Hon. J. R. Williams
evitable Joo," tailingto gota nomina üon fin1 Cüogress ia tliü sccond district, - a district in whieh ho lias beon badly beaten "two, throe, severa] timos" already - has boen nominated for Senator by tho Republicana of St. Joscph County. Well, ho will make a rospeetablo inember, mueh bettor tlian tho avèragoj and mny be induecd to go in for giving the affairs of tho Agrioultural Cclloge nn airing. Í3? There was a roaring Republican mass meeting at Saline, Washlenaw, couaty, last Wedneadsv. Speeches wero made by Saü'atór Éingham, Mr. Gutchoon, Gen. O lliil, D. S. Eitchel), and Mr. Stnrks, of Webster. - Grand Rajptdt Eaglc, of '13J. The Eaglc has soared above ts limiit. No such meeting has been held at Salino. There was meeting at Salom on the (ay roferrod to, and Gov. Bixgiiam was "thar" and "spokc bis pieco." It "roarod" to tho nutnber of 72 - -non, women, and chiklren, all told, so Republicana says. E3 Tho Republicana of this Senate district have nominatod Kon. T. D Lanb, of Salem, as their candidato for Senator. Mr. Lans is a meinber pf tho present House, and at tho last session was ono of the most ultra of tho ultras, swallowing tho personal liberty bill - which makes it a pena offbnco íor a So'jlherner to pass througb tho State with n servant - the règistry bill, the Canal loan, and all othor party mcasuros. Ilis intenso republicanism is of the Birney stripe, and of courso tho Domocrats of the district will not aid or pormit his eloction. Thon remomber to voto for Wineoah. In this Represen taiivo district tho Ropublicans havo nominated W. N. Stovons, Esq., of NorthCeld, as thoir candidato for Representativo. Wo havo little personal aoquaintanco with Mr. S. and do not kpow that ho has ovor boon tried in any public office. StiSÜ' Tho Princo of Wales has formally aceepted an invitation to visit Detroit. Tho timo is not vet an nouneea. ! S. C. CoFrixüiüiuY, of St, Josopb, luis boon nominated lor Congress by the Democrals of tho 3d Cougrcasional district. L& C. li. Stebuins, Esq., ofLansing, "spoko a political Pomo" at tbc Court House, on Monday ovcning. It drovo nearly all the rep ublicane. ladies and all, out of tho ho uso bcforo its tci" mination, and butfor lbo sympathy of the domocrats tho speaker vvould havo poddled his pointlcss and stalo rhymes to empty benches. t3 At tho Breckinridge Stato Convontiun, huid on Wodnesday the following electoral ticket was nominatod: Al Largc - Jacob Bcc3on, R. P. Eldrldgo. lat dist.- Barnabus Caso ; ad. Peter Morey ; 3d. W. V. Morrison ; 4th. Ralph Wadhams. Z'-S Hon. J. Stjjri.iníí'Mouton luía boen nominateil by the Deruocracy of Ncbraskíi :is thoír candidato for delégate in Con gress. A good seleetion. LS" Geruit Smitii has boen fonnally nominated as i candidato for President, Ho is thu sixth candid ato in the Held. Tbat votcr who cannot suit himsolf this year must bc fastiilious. gSg" A firo occured in Dotriot on Wodnesday cvening, on tho do ek betwecn Qaas and First stroots, destroying severa1 vyare-housaa and their contíati. Total loss put at $16,000.
Elections - Federal
Republican Party
Speeches & Addresses
Michigan - Governor
United States Congress
Old News
Michigan Argus
J. R. Williams
Kinsley Scott Bingham
T. D. Lane
W. N. Stevens
Prince of Wales
S. C. Coffinberry
C. B. Stebbins
Jacob Beeson
Barnabus Case
Peter Morey
W. V. Morrison
Ralph Wadhams
J. Sterling Morton
Gerrit Smith