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Mr. Douglas In The South

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Special Dlspatch to th i S . Y. Herald. Noriolk, Vu., Aug. 26. The Little Giant airivcd here on )-esterday. His roceptkm was most onthusiastio He has entered on the campaign South under the most auspicious circumstanf.e8. On landing, ha expressed his thanks lor tho unexpuoted warmth of his welcome, and for accuplu of hours afterwards was ocoupiod in reoeiving his friondí at tho hotel. During thu day he visited Porta mouth, by invitation, and was escorted to tho Ocean House thare, and uodafwent tho con mony of a raception. In tho evening an immense crowd gathered on thü stroets of Norfolk, bontiïes were lighted, bands played, and a queer tima of lt altogether was had, fermenüng and enthusiasm foreign to the Nororikerite. A committee of arrangements wal formed, and, undor thuir direction, thü wholb body of peopla proceedod to the Court liousa yard, Judge Douglas appeared there, also, and, taking his stand on the topmost step of' the stone-flight leading to the entrance of the building, ha pruoeedad at once to address the assomblagü, coinputed at six thousand people. He spoke for noarly two hours, and made one of the rnost foroible of hia popular sovertignty speeuhus. In the rniddle of his addross a slip of papor was handed to him. It was cut l'rotn the Norfolk Daily Argus, and contained two polito questions lor Judge Douglas. Havinj; a.'certained the quwtiona thus propoundüd, hu said thcreou : I ain not in the habit of answering que8 tiona propounded to mo in the oournfi ol au address, hut on this ocoasijn I will com'.ly with the roquest and respond very irankly and uncquivocully to these two quosUous. Tha first question is, if Abraham Lincoln be elected JPrcsideut of the United State will thosoutlierii Status be justified in seceding from tha Union? To this I emphatically answer no. - [Qreat applause. The election cf a man to the Presidoncy by the American people, in conformity to the consiitution of the United States, would nol juatify any attempt at diasolving this glorious ooufederaay. [Applause] - Now I will road to you tha nest ques tion, and thon answer it. (uestion - It they, tho eou.hern States, secado from thü Union upon the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln, before i:o commits an overt act aga'üst their constitutional rights, will you ad viso or vinüicato resistauce by furceto their secession ? Voices - "No, no 1" "Bell men say no, Douglas." Mr. Douglas - I answer cnphaticnlly that it is tho duty of the President of tho United States, and all others in authority undur him, to enforco thü law of the United Stutes as passed by Congress and as the Court expounds them. [Cheers.J And I, as in duty bound by my oath of fidelity to tho constitutioo, would do all Hl my power to aid the governmeut of tho United States in maintaining the supremacy of the law against all resístanos to thern, come from what quarter it might. [tíood In other vvords, I think the President of tho United States, whouver he may be.should treat all atteuiptd to break up lbo Uniori by resistance to ts luwsas Old Uiekory trsated the nulhfiors in 1832. [Applause.] Tho laws must bo enforoed, but at tho same time, be it rornemborod itis tho duty of every eitizen of every State, and every public fuDOtioaary, to preserve, maintuin and vindícate tho righta of every oitizoa and the rights of every State in the Union. I hoid that the constitution has a remedy íor every grievancu that may ariso within tho limits of ths Union. I am very frank ia answuring these que&tions. I atn not in favor ol any polioy which would tend to give rise to ecmplainta or inurmurings, mu oh leas ol such as would cali ïvv frora an_, quartur. 1 acknovvledge tho inherent and inalienable right torevolutioti whenever a grieveanco bo comes too burdensome to be borne. I acknowledge tho right oí overy manto rebel and chango the lonr, ol govurnment under which ha livos whëöever it proves destructivo to tile anda for wfifoH if was establUhed. That fw s rigltt, hovvever, neviy-Uo-ba i'ti.oi'tyd to until the operatioBB-,oí' tho yovei'nmunt bocorno mora gritivjous thati.tlje conseuueqpes oí' i.qvóiution. Aud: thereforé L say that thú mere inangüration of a President of tho United States whose pohtical opinions were in iny judgmont hostile to the constiLution and satety of the Union, without au overt act on his pavt, without striking a blosv at our constitution or our rights, is not such i grievanco as wo'ald justify revolution or Sücession. [Ciieors j Hune, Isay. whoover rnay uu eltced President of the United States, he must ba sustainod in tho exerciieoi all bis jttat c'dnstitutlonal prercigatives and powers. If he transcotid-1 thóm we will punish him with all thfl rigor of luw, as you punishod John Brown whcu he vio.atod your laws. [A storm of applauso ] 1 i'or one will sustain with all my enorgy the Pr,edent whenaver ho rnay be in the exeroibe f all powèra couferred u'pon him by the constitution, but I would take just as mucb pleasure in hanging him if he transcended powors a# I loei pleasure in knowing tliat you hangd John Brown whn he was guil'ty of murdor and treason against tho Stato ol Virginia [ Kenowal ol stoon ] I ara alawabiding man, a Uniou-lovii:g man, and I behevo the Union can bo inaintained by a faithf'nl obsei'vnco of the constitution ; but I iusist on exacting the Culfilliaent in good failh oí overv provisión of the oonstitutiou ; I iueiston a linó of policy which will :v a all the peoplo of_all tho State-i on au exact e([iiahty, and uiaintain and proteet thein in thoir just fightp, but whieh will aUiicompel obedionce totheconstitution and the constituted authoiitios of thu country. Now, these questions, put to me tho first day I landed on Virginia tuÁl; having cmaiiated Irom the iriends of tlie secossioniit candidates, I ask that like questions may ba alsó put to thoso oaodidates, and that y.u iqsist upoij such frank and úheqüiVooal uiiswei'b as I havo given. A Voiob. - "They could nol do it square." Mr. Dol'glas- Ui.mjnibcr tnat jMr. BreekiDi-idga v. h riomïü'atëü on tha theory that the eleetion of Lincolu was preferable to that of Douglas. No "nan doubla that, if Breekinriclge'ö Tienda had not seceded at BaUimore, jut had aoquieseed in the legitímate j action of the couvontion, I would have, n this contest beatón Lincoln by the popular vote. A Voiok - "That'a so." Mr. Less than one tbirdof the convention seoeded frorn the j thirds on the gr.iund that southern I ï'ights wtii'e not safe in my hands, and ! that henee it was nacessary to divido the party in every State of the Union, ' so that Lincoln ruight have a chance of running in betvveon the divided forcea of the democratie party and gat elecied by a majoritj vot. A VoicE- '-Tbat'sso." Mr. Dodolas- The only ostensiblo and truo object sought in making a Breckinridgo ticket in the Northern States was to divida the democratie party so as to give Lincoln every one of these States, so thnt I te'.l yon, if Jincoln is electad President, it vvill bo the seoessionists whora you will have to blame for it. A Voice- "That's so." Mr. Douglas - Lincoln hisnohope of bei na elected except through the i forts of tfia secossionists, who have divided the democratie party - Aupposinjf that Breckinridge could carry every soutliurn State - though it novv seoms he is not going to carry a single ooeby the peopia. Stil!, by dividing the North, he giyos every one of the títatos to Lincoln, thus allowing hirn to bo elected by tha popular vote. Wny, wliat was the true aspeci of thü contcst boíore the seoes.-úon ? Lincoln had rio show whatever for more trian tvvo Stateá till the Bryokinridge divisiun took place, and I would have beaten hito n every State but Vennont and Massachusetts. As it is, I think I wil! beat hirh in alinost all of thein yet. [Oheors ] But, stiould Lineóla be elected, tha sacos i si ■)iii.ts, who norninattd and uovv : port Breekinridga, vvili ba ant'.tled to the credit, of jt, aad upoa thsm vvill rost the reponsiblity of having adoptad the fatal policy, and. dreading tho rusult of their own rash and unpatriotic acts, whioh gives to Lincoln a chanco of success, they como furward nnd ask me if I will hul them todúaqlv? the Union in eveiit oí Lincoln being laised to tho Presidontial obair. 1 teil them n j - never on oarth. [Cheerá and crios ot "Good."]Iavn forputtingdown northern abolitiomsrn, but ain also for putti:;g dovvn souihern secessionistpiind tiiat,too, by the exercise of the samo constitutional power. f''GooJ."[ I believe that the p3; oo, th haroiony and the eafety of ihiá country depaad upon destroMng both factions. fUhsers.J Both panier, if parties they can be callod, are allies ia a cominea cause ; for, however hostile they may be to each othur, however opposei in purpose3 and objj.;t, yot their courso ot aution tend.s to the saaiü deplorable result ; and, without inoan ing any disrospeot or pur3onal unkindness, I beheve that, ia the ovont of the succoss of eithor party, tho sccbs.s of northern auolitionists or that oi the southern socossionists, the Union and our glorious constitution are aluce put in peril and dauger. Northern abolitionum could not exist ír any length of timo exoept there vvas a counterpoise demanding the intorvention of iho tíoulh. Tho röpublicans dumand Cou greaaional intaríerence against slavery, vvhiío tbe secessionista deraand tht Congress shall ioterfero to protect and extend slaveiy. Thia irf the pivot on whicli bjth oarties turn ; íhis, rny irionds, is the whoie state oí the case ; these aro thedangers to beapprohondod, and thus it devolvos upoayou to rally to tho rescue, and by voting the national deraócratio ticket, placed bafone th countiv by tbo iiultiinor conveulio.), to preserve this glorious Uniün. - [Cheors and crios ot "Aud wo wil do it."] llis speech has nindo a most favorable impresión here in Norfoik. Nurabers of Breckinridge men publiely p:oclaim their dofoction froui thut purty and their adharenco to Douglas. On Monday, Mr. Dougla.s will visit Old Point Comfort, and thenco proceed to Petersbug. Ho will address tho peoplo thoro on Tuosday, nnd proceed to Kaloigh to att ad a convention to be held on Thursday noxt. Ho will ppe&k thare and tlieu prooeod to Kichmimd. Ho balts thero, and aïUroafsea u pubüo ineotiug on Fuidny. Pjetersrcbs, V;.,.Au.. 27. This was a great day wilh Douglas. ííimself and .fdswJs wurö a11 agg aboüt half-piist ' fbur this morning. - Leaving the ííaúouiil Hotel, at KorfoJk', era yot the t-'un sprang torth r.-joicing Ín hig s)lL'iid';n-, they pro, ecüed on bnard a staamboat which liad boen spu eially charterod kt tho occisión, aul, as soon as the la-t expecUd loiterergot on board, started oi a trip to Ilampton. Unannounoed as thé oooasion was, thoro wero butihu usual Wiiarf foiterërt about whea the steamer erot to Ilamptoi).- Thorf1, eubseijuently, Iiowüvci-, Mr, Dougl.aa addrosiod a little küutof po plo, with liis usual success. A couplo of hours sulfifod to ersate a de.-ïra to get away, and, on the shrül summons of the stearaer's whistle, there was ÉM iinirianse wtarnpede from the hotol. Tho next vitwas lo I'oint Comfort. Thero tlic party agai-n luudud, wilh ai accensión of liaríibort. A dirscl Coarse waa takon to the Hygoia Hottii. whort Judge Douglas was almost iimnodiatoly waitod on by Col. Diinmick, coirinianj ant of the forï, and saveral of tho officera. Aftor tho usual iatrodiu-tions had been gone through, thj wliole nariy pTÖOeftded to visit tho points ot' titer, est oonnecïed with tl.w eïUxwuv i í'o: tiü■ cuüuu The band ot tho g irriaon turned out in full uniform, and., dur'ng uur short stay, ciilivoned the time with some wcll yxeomm'i inusio. Timo bbing oulled, tho paily ; a-M!inbluil, and bidiflg g'oud-ie U the miliury lriend;-, in wliole estimatíoi) poüticallv ia wi'll as peivonally, the Sentitor aeetnöd ( hold a liig'i nlaei-, repajrad at once to th bp i!. The next short, pustms; Ji1gp wa-.:it Norfolk ainl Po.terebur" !l.iilny depot lloro a lavge of Nm'tolk citizens bssnmblád to seo tho J udoro 'tt'. But ono univers.l tvvltrig aqpearjd ló perva'le the thron. Il wa most lavora'ile to Mr. J))U-;!a-, ajiU spokj Btrongly öi tn e ie) i wb:uh his expoii tidn of Saturday niht had upoii tlio eoinniunity. Tho riso in the Douglas stock waa the wèota absurbing Uj-uio ! uf diiCUbsilJII. Tho tniin itartd olí to Potersb At Sufiolk staluln sorne bundrad song had assembled, who chouroJ ily us the iron-boree again starled on . his way vit!i a snort vviiich reverbenxted tlirough tho eclioing wooda wh lity rigbt in ouc pach on oither widtJ. But hero at Poter.ibiirg a most e:ithusiastiu roccption uvaited him. Aa lbo train advanced to Lfae depot the loud report oí a caanon startlod tbotirnid. Another and l'oüowed, and, an.kl tlio roitring of camión, tho sfaius of a band of rausio, and tha welooming uheers of a largo concouríe of psoplu, Jiidg Doaglas alighted. It was with diffioulty he mado bis way to a:i opoo barouoh, retainod to convey him to his hotel. Thither the orowd followed, and, in a short ti-no, tho Judgo appeared and biieily addresscd tiiom. He resarved himself lor a greater sepouh to-morrow ovoning, under promise of which the crowd, well pleased, quietly dispersed. Douglas stock rising is still the cry,