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Jü. 15. Ward i au irou manufacturo!] B B. Ward ou.'i't compota .vith tina furfrers in making ijilroad and other iron, a:vl thoruioro E, B. Waui) Qaturaily winti to oontrivo srube wav to raisa lh prioo of hu wi at the sniiid Liina oii i i fits c l. Ho tiiiuks a protective t:iri!F will di il by Hing tho impórtera to raiso the prioe to c"on uirnerjus! a3 rnnch n3 tho extra per oeat of reïenue Inid on by tbegovernmervt, an 1 thua pernajfc Waru nnd iitiuT home mauufucturors tb raiie th'eir priüOti correap n liogly and pockot :i spug litüo profit. Thi.i was tho oKl whig tluory, a iho ry oxplodej imuy years tig , but WIakd has revi ved it, has sBued apamphSítoluoidating hU viows, and that painphlot is b:) franküd by Iïapublicaii inombörs of Oongross all over thia State as an oleotioaeariüg document. Appèhdod to this parnpblot we find tho following pariigraph claiming to be an extract froin a lotter addreáaed to Mr. War by tho Uopublican candidato for Gongress in this district : '■Tho peoplo of Michigan must unavo-dably beoorno, Boonar or later, déeidod and active proteotionista, aiid f foei perleutly to risk my personal diicco.s.s and futuro prosperity upori that platform. Í! nat hositato in my s)üüohei, to placa mysölf without any prevarica ion, equnnx'atinn or reserve, fairl y and Jinu' 'y upon the protectiuc polioy in all ita essential hearings and details." Ii. F. Gkanobb, of Ann Arbor, Midi. That is protootiop, not incidental, but sqUared toed, out-aud-out protootion, for the sako of protocüon, avowed in term.s plain enough to satisfy II. C. Üa:y, or our friend "statistios" and we commend the deularation to tho farraerrf and laborors of tho Pirat Góngrsaional (lintrict. Are they in favor ol' boing tüxed buyond the wants or ueods of tho governmant sololy to a Bord protoction - in plain Gflglidh an extra profit - to a fow iron, cotton, and wojlen lords Demócrata will not, of course, sanction any such doctrine, but bow is it vvith tho düinocratio element, of the Bepublican party, vvith those men who swear on evory ooaasioa that nothing but slavory is tho matter wiih thora, and on all other political mo.isure.s, a:id tho "niggor," too, they stand whare they alwaya did. Are suuh lifo-loig opposers of a protective tari ff to bo sokl out in this vvay ? Wo shull seo. 1 - ♦ - 1 1 5" We clip tho following paragraph frotn tho Tecumseh lltrald of August 23d, and consider it a pretty gooi ondorsement for a liopublicau journal, and ono that might bo mado by other organs of that party if they wero in tho habft of ppoakingoandidly of democratie candidatos. Tho Hernld says : "A democratie Cbngressional Convention, held in Ann Arbor yesterday, nominatcd Gen. V. ÏST. Lotlirop. for Representativo in Congress, for tho lsl district of this Stato. The nominaiion was by aoolamation. Mr. L -ithrop íh ono of tho most eloquent and talented mon in Michigan, and will doubtless bo o'.octed, we can thon boast of baving ono talonted Mombor of öongress. t" Tlio Yp::lanti Scntinel intimates that tho woukl moet the olection expenses of tho "inevitable Uarry" rather than not havo him ele.'ted. We don't know how liberal tho Ropublican mombers of tho bar may bo, but ono thing wo oan assuro tho Senlind, and that ia that tho Democratie lawyers will noither aid mr counsjl tho clection of R. J. B.aur this year. Admitting that ho fe a good ofBoor, thoy know th.U bis op)onont, Joum J. Ronisox is just as wyll qualüied to mnko a corroüt and popular Ciork as was Daruv 1354, lie has all tho elomonts and only lack-s the experience, añd that a torm or two of Court will give bim. Lot no Domocrat cross o.T Rjíjisox's name bocauso ho has not had tho csporioneo of Barry. Give hirn tho office of Olerk sis years and thea tho oomparigQn will bs a fair ono and not bsfore. Every Democrat should voto for Joux J. liomso.v EST" Tho Kopuhlicans claim this (Indiana) thu most doubtful Northern State, by a largo mojority. Somo put it na high as 30,000.- Dct. Adv. So tho Düvil- supposed to be tho progenitor of somc Rapublicand - elaimed all tho kingdoms of tho oarth, and oíTored to givo thom for a singlo a;t of worship. Tho Djvil dikln't own a foot of tho pffored possession, and the Republican claim tho Adocrliscr ñames aro about as valuablo.