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Mi-. Boüton: - I discover in the laat Patriot an artiela taken trom the nn Aibor Argtt, . which the Editor of tliat paper lio w;i3 inforra r, of Jackson, ha ged Judge Granger, the present republican noramoc for Congrc , to moet him on the stamp and Siscuss the politica] isf tho oampaign. J wisL tho Editor .vliuiii it uiay concern, to I that I have not cliallonged Granger, nor any onc elsu to meet me od the stamp to discuss the issues of tho pr ; bical campaign. 1 wisb i tmdorstoód that I have discussod the politioal quoi rhich have been presonied to tho peapTo by the abolitioorer since thcir first organization, and uot unfrequeutly with men whose taloiitu are eijuai to J udgo (Jranger's, at least (jiidgiug from tha speeeh ho made in the wigwam, at lts dedioatiou, in Jaokbou.) I libtcued to every word of it, and I notieed, among other thiugs the gentleman quotcd the eonstitution of tho Uuited States wrong in two instanecá, to-wit: so much of artiele 4, sectiou 'ó, os relates to the diisposition of torritorv; nud the lCili amendmeiit, in relation to the dutics of Congress, and tho rights of Congreis, and the righta of the States and the pco)!o. - I rofer to tho abolitionists becauso the quostiou of t!io prohibition of slavery in tho territorios by Congreas, is ono which lias been urgod sf rongly by the abolitionists ever siueo thuir' organization. - Novv I havo only to add, that wore I a candidato for the samo ollico which Judge Granger is, I might yield to tlie repeatcd solicitations of my friends, and challenge him to most me in public; but as ao other gontlemau of saporior talents. and a good public speaker, ooeupies that position in this district, aud I but oeoup.y a humblo position in tho ranks of public offieers, I am satisiied by discussing thosa quostions with my frieuds in a moro privato manaer. Although should Mr. Granger challenge me, I probably should not decline.