The Mass Meeting
Tlu! Alas Meeting ol the Douglas Democratie Club of this City, liold on rfaturday last, was hirgely attonded, Though the notico was brief the Democrats lrum iho adjuining Töwöabipa oamo in goodly numbers, and mucli ntorestand yiithusiasm prevailed throííghout tho nitornoon and cvoning. Yp.siliinti cainu up wiüi a íolegaüón tnrec liuiidied Btroug, bcaiing a beautüjul i bannor nsenbod "Douglaá - Ohanopion , uf Pojjular Sovoi'igni.y." Lodi catno ' with a delegalion good anJ true, and her banner mado a üornS thruat at tlio ■ opposition. On onu sido wcro ivro liie-sizo figjjros, the one dellvoring to tho a s.if j koy, and i i!ethoric Iwg. labeled 6500,000. Boing interprotod, this Bido wan supposed to represent tho out-going Democratie State officera dolivering tho Treasury to thoir RépuWicflfi miccessors on tho firöt oi January 1855. Novv look at tho reverse sido. The samo two figures are thero, there i.s no safo and no nood of a koy, tho pletlu ric bag has collapsed-, "nary a red" is in it. It was inscribod '-1861 - Barry recèiving tho Treasury from bis predecessor." It was a decidod hit, fin ovidenco tliat tho farmers of Lodi sock a chungo in tho administración of Stato affaire. At the closo of tho Convention, tho meeting was organized in the square, and Mo.v. Gho. V. N. Lothrop, our gallant nomineo lor Ongross, addressed a largo assemblago of votors in a longthy and efficiënt speech. We were unable to take note, and in lieu of a synopsis givo a report of a recent speech made by Mr. L, at Grand Rapids whieh goos over somovvhat tho Bame ground. In the evening, Ilon. Cuas. E. Sruart, of Kaiatnazoo spoko for two hours to full iiftcen hundred voters, reviewing fully the posiüon oí partios and candidatos upon the slavcry quostion, and alS0 the positittO oí partios in thi.-s Stato ad invorrèd m the administration of Stato aifaïrs. It was a couiplote vindicatiou of tho Djinoeratiu party as a National party, and a severo and just re!juko cf the party now in power in thi.s títate. If it could havo been hoard by every voter in tho county, wo should count on a majority for Douolas, Bakry and Loïimop, and we are inclincd to do so as it is. During the afternoon the youug Democraoy raised a tall and beatitud) hikory polo, from whiuh floíits,, a ban. nor inscribed Douqlas and Joiixso.v, Barry and Lothrop. In the ovening, after SiuAm'sspeoch, a torch-liglit prooession was formad and paradsd the principal streets headed by .he Steubon Guarda Band. Itnumjered about 350 torchos and mado a inc appearanco. And thus terminated tho day, without accident, and to tho credit of the Douglas Club.