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K0TICÍ5. -(JTlKI-Hnv gheu iht tfai .ubaerrber I inake a; j;..cmLiuD to the Ciicult t.Vurt for the County of faabtenaw, to be Leid At the Court IIoum ia the Gtj et Ami Aibciriu said Countv on Ihv 4tb Tueday 01 Uctolwi 11 f xt. al the ooeniri; cf iflid Court, nt u ooo ti.i-ieníui a a liL-uriug eau bc Lud to racale certaia ■ - □ Croéivnd rhutta' Addition to the YUlagfl ol r .u iiti , Cooiity of Waabteuaw and SUU i.iin, to wit : All llie lour rod street lving between and contiguua1 to Iota i.-. . aui six, aud lul eixlile-.-n, and the DvrtíifVly! of the rematador of Mid stiee . The Alley biweeo let twanty-two ad twooty-tbre, 11 of shuita' fltreet nl mjuiücIi of lue public road ou soutberïy Dl amld Addltion as lies contiguoufc to lot twentyitglit; AI.-O, m' mueh of the alle y as lie conliguoue to lula turee auu lour aud lot öve in aaid addition. JA.-ON CROS, MaRTINUS L. SHUTB. Jas. R. Cook, Altóme. lilil Yi.jüanii, July 26, lL60 Marshal's Salo. Circuit Cou tof the tJ. S.) lof Michigan. ƒ"■ BYVIKTI Kof au Kxecution, itaued out nf the Cïrcolt Court oí the Liiiio.i .-uto for the 1 iilrict ofMicbi■l.f third day third day of July, Á. V, I85ü. wbertiu WiUlam A. Sninh, WM.iaiii Mcele, Jr., ana Ira.-mith.Jr. are 1'laintlfT, and Marihal) I. . orrill and Vardnei ï-haw, are delendnntA,directed and dehvered lo the Marshal of sai. district, he the laid Marthal bf hia Ueputj, L. D. Walling, did on the Ofth .layof Julj, A. V. 1S56, levy upon tho following decribed landa !r prenrae, viz. Ihe outh-west quarter of Section No. m-truí-eii, and the .soutii fifty aercit from off the tatt half of tl;e noilh-eat quarter of aection N. niueteea; anil the aast hülf of the oorth-west quarter of aeetioa Ho. WSVi ïi ■ c-l nf and thesouth-east quarter of the south' jrwtqaarter of SaatkmNo eightj all in towa two aoatb cl r.iH.' Cuul cat, containing in all tbree hundred and thi! '_v hou" of l:iul m .rt or leí. Notice ír he.ebjr giren Ilial by viitue of mld !-vy I .hall sell at Public Auctioo ur veiiduL at tbe fmnt 'iour DfÜM Court House ió tlM 1 i J ui Ana Arl OT, m said l'istrict, on ïaturdaj, the ñnt day of öaptembaBi A. ï., 1860. at 12 o clocit, noon, or asid dny,l ol the above described lands or premisea d (. BUftanlbatvof anri_v bfl iifcessary to fatifj aaid x - Logrlher with ail cotts thereon. J. & BAGIJ.Ü. S. larht. Bf H. B. NVE, Uiputj. T . -', Anu rbor, Julj IS, IS60. 77td Mtirtgage Foreulüiure. DEFAVI.T HAViNG BEEN JIAL'K IN th ndltlM o! a Mortfraga cxecutcd br John Wemmin to Wil lam . Maiaud, tho th i?.iy of Juljr, A. I) ]S5, aal rcco.ded in the Kegiatar'ii OHïce in the Countjr of Wa&h lenaw ia ljticr Ho. 'J4 of Morrgan, at p pe (61, on tïil ■S'.b day of Julr. A. D. 1858, at ñftoen minutet pad five o'dock. I'. ii-, b' whicb dffault the {wwer of aait cmtsinen in Bali mof Igágv bpcame operativa, and no valt ; or praceednf bavüig btea instituted at law to recoT thé dabt avcured bj ai'1 raortgago.or anr part thereof. ] and the nuir. nf two hunired and fortj dollara aad , evenly-one cents, being now cïa med to be due theraon. Notice theiefon 1 eri-by ff. ven rhat the aid mortjrafci will be foreclosed l)y a SAe of the mortRafred premtvw to wit: ''Itta nuinbi re'even, twelve, thirteD and f(Mirtrtn. In lïinrk ix south, range two e tl, arcordinjr to a Pla: ot William S Marnard' Kecond additiou in Ana Aruur," in jiaid county, or aume part thereof, at public v-,i.lue,al thpCiurt IIiupin the ctr of Aan fcrtar, oij Uietbird da; u üonmber m-xt, at nóon. '. ó. UAYNAR1', Mortjait. batJ, Agiul8. A.I. 1SC0. T4IU Mortgarre Foreclosure. DFF.U-I.T HAVWo MAI.f. in the condition of inr!i;ngcezieuu-d bjr.-amuel W. Kosier to Jo-pS ! Seymour, dated rebroarj fighteenth, A. 1 1539. and rc.;„r.!ed in th i;b-i 4er niñea in the Uiunty of W ', in Liber o. 7 f llortgaja, t page 448. on hbjr of March A. I). 18J.', at lll'ty minute patt 4 ..'cl..ok I'. 11., and 1-7 taid Sjm..ur awigned to N.l.: Ning, pr 1 ih-rlerath, A. I, 1M8, br deed r"r"' enth A. II. 1860, at one o'cbck P. ' bv which default th of mteeoniainediu aaid Murtuaire bcc me operaind no nnt or proccmüng having bwn mititutnd at iaw io recorer the -. eit riecjrfcd by jaid mortgage or any part ihereof, and tkf n.m ol thirtyfour hundrod and ftfty aiz dollars being aow c!3'med to bi d(, t]ifron - iv -.hercfore heieby giveu that tbv aid morlga ■:' ' :■ Mlc uf the raortgaged premiie, to wit: A: UiNt cer'.aiu ir.. et or arcel of land knowm su'. deaeribod a ao m ich of tLa N,rth East fracnon of . mum l'nwiiiihip of ïcio, in aid County aa Uw vwi oi ti.c i, !((.; ,i -cio, and weit frem laad ovnod at the da;e ( f s;ud Mortgagr bv Rufun f ro.iiuaa and Or.oon Quectfhbiuh, (exerpting "ouc 1 alf acr of dpfdtd to W.rn WaliiiCy, Jaouary fourlftenth, Á. A. 1839. uní une hall aere ol land where ther are aey. cial Erare. nd alo ihe riht of Boring land hieh :hea iKxn deodcd to Oraoo (juaclenbuih and l'.ufua Croannan, byjowph W.N-;murini.-mui.l W Foater.l aud h o., the 1 a-t art of thrNnith Wet quarter oí the a-Weet quartër f section thref , in the lownship aforesafd, cootamlng about aevehtwn aerea, lying Kaat freru and adjacent to land then onlied br Tnomai Hoakvn. Al'O lnt one nioek ,i in that of the Tillag of Scm, MirTFed br S W. Foiter, in April A. Dik.S. nr: : re-.: led ín th Rgiter' rffioo i aaid cooBty, orbomc pirl thereo' at pubüe vendue at the Court A:in rb r, on the third day of NeTt-mbcr next, At noon. NFJ.SOX D. WING, Ai.ignee. 1 ated, uíruít 7 a. p. 180. GNancery SüIo. [ N puruance and b virsue nf a I rcree of the Clrea I Touri tor the uu'r ..f Washtfniw, in ( hancery1 road July lSth, A. II. W, in a ee in a Tourt bet. .ii Win;,, llulbert (oiop'ainint. and lyal Towen I'eDliy Ann Tower. 1 aniel Kr.! -g, . nd Justin Kellogi, fffnrl:,nts. I -hall sell at public Tendue at the Court Hei-e in the City of Ann Arbur, on the Ï5th ay of Ausru-tnex', l nrwo, the uth aixtT-ieren and onc Hflh acr-s of the soato east quarler, and also the outh onf-fifili nf llie south wet quarter of fectioa (f. thir'.v Tnnrnhip o. tl ree outh of range Ut rnst. ljing in L..di. in lid cnunty. except abont on fourth of aa acredeer'.cl to Kvel Briraa and oae ara dei.ied to Stephen Aiutrna Lated, JulylOlh, A. D 18S" C. H. TArTCliTT. '" Circuit Conty CoromUtieafr OTAK OV MICHIGAN, Fourth Judicial Circuit t. k ( unaf, EILHARI, W.ILAKK. I Court for the County ot AD. ISON GBKSTORU. {.7 lTS r' 1860 GTO-OE E. PARMKI.EF, f It appearmg by aiï lavit to the .ti..faetlon of tba Court. tba1 lhedcfendnt in thi cate d es not rei) ia Michigan, but ia a resident of the State of California. Un nioüon of M. Conley. n.ilictor for complainant it i sraarad tlmt the said def.-n.iant cune bh appearan- to be ent red in this cause, and notice thereof to be ervM on co.npKinanf solicitar within three montha (rom tlu'date of tliis order,iind that in ca of hia appearancc hee-iu hi-aniirer tocimpla ni. biil Ui b iled and a cep; thereofto be erved on complaioatn'a lolicitor within tvt-nty day of the ernce of a copy of aid biil and in dcfault thereo' sitid biil may be taken a enfi-ej by hiro And it is further ordered that within twenty days C'implainanf: cause a copy of thi order to b1 publinhed i.: the Michij in Aiyus, a public neffapaper puttlished at Anii Arbnr, jn said eounty, and that uch pnk li'at;nn bo continuefl in .said japerat least oue in each week, for eipht urresjive week or that theyeanve tbia order to be personallvverved on siid defendant, at leaai twenty day before :he time above pretcribed for hiiaD. pearance C II VAN'CI.EVF Circuit Court Com. Tor WashtcLa w Co allch 7638 MCAMPI0N. rrHE SUBCRIBER HAS JUÍI RETTRXED froio in JL Ext with hia [FALL %m 70 037 BH E3r O O 3O S WII1CH HE IS 33 33 T 33 XI TSZ IIvTED TO BELL AT THE POR O A S H , at which, Flmt Qnnllly Godj can be auVrded istkk city. My clotbs are ailof the F i n e s t QUALITY and a ( manufaoturotham into clothing arnlf, I aaa enabled u WARRANT EVERY GARMENT I ell, to be WELL il 1DB. irblch l. a[ induc,. tocusl. mers t. ]. lorcin pwrrcnce Innlu,. where quiimitiee of nult na f-ood r, fc f(.rsit. Ihave he utim r.-jnv-. an1 ca giT you n Jtne indvtlf FV'i? fjarMMU vin i kfit, 1 ana bouud to ell T3 arm Mïj , 33 jf - AXD- B ETTER GOODS, ihan anv uitat milor eMublishmmt ia ihis citr Vour custom tv must respectfuüy ovited. AanArbnr.Seot. 30. 1869. i' Ann Arbor Marble Woiks. W. F. Spalding. & 0o,v I I AVE on tand a Uno awurlment of American and 1 7 A L 1 A N iA BLE whfch tb.T aro prepared to raisuiatun int MOM U MEN S. USAD STOSES, TOMIi TABLES, TABLE TOPH . Ac, tc, cc, n all thir variftie., nd n a WUKKMA.VIJKE mannpr. Baring had conidderabta ujiarieuca n the bus:nf Battc-r thPmjeltt that wü bc able to pli all lio mity favor tliem with iheir ordorr. Tlioir nr.ox are a LOff AS THE LOWE8T, rilóse wUhing any in Ch'r "'ne ;ire rsnectfull? o'itwlta cali .V. '. SI'AU)IN"ti js i o. f AriK.r. Au. 12, )S48. ;o' y SIL VER PLATINO ']Il;:sriJ.-Cr;mT. .inowprcparpjtodo all kind o( I SiU,m, P cuinnthcr on Conpcr, Brtir, ut Gcrniao SiiTi-r. also tn rrplat ORKS.TRAY5. rASTEKP. BL-TTEH K-NH-ES Av, On the tbr nhnrt-st notlcí, Piím reaonabb Order may le lfft, f tlier at tbe romdenoe o{ Uio Subcribr (On .'-or nnrth of tlir Old Ac-idomv or at Wocj' rut li tjrry' Eiromter Factc.-y. ■"Tí M DAVI=!. Acn Arbor, Jos Kfti IK4 ■".