i ■ i !''■■, ' ■ ry all tlllO l'ivo fcl pi at) iQl ■',') Vol A voieo; " Piioy Hl, u a hom." j I i"v t i c;MTj Notf 1 .■, my rcpublicuu t'riouil :, m ; wero i:i :i uii10 ia the Stato of New ■ I i I ry Ö ■ di ■■' vu are 11 ■ wi'l sripü ■- ■ y iu v ::■,;. ïorlc. i !■■.'." are you gohj I car r) ['emisyh-anin V : . mui nevtr distiiictivo rcpuhHcnii ■ ;. TIn ii' hun.'; are bascd iipon R'hat is callöd the öppoMtion ui ly. Vi il ar.: thöy? XllCiy ;u iho ■ f ■■-'.y party. Tlio rqjublieay party wás botter united t!r.i at mv ;.;;;t, fm' nw tiioy aro . Grcaí laúgitcr.] And tbey can only ride that froiu June :ü N ivembór, eveu if if. waa split by "Oíd lAbé."' [Konewcjl laughtor.] Bupposo car'ry Lcrinsylvátiia lot thö have ; it a littlo wliile. W'u tin; crd&s tli'o Allejlfituics. V.'ill they can-y Uliia ? . wcre aciu.iüy 'J n;.ii) vi . :■ ui Oiiio. li. is ;t bonsidorabio ot' lili uudertaking; but kt Üioiu oarry Oiiio [Laugkter.] Soppoao thcy 0.11ry :'.ll tliosa. Aiv thcy güiüg to earry illinois. Whv? .Siopliuii Á. Dinvglus iivcsM.vv. Afiid all tlio rails that Jiinculn and all ollicr mon cvor split e i'onco in Illinois frotu Dohgla. Doui{la6 wiil i'arry lilinois; hc will streep it froii) uu J to erid as witli a brooiu. A mouter wili förgot ker buho beforo 11linois forgets liiei1 oüarapion trad !kt ado]tud sou. [Tbreo elietra were giyon lor l.i.s.J Why, had Illinois beeq lost ::i ttiij d(j[)ih ui cpoblioasisiif, Stephen A. Doiralau troalAbo the ouly ijli)üioia:i that aould cuiv Lor üIh. Iu the nul Hoo sier State iiilv were behiud SOUOO in '.")G. N".. , iny Lineolu friends, baveu tyou got aoniüthing to J:i besides shpuldfiriug ralla to earry Indiana? li. ïs clcat that JjÍjicolu oaumil bc ólccted, I t.lirnk ihc next President wlli come (rom LUinois [cboers] - U'juglas, long tricd iu the tserrico of his coautry, wlio liaa mude morespeechoa th-.iii auy öthfcr statesman of tli il:iv, (iu iuestiórJ8 of tbo nutst rebsorbing intoFvst. And still ho has riot tuado a eoeb uor dono 0. public act of wkich his Bill nTfira nood bo asliamad. As to aS'airB that ttxo distaut wc eay 'ii.iiids oit.'' iJut wc havo tho privilege of iiitorvcntion in our State affairs It is a rcinerkablc fací that , with bwo o.oeptiouB, thoro i.s nut onc of tho oflicors clio.scn two yeara ago whom (ho party has l'.n iiL'il with .1 re-noiniuation. W'liy didu't you renominatu John MoKii ;'as a man as ever livcd'"í Lauglltui'.j Mo.sofí, John and Jacob, all the repubjiean apo.stlcs, were offered up a sacrifico to tho peoplè. Jiut don'o thiak that yon aro yet freo f rom intervention; a hiiugrior swarin suooeéds the leoohes who have been throwo avsrboard. Il' l havo sufficicut liglit 1 will reai.l the Btatement of our linanoial aiïairs for the past few yoars. [A voicc - '''iluit's riht; figafCB Won't lio."J In tho yoar '5 !, under domovratic rulo, the direct taxcs óf tho State worc 30,000 per ycar. And wben tho republican.s camo into power tiiero was $509,000 in the treasury, the accuimilutions of doinocratio thrift and prosperity nader the system iuaugurated by John 8. JJarry. Whcn they first carne into power thoy doolarod that tho indirect tasen (taxes on bauks, railroads and othcr éoiporations) would pay the curront expenses of tho govonmaent, and so they ought. The nrst year thcy increased the taxes to 85'J,000 the next to $()ü,000, the noxt to $80,000, and thon noxt year to 202,UU'J of direct tasation, which you havo had to pay. Senator Stuart tclls a story of a democratie Representativo who was inquiring of arepublican Senator, at the last session of the Jcgislaturc, whethcr thcy were not doing tho matter of taxation rathor brown? Tho re publican thougbi it ivas l.iMv.n, but said, We will mako a negro squeal, and it will bc all right next Novombér at tho polls- we'U makc it all right then. Jiut, tox-payers, is it not paying too dcar i'nr yuur whistle to have a negro s ■jucal in coinpciisation for the tax colIcctor'-s réceipt? [The spoaker's remarks in rcforcncc to the applicntion of the moncy on the public improvcments - the Saut Stc. Marie Canal, and tho foroclosuro of the mortgage "as is a mortgage" - wc are obligcd to oinit. - Ed. Juquirer. Now, my friends, at tliin late hour (11 o'clock) I ani obliged to concludo [Crios of ' Go on, go on."] I can repeat the sentiment of the god-like Webster, on the question of tbo "irrcprcssiblc conflict," that, when my cyes are turned to behold tho sun in hcaven for tho last time, they will not rest on the broken fragmenta of a once glorietas Union, or States dissovcred, discordant and bclligercnt, but that concord may be restored, that thrift and cconoiny msy tako the place of . digality and oorrpption - iu short, that ] we may unitc under the banner of tbc democraey, which is tho flag of the Uuion. "For over iluat tbat staiiJurd sheet, Wb'ero brcaihes tho foe ihat fulla buforo us, With Freedom's eoil boncivtli our feet, And Frcoilom'a bunnor streamiug o'er us." [Ghccr upon chcor made the wilkin ring for Mr. Lothrop and the Little Giant.