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From Washington

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Special Dispalcli to the N. Y. World. Washington, Aug. 2G. Alcxnndcr II. Stophens wiil tako the tuinp for Douglas, n Georgia, on Iho irst oi September. Gov. Leteher, of Virginia, has opcnlv leehired in favor of Douglas. Tho domocraey west of Iho Bluo iidííe is almost unanimously aguinst he seeeders. Ex-Govornor Wisc is ptill is doubt vhether he shall support Breckinridge, ■üthough bis name is on tho Charlotcsvillo sccedcrs' electoral ticket. Not only tho national committco, bat Mr. Douglas himself, siietains Co!. Fornoy in liis opposition to tho Jireckoridgo fusión ticket in Pennsylvanin. Havinguuitod vvith the Union party, any amalgamatiou wiih thü soceders willbe con8idered a breach óf contract. Mr. Breckinridge, bcing without a shadow of sucwra in the North, wfll oertainly be íor.saken by the conservativo portion of the Bontbern democracy. Tlio idministration ia determinod not to permit Spain to inako war upon Mesico; at loast not to altaoV thelatter upon itsown land, and take possession oí it. Mr. Buchanan ih willing to act as mediator, bot he vvill not pennit that tho Monroo doctrino, which owes its origir. to the aggrossions of Spain, shall be disregarded. Should the Bell and Douglas ticket receive a majority of the electoral voto, it is statoij that Douglas will be l'resident; Evorett, Vico President; Bell, Seeretary of State; and Johnson Secretary of the Treasury. Special Disjiatch to tho N'. Y. TiiliUU". Washington, Aug. ÜG. It is understood thut Judge Douglaa will speak wilhin tbo ncxt ton days at places n tho following order: Raleigh and Goldsborough, N. C, and Potüföburg, Richtnond, Oharlottosvijje. ötaunton, and Winchester, Va. Thore is a good deal of agitation at this point oonccring Mexiean afï'airs. A large naval force is to bo ooncontrated at Vera Cruz, and it is probable that neitlier blockades nor bombardrnents willbo countonanced unlessSpuin makos her damonatration in force. Mr. McLane'e counsel is solicitcd. Tb Seeretary of War has recalled or suspended hia award to Hr. Degroot.