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The Biriïcy Potfti'áits. THE Subscribcre have on hand a quaniity of these large and eplendid engravings,beautifully executedon steel nn excellent artist, f rom a paintmtfby W. Goodwin Esq.,of Albany, N. Y. They are a striking likenessof the Man, and niake an elegant ornament for the parlo r. For sale, wholesale and retail, at $3 per dozen, or $l,0ü each, by BECKLEY & FOSTER. AnnArbor, Nov. ); 1344. 28 tf IiOSTT" ON the 27thof Sept. last, between Ann Arbor and Whitmore Lake, n Lndy's brown merino cloak. The finder wil] bc coropensaied by giving information at this office. - Nov. 4. 28 4w "ÏValurc and Experïcnce our Guide. THE exlraordinarv and well aulhenticated euros wrought by the celebraied Sugar Coatko Pills, or Dr. Smiih's Improretl Judian Vegetable Pilis, have naturally drawn public attention to them. Perhaps in the history of Medicine, from the time ofHippocratcs to the preaent day, there is no insrance of a medical compound obtaining equal celebrity in so short a time. Thcre was never a medicine recommend ed by such high authority. as Dr. Smilh's Pills. Besides their great curative properties, (possessing ns they do, such astonishing.powers to open all the naiurnl draine of the body. viz. iheEüKOS, Kidneïs. Skin, and Bowels,) they are, unlike nll other pills, extremely pleasant, being coated with sugar, and as they do not gripe, nor produce nausea, or any other unpleasant eons-equences, ihey have become very popular for Dytpepsia, Head-'aohe, Cosiiveness, Bilious complaints Foul Stomnch. Fcvers. Worrns, Want. of Apnetite, Impuriiies of the Blood, Obstruclionsand Feinale Coniplnints generally. Colds, &c. One of the rñost influeniial and benevolent ladies in New York, Mrs. S. A. Guul'tí, Matrori of the U. S, Naval Hospital, says. "ihere is no niqdi.cine tn her knowledge so well adapted to the numerous ailmentB of mankind ns ,Dn Smith's Snaar Coated Pilis." She especia lly recommends. thein to ladies. Bcad her certifícate in the pamphlet. Office devoted exclusively to the sale oi these Pills, 179 Greenwich Street, New York. , For sale by W. S. & J.. V. May'nnrd nnd Lund & M'Collum, Ann Arbor. 28-4wAliWAYS OjV HAN. Gt nnHE subscriber has ré ?Jg? JL rnoved his Main Jf -% Street opposiie Hï Beekjffp 'llpi er'8 " Store, where gflicr, Jbm he may bc found reacly tu jAV 1 !1 wa'1 uPon a'l l'iat may g've V't--2= Having just receivad direct from New York an elgant_stock of ■ JTEWELRY, and Fancy Anieles, which lie inlends to sell lower than has ever been sold west of Buflalo lor Ready Pay Only. Amorig rhch. mny be found a good assortméftt öf óold and Cummon Waich Keys, Gold Finger Rins and,Bosom Pins, Guard Chnins, Silver Têa and Table Spoops, Siígar Tongas Butter Knivcs, Silver Pencil cases, Silver and Common Tliimbles,'S;lver Spectacles.. .Germán, do. Sieel .d.o. Haii Brushes, Cloiiies, do. Toqih. do. LhiKér, 'do. Fine Razors anti Pocket Knfvöa, Fine Shears and Scissors, Li i her Bo.ves. Razor Strops, Walletts, Purses.. Violins and Bows, Flutes. Vioün and BassViol Strings. CJaronet Reeds, Percussion Caps. Pockaf Pistola. Briit.inn.ia Candle8ticli8. Watche'ï, Letter SiahjpSieje) Pens nnd Tweezers,. SnufT and Tobacco Boxes. Fine Combs. Dressing, do. do. Back. dox Shell. do. Needles and Cases, Water fainrs, , Toy VVatches. Kid Dolls. a grent variety of Toys too numerous to mention, Beads, Necklaces, Fancy Boxes. &c. &c. . _ Clocks and Watohss of every desciiption repaired and warranied; aleo, Jewelry repairedon short notice. L CALVIN BLfSS. N.B, Cash' paid fír OLD GOLD AND SÍLVER. C, B. Ann Arbor, Oct. 24. 1844. 28-ïf.New Goeds ! New Goods ! ! THK undersignad bas jnst -receiveci his efipply of Fajl Goods" froin N. Y. .City." Besidcs a rlrst rate ass,or iment .of Sheetings, Coiton Yarn. Fulled Cloihs. Broad Cloths. and oibcr Siaple Goods. h e is just opening a splcndid lul of Rich,, Woosied Damask Shawls' lst quality, Broclm üo dp Kabyi, dp do . . Casbmere, do . Fasliionable Cravais. Rich B'cinnet RibboiÍ8. Fashibnable hcoí fritnmings," Velvet " ... . , ALSOi . 1 BEADTIFDL ASSORTMENT OK DTÏESS STÜKFS SÜCH AS Cnslimcre D'Ecosse, MusJin DeLaine, Pnrissênnes. Robroy Plnid," Prints of every dèscription, Plain. black" Aladacn, figured, black Alapncn, Plaïn, colorea Alapaca, figured, col'd Alapaca, Plaid, and Changeable Alapnca. The undersigned has in ddiiion to a first rale assörtmerit of Staplé nrid Fancy' Dry Goods. a choice lot of Teas ana CofTee, fot family use. AIso, a large lot of Gée&e JTëathersi Paper Kangings and Travelling Baskets. His Stock is we'.l suitecl toboth city and country trade. Country peoplearc invitcd to cali and look and satisfy thejuselves ihjr.t bis stock wïll bear cömparison eiilier in ' qüáíiíy or price viil any' ofher in iho western ccuntiy. W. A. RAYMOND. ] 48 Jeflerson Avenue. Detroit. Óct. ïl4? 1844. 24 tfÓrass Seed! WANTEDby BECKLEY & HICK3. Ann Arbor. Lower Town. 26 T71JRST rate Tea. Sugar qnd CofíeC, at th'e lowcst nairket prireey'at IÍÍA.YMO1VDS CASH STORE, 148 Jeff. Avenue,'Deiroit. May 20. 4 JKfcitcÍF Salís, TTTANTED by rV . . BECKLEY&HJ'JXS. Ann Arbor, Lower Town. 2G fcíb'crty Almanacs íor 1 8445, T'OR sale by , . ... X . . BECKLEY & H1CKS. Oct. 4, 1844. 24-lw. Ashcs, Ashes! TO any amount wanied by ÜECKLKY & HICKS. Ann Atbor.iLowcf Tvwii' 26 rWRICÍHT'S PÓOXUVEAftTS FIÜS, An excellent vegetable funnly Medicnie, ín cases oí indigestión, Dyspepsia, Liver Compluints" or Jaundice, Ag'ue and Fcver, Coated ToDgue, Sickness ot the Stumach, Sick Uesd ache. Rcmiitnnt and Infeiniittcui Fe vers, Cougb, Colds. Caiarrlí," á-c. &c'. Erítirdy vegetable, they nreemplnficnllv JfJËTïïrRX'S FRBEJYB, conducirig to healih ond counieraciing oiseas by purífying' the blood,'cleansng ibé eysiém of viiiated hifmors, rèmovmg cbstruetións. ctirr.uiting ilie organs of secretion, mingling with the food nnd acting every way in harmofiy vrtih the' systein. For Inílamatory diseases ueed in connection with the '"Rheumatic Piaster" ihey will be found gieatly to_ aid ín tlie tc'tnoval of diseases for vvhicb tlie Plasier is above recommended. and1 panicnlarly a?e hey alciilaled for aíl derangements of the Digesl.vs and BiUary Organs, lbo primary oriin of a ni'jliitude of diseaceö. Price - 25 c;ni8 nñd 50 centsa Box. For sale at Mosely'e Bookstore. and by J. 'T." Stocking, Travelling Agerú íor Michigan. 16-1 r Certifícales. WooüsrocK, Lknawïe Co., ? Aug. 20. 1843. 5 For t wel ve years I have bsen troubled witb rhe matic affection in my back. eb that 1 have hardy ever been (ree l'rom pain duringtho wholo timí and wiihin twelve hours afior I hod n{)pliet some oí Wright's Rheurtintic Piaster, I waí perli :tly easy, and have had no pnin fihee. STEPHEN CART. Jackson Co., Cor.üMBiA, t Aug. 2"), 1844. 5 This may certify that I kave used Wright' Pilis in my family in violent altacks of chili and billious fever, and have found them to be ihe best Pilis that J ever used, and would recommend every iamily to keep them on hand. . JAMES AVVARTOUT, Thomíson, Geacóv Co.. Orno, April 28th, 1844. 5 rThis may certify thot I have used Wrighta'. Poor Man's Pilis and Rheumatic Plsster in mj praciice, and would say to the public that thejr :an rely úpon thcir recommendation with th ítmosi confidence: in short, thcy only nced try ng to recomniend tliemselve?. REV. R. R. SCÖTT, M. D. I.ORAtNE Co., Gkkeh, May ]6; 1843. ■ This may cenify that 1" have used Wrigh{' i'oor Man's Pilis in my pvaciice, orid find them io be one of, if nbt entirely, the best' pi lis now in use; and v.:puíd recomntJnd every family to keep them on hand, especially thpse who Uva near low, marshy land, or mili ponda, or in aa unhealthy elimine. ■ joshüa bascomb; m. d. Without aídtng more teMimony of the effiency uf the above mentioned medicine, wedo nol hcéitate to say that ve are not afraid to havo iis vir-, tues tesied by the sidoo.f ariy other of the kind ihat ever has been oííered to an American public, and we will let h stand upon its own menta. For saie nt Mosley's Bookstore. Ann ArboK' By Kellogg t Brothers, White Pigeon. R. Willian.s", Jr.. &. Co.. Sturges Praiiie. Simeón Gaget, Quincy, Brnnch couney. A. K. Hll - " " W. A. Blis's, Jamcstown, Ind. Elisha Steer, Angola, , " Chester Moss. Albion. Michigan. A. P.'Mann & R. Sibïey, Marshall, Michi' A. CaHender. .. ' " " E. PackerBVttle Creelt, " C. W. Vining. Galesburgh, Capt. Brown, Prairieville, ". D. H. Medwood, Adrián, 'c Quackenboss, óc More, Teciihiseit 'V S. A. Uowley, Jonesville, r H. Oilbert. Manchesier, " W. tí. jPaheVaoiV. Snline, , " Harmon fc Cook, Brooklyn, " Pierre TeUcr, Whoiesnle Ajíent íor Detru':t.Geo. P. Wright & Co. i solé proprietprs for the Um'ted State?,' ar.d Upper önd Lower Ornada. All orders and b:isine$s leners. Tor the. present, may be directe'd to Geo. P. Wright, Columbia P. O.i Jackson Co., Mïc'6. It is for Lk)]c also at .AJonroe, Mt. Clemena, Uiica.„Pontiac, and by Dubois & Wright, Jefierson. Agénts for the Siate of Michigan. Kilgoke. Cairo! Co-, (J.. Jan. 25, 1841. _ Ten years since. I wns taken with the Scrofula, so tbat I had no relief day or night. my Iimbs" beingmucb swellêd nnd covered wiih Ulcess, my breast and back iñ grcat pain. and nerves much shattered. fapplied 10 different Physiciana, all of whom said ihere wns no help for me. and olt the remedies I tried proved onavaiüng until I irnde usë of Wright's A.nii Infiam.'and Rheonu'; Piaster, which reducéd the inflamation, bealed. the ulcers. brought tlie skin to itu natural color, and relieved the pain. 1 would recommcnd it.' to all similarly aifticted, and am sure they will' be satisfin after giving it a fair trial. CATHARINE ALLENSWORTH, Thomts), Geauga Co., Ohio, ? _ , , April 20, 1843. J , f certify that my iittle boy pul hls nrms into, boiling water, nearly to the elboAS, so that wheiif' the diess was taken off the skin carne wiih it; alter applying several remedies to no purposn - , the arrn becoming muoh awollen and the child in great pain. I npplied 'Wright's Anti Inflam- matory and Rheumatic Piaster." and within twohours hc was perfect ly easy, and went to sleep.' Afier to ar three dnys.I. removed the plnster, and: npplied anotüer. and when :hnl was removed tb arrn was henled, Cxcept a place tlie size of Qshil' ling wH5el wns soon well. I.believo it to be í)i best article foraburn that cun be producedj ariíí would reeominend all to keep t on hand in c'ai of accidents. ELTZABETH BROUGHTOÍÍ. NERVOUS D1SEASES are greatly, benefit: led by the use of these pills;-r-as Nervous Hèad ache, Tic Doioroux. St. Vitus Dance." &c , thcir teridenCV being tp soothe the imti,liHty of the system. allny puin, and induce quièt nnd r. pose. Those afílicted with Couglis, Qid% J nfluenzo. &c, wül find relief frprh the.use of :b es pi lis. Exposure to cold doses the pqrés of the ihe skin, checks perspi ration. retordj.the ei reulaüon, and produces, varions inflamraotory diaeases. Does any one gerectve a; cold co ining npon hjm? Let him on going to bed, taki sufficient rp opérate smnrtly, nnd then every nipht, take cnoiish to produce a mild operaiion Uil the disease abates. In case of Worni3. let a tea of Pink be taken freely for 12 hours, and then administer Pilis sufficicnt to produce a brisk cathartic operation. 20-1 y.THE TRUE PAIN SXT&ACTOR SALVE WHICH cures likc a charm all BURNS l fire or water, and every externtl S'fiv . PAJN.IlNFLAMMATlON, ACH E or VrCH-ING' ever yet found upon ihe human famiíy. tb wbjch ithas been applied, must alwdj.8be3Ug}jt geapin'ëfrbm Lomsiock and Co., of NeT Yoik, or.iheir aujhofizcd agenta. Il' are cautioncd agaipst nny' spurious anieles, which rfiay olwaya ba; avoided by knowing tbc one yén buy comea Comstock & Co , who are now hu only próprietors and manufacturera Inquire for Connel's, which is warranied to do all it er er would when called by any other rfanie, or thé pi ico sliall be refundcd in any case if it does not plcasöv To place it within ' jqëach of si!, the prïee ba been reduced more than four fod, rnd ia novf so!d for 25cent8',;th'e forme price beiag tno cx orbitant. Thé 50 cent size j0v cojiiaina four times' ns.much as thp er, and tHtr $1 sizO nenr ten'times as nuicb. No.tamily that aas n-.,y ttje t0 Rurnanitr, wiU fai. to have Connet.'s Pain Kstractor Oiutment aiwnys nt hand, to. 8nve life, airscárs. and retluco all agony froi. any burn in five minutes, provided they hav seen jt uy) or y-, believe th'cfso who havo sedit. (ÍOMSTOCK &CÖ.. 21, Courtlond StrcoV uTs' Be Biiré, tberefore, and ask foi Conkel's.' r.s our pl&td with Dalley's name on it has, been stolen, and tbe spurioüs ï.nay oppear vnih thnt nnmecii il. Know. tberefore. that it comes irectlfrom Cotrsocli & Co., or shnn it. WM. S. & J. VV. MAtNAftD, 36 Aeent fbr Ann Arbor. CA ME. into the eniiKoSirto of the Su'oscribcr ort or abom the ét)th'of Scpiember last. o dark red heifër, cbout three or four years' old. Tboowner is requested to prove property. pay cbnrge and take.hftr awny. . JltA BECKLEY. Ann Arbor', October 7, 1E44. 8w24 WOQ-Dl WOODM WE want sotne from subaciriberiimTOcdiatclT Oet Ir2. 1L4


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