It h3 been the uuly of tha pross to record the death, on tho 17tli inat., of Trof. Samuel Dixivn-, who has filleJ tho etiair of " Thmrj and Piuetiee " in tho Medical Department of the Uciversity of Michigan since it3 organimtion, to tho honor of tho plaee, and the eminent usefulness of the classes who list ened to I113 instruetions. Prof. Dkmox was born nt Wallkill, Orrnge Co., New York, July 2d, 1803, and grad tnted at JCastleton, Yermont. In 1821Í, hc carne to Ann Arbor, Michigan, whero with the interruption of a ycar and a half he had resided, iu the praeticeof h'13 profession, ap to the date of hisdecease. Ha hashad many ofli ces of public trust committed to hún by his fel. lowcitizens. Ha hns been President of the State Medical Associaüon ; he representod Washtcnaw County in the Sonate from 1844 to 1S48. and was one term Regent of the Uni YÈrsi'y. Prof. Dexton s loss to this comían Tiity, with whiflh he has been identified from the first aettlqment of tho town, is ono which is feit bya largo eirol of Bttaohod frieruls ■oho will aerar forgst his many ostuuable (Joalitiea of head and lienrt. lie ivns a man ul' genial cení] .inionship, and of nruarkable depth and vigor of intellect, coinprelieuding a subject with raro gen rosity of view. Naturally of lew worda, but a-profound thinker and most suggeative reasoner, there were times when he was mort1 oom municative than at others, and you feit that tlie ideas which he advanoed wcre the rosoli of inuch and careful reflecüon, and then he was by turna grave nnd luiraorous. Of kiudly disjiosition and most gantleman Iv feelings, those who knew hira well will eherish the remembranee as amono; tlie ploosantest of their experieuce. And now thal we can look apon hiin no more, forevei', it is good to recall his many intcrosüng peeuliarities, and know bliat though that manly brow ia luid beneath the sod, tho nblo soul bas passcd bevond the vail of mortality, nnd is now whereall mysteries are sol vod, all knotty points iu theology unraveled, and the intellect untramine!ed,purifled sndenlightened, goes on to per feo t ion. 1( Dr. Uestox was endeared tohis acquaiiit anees by lii social temper, as a physician he evor held a high poaition for his sagacity, tlie acutcncs3 with wiiich he apprehended a case and the attention with wliieh he followcd its eceentricities, enabling him lo treat it with that masterly skill whicli marked the whole coursc of his practico. And in tho lecture room he was noted for his originality and felicity of expresáion which invariably intercsted and chained the attention of his hearra. Like the pebble thrown into tlie stream ia the disappearance of an ordinary life ; a moment the triaca is agitated, and then the waters close ovt-r it and all is oalin as bofore. But when a great and good man is called away in the niidst of his years, wheu his sun goos down whilo it is yet day - all society suf )eis, for truo benovoleuoo, guidod by mature judgineut, is not the product of an hom', and Hot of common oec irrenee. Prof. Dkxïox had lived to soe Ann Arbor (rom a few individuáis, number its thousands. the smiling opening covered. with haiidsomc dwellings with their adorning3 of cultivated trees and shrubbery, and the camp of the aboiiginee replaced by eolioul, chureh and col lcf;e, &ud the growl of tho wild beast succceded by the low of the farm yard. In his time Michigan, which he had watched since it was a Territory, had taken hor place in the front rank of the Union, and become a model for advance in agriculturc, commerce, in education, and the eucouragement of the öseful arts. Our friend met his last hour with his chnracteristic collectodness and eomposure. l'atiently attending to the arrangement of busi■ness affairs, he then quietly awaited the end, professing Iiíb faith in his Savior, committing his all iuto the hands of God - he died liko a jibilosopher and a christinn. " Thechamber where the g(d man meets iii fate is urivilegod beyond the eoinmon walk.,' Ann Arbor, Aug 27ih, löGO.