Senatorial Convention

The ]jmocrntLc Senatorial Convention, for tho 7th district, wa3 held at the Court House ín Ann Arbor, on Saturday, Aug. 25, at '2 o'cloek, P. M., and was organizod by the clcction of' Geo. DAnFOivni, Chairman, and Wm. F. Kotu, Sccretary. A coinmittcc of thrco was appointed on credontials, whioh roportcd list of dclcgatos ontttlcd to soats, and the report was aecoptcd and adopted, The Convcntion then proceedod to ballot for a candidato for Senator, aud on the 2d ballot, PtlIHP Wixkuak, of Northfield, rcdeivoda major i ty of all tlie votes, and was doclarccl unaniriiously nominated. A coinmittcc of two was appointed to infonn Mr. Wixecjaií of his uomiimtion, and Mr. W. appoared beforc tha oouveiition, thankod it for the honor couferrod upoa hira, accoptod the position asaigned hiin, and promisod to work early and late to win a victory for tho J)emocratic party. The Ciiair appoiutcd the following Senatorial Oommittoo for the ensuing two ycars. Messrs. R. A. B.ëal, of Seio ; D. D. Gook, of Salem ; Win. F. Koth, of Ann Arbor ; Elisha (Jongdou, of Sylvau, and E. B. Pond, of Ann Arbor. On motion, tho proöoedings woro dirootcd publishcd in the lIichi(an Argus, and the convention adjourned sino die. GEO. DANF011TH, Clm. Wm. F. Rotii, Soc'y. 3g" Gkaxger evidcntly bclicves in being jolly whilcho may, a3 an cvidence of wbieh wo find tho following in tho Detroit Adverliser : " Mr Grangor kiudly attempted to palliate tho indecoBoy of Donglas' condnot by repeuting tho anoedoto of tbo boy who was takon to task by a pious' doacon for violating the önbbath. The young repo.bato was in tho habit of so loeting that day for going a fishing. Whon reprimanided by tho dcacon he donicd that it wns anv sin. In surprise his minutar askoJ him how bo made that out? "Why," replied tbo young Sabbath-breakor, "I hnv'nt cavght any." Mr. Grangor thought Mr. Douglas rnight put ín tho samo pica against tho charge of indelicacy in eleutioneering for himsolf. IU has'nt caught anythingV Guangkh might iilo tho samo pica now, but aftor tho Gth of November it will bu too lato, for by that time ho will Havo caught a docidcdly bandsomo wbíppingí Mark that. J53E" The Detroit Adiiertiscr s-.iys that ü. E. Simons, of the, S.turgis Republican has boen nominated tot Sunator, and that "ho will inake an ellioient and intelligent Legislaför." Simons has boen nominated for Coroner, and his efficiënt services, ;ƒ eluctod, may bo oalled into requiëition by somebody who desiro.0 to getoutof the clutofiés of the ShoriflF, or il Öofonora could bc allowed to hold uquosts as formorly, in sitling on the body of dofunot rcpublicanism,