Revolutionary Anecdote
once in iy power tu have shot (en. TVusíiiugíou? ' said a liritish soldiuv to an American, as they wuro diícussing tba evejifs ut' the struggle soon after ti c'H'liiliiig of t lio poace: "Why did you not sliuoí. liim tlieu"?'1 asked tho Auiorican "you ought to havu dono 80 for tlio bono 6t of your cóuntrjuiáu. "'Ihodeath í Washington would not havo bgüii for their bciiüñt," rcplk-J tho Ki gl'sLi:n r.;, "for wo dependoil upon hiin to treat onv iris f'ncrs kindlj, and by hoaveu! w ■■' 1 sooner have sliot an oiBcaí of our own. '
History - United States
American Revolution
Old News
Michigan Argus