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A Proclamation

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BY THE GOVERNt)R OP THE STATE OF MICHIGAN.I, JOHN S. BARRY, Governor of the Stale of Michigan, have thoughl proper to appoint, and by these presentado appoint Tkursday, the t'iccniy eighth day oj JYovevibcr nexl, a day of public Than?giving and Prayer, árid áo recommend to the people of Ihis State to fet opart and observe the same accordinrrly; That they assemble o'n tHfit day in iheir eeverai places of public worship, ano witli sincere hearts give thnnks to Almighty God for ihc numbcrléss blessings enjoyed durinur the past year. Let us tinite in rendering dim ibatilcs that hé' ïias preserved as as a nation; that he hns saved us froth foreigri invasión and from interual convulsiona; "that he has stayed the pestilence and averted famine; thát he has continued to us social and domésíic en joymentc; and that he has kept inviolate oür civil and religious institutions. Let us rener thanka Cor all his mercies so graciously boslowed, añd' ivith deep huriiilily, confe'ssing ouf fclns, unite in fervelít prayer and supphcaíion fór a continuahce of his divine favor and protéciion! In testimony whereófí bave caused tHe Gi-eat Seal of the Scaie tobe affixed to these presente, and signed the same with my hand. Don at the city of Detroit, this [L.S.] twenty-ffth day ofOctober, in the year of our Lord one thóusafld e'ight huiidred ancl forty -fou'r, and of the Independerse of the United States, the sixty-ninth. JOHN S, BARRY. By the Governof': R. P. Eldredgr', Secretary of State.


Signal of Liberty
Old News