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New Advertisments  MISS JENNIE E. LINES, rrEACIlJËR OF l'iatm Forte, QutUrMid Slnjtng, befng A. dosirous of enlarging her elnss, wlll ■ pupila at denco of Prof. WINCHELL, iiich beiug noot ILü Uuiuu School, will bo Tt-ry convtnient for sucli scholars attending thero wlio niay w:?h to pureuö tby stuily ufmutiicm connection with otliyr branches. Terms (10, kalf tobe paid a tUc midiUc andthebal unco at theclü.sc of the term. The Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance CoinpanyrilJIK 4NN0AL HEETINÖ ofiaiiConipauy will Ijl! holden X ftt the Court IÍ0U6Ü m tho Citj ot Alm Arbor on tho liret Smunlay iu October, Bext (Oth) atll u'clnd:, A. M. Mttnben aro reminded, that Ihoy mu3t take caro of tLoir institutions. ui fariuors wiio aro iiot memlwoiftre Invitad to attend M. KKNKY.See'y. Sept 5, lSiii). LODI ACAOEMY." rnHE Fall TERM of tbia iüsütuiion will commonco on X Momlay, Uctulor Isf. Any üesired Informatton ie jectijï_j Uw tcliuul eau i ■ . . a Idxesaiog IWwa liüv. J. FATCUIN, Priucipal. iiST OF LETTEKS r EMAIXING ia the Tost Ülüco at Ana Arbor XX Sist, lbÖO. Au'kT6n anJ Wcllá Lacy AnnaU Juiia Lareuce Joliu Arias ücörgo C L;í Uluc i íuicia Bacon AUce ixyd R ibrry Johu MiJler T liraofl Mary 2 Markley John XJruTFnald Lafaycltü MeCue 'fliuiuiis lïrovvu Ha:u:.:i AlyNaUy V Butler il.ivia, M Pa!ierL' C Uuiliugtu i' r;tlk Kdwanl líariytt I' polling Ktcr Biuh íieury C Kolfo Kich;u.t Üatpi at NowUnürd Georgiana Chaiiman Ami-aa Bohrocdor Kaudolph CaUwell AJnuuutha bmitb t Clii)maii Albc-rt J S&ckctt J D Chaw Wm -...ige J tí Cuoli JauiiiS -iiaub Goorgö Croft Báwovd Siuitli Crotier K d btorm FreAertek Dattforth 8 A íjt.'cfoiü ïïoujivuiin L-amoQÜ M SuUivan l'atrick Danning 1 1 Siunmon Ladlog Itonohuc Cath&rlnfl Tripp Henry V Dow Wm A Towmend tmi'y Egsloaton Dclia ViütJumea Lniboy N B Wftlz Jobn EU-oüdBF WaltT N Kvaus Cburlcs Waldby W H Finga! Mrs C WJiitc Mrs I. 1' Ferria Fryd W AI D Wier Thomas D Fox & Joucs Vvii:t Peter rillütl W'illiam Vi'essen Jacob öallup E C Wüleoa .ïamea Gish Juhq WavLT lieury Gurucr LB WilliaLis Jas L Galligrt Kugcoft Weis il K Goold Gcorgc Wocxl il Ounnisoü A ( Wriorht Llnieon llarrisou U:iry E 2ooU Alonzo llarris (i W ' I'orkkïn List. ilalscy IC N Ambros John Howard X U Coopor Joseph Uovey S L Korbor Cathariae Erv4ng Hugh EilUay James Johiisonii d MoríiiiMrs Kef n coy John rpp John Kathartun Uiu 'J-uföl John Jncob Kunigter Kusiua Tañíala Chríatían Lowlt TJ " Walker Ü íajwíb U C Walker F Persons callini; for anyof thoE.bove Li-ttcrs will jilease ■ay"Advortíd?' a D. BENNETT, P. M. Marálial's Sílo. Ci.onit Cutí t ofilie U. S., District of Michigan, ƒ BY VlUTL'Eof an Executlon, issuerl out of the Civcult Court of ÜwUüHod State, for the District of Uiohígan, bearitiT; ilate tlie tltird diiy of July, A. 1), 1S56, irhereln wUUam A. Smtth, Willtaiu Steelo, Jr., and Ira SmithjJr., are PlftintüVs, and Manball I. MorriU and Ga rdner II. Shaw, aré defoodants, duractod an"l dèlirercd to tUè Miu'.shal ol said district, Ue iho ïsaid Marshal by dia popüty, L. J. Walling, dia on the fifth day oi July, A. D. ltí.'jü, ïovy Bpoo tiift (olloVIng deserfbed landa or rhe Fouili-west quarter of Seetdon Ko. seventoen, and tho south Üíty acica from off tho cast half of the nnrih-c:tst quarter of seotioa No. niutíteon; an1. the casi linlí' of tho uovth-west quarter of soction No. soveateea, and the nouth-eaat quarter of iliosouthwost quartcrof Búotion tío. eight; nll in torra two south of ran;e fQur cast. containin in il! threo hundred and thirty aerea of tand more or less. Notice h hereby ri ■ on tliat by vïrtuo of sató lery 1 shaU soll &t Public Auction or Tcndue t tho front door of tho Court House In the. City of Aun Arbur, in said Di.strict, on ?aturday, tho Grst day of September, A. I. isr.O, at 12 o'cloclt, uoon of saidl.iv. all theabove described tanda ot premlufl or o much thereof aa may bo oècessary to satisfy Bsldjoxecution tugctUor wtth all cogta thereon. J. S. BAGG, Ü.B. Marshal. By N.H.XYF.. Deputy. DatcJt Ann Arbor, July '18, ISüO. ThO aboTO ule la hereby postponod until Saturday tliö 15th cUy of Boptojnber) tait, , at the same placo aud time uf dny. J. S. BAGG, ü. S. Marshal. ByN. lï NTE, Dcputy. Datetl, Ana Arbor, September 1, 1860. "Oitd Guartlian's Sale. NOTICE LS OEREBY 0IVEN that, by virtoo of an oraöï ñantsd to thu anderslnodí Guardian of tho OStatt ofilelen U. Hoag, minor, by tho Judc;o of Probatoof Jackaon County, Onteil Oct. 20tb, A. D. 1859,1 shall Bell at public auction at the front door of the Court House, in tho City of Ann Aitnu-, on Frtd'.y, Ootober 19th, 1SC0, alone o'clock, P. H.,tbefoltowing doacribcd Real K.-tato to-wit: All tho interest of sald minor in tho Weathail of tlio Soath-east poorter and Kast half of North-wost fractional quarter of BOctlon two Townhip two South Iïansie aeren Baat, In tho Tomiahip ot Superior, Couuty oí" Waehtenav and State of Miei AUGUSTUS C. KOOT, Guaraian. Aun Arbor, Scpt. 5,1SÜÜ. VVINES & KNIGHT A UK KOW O OE 3EÏ KT X 3NT J3u SPLBNDID STOCK DRY COODS Purchased 'fin E A 11 L Y FA LL T li A DE. Soptomboi 3, li' ... J H& ook sxoe.EM J. It. UT:-. jpji ÏVunklin Heuse Vj-j -'49fliHil ; .' ( j. .. ; '■ i i, i i RECT FROM ri'f'I.! ■ AXD Manufacturera;, a Now and ' ock of J,AW & MEDICAL IJOÜIvS, School Books, Miscdlancous Bookf, Blank Books, dan eIï"-A.127IC33NrDEÏXl"SZ-: Wall nu'.l Window fover, Dr&wlng aml Mutheninticul Instnuwstoy Mu.iic, Juvonilo Zibxado, Kuvelopes, Inks uud Caids. GOLD And all other kinds of Pens and Pcncils Vi:i lnw Cornico, Bbadea and Fixture, POCKET CUTLEHY! Aml ovorytbinp poHriininff to Hm Umd#„ a,d taoro to whicuthey woull invite tho atUntum of the country. Incomlu&li:.j "i'ir boidnefta, we hall do all thnt rau lip Jono,sn that uo rcA-souablo mao, wuuiao or chlU ball Oud niiy fault. Wc iioisoss faciüties which will cnable ufl to nujiply our stomers at tlio Lbweet Possiblo Figures. Wo propoRo io sèllfor KEAPY PAY, ata sniulladvance. We expect a proüt on our goods, but Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. Wo IiiïC cupi(t3 the sorvicoa of JAMES F. Sl'AjkPING, httroforoftn pr9p&T6d to fumish Visititig, Wedding and all other Car ds written tó order, with neatness and dispatch, by mail or otherwise. Tlio "EüPiRlïBoOii Stoke," is mannr-il hy agood 'crew,' ml thoy will alwara bi) found ou the "quartcr iltMik,' vea!y anti willjn to atteud to all with pk-asuro, il ho s II favor tlicui wiLii a cali. Remomber the "Empiro Book Storo." JAMES E. WEBSTER & Co. Ann Arbur, Jtay, 1860. 74g JLIFE INSUIIAMCE. The Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company. Aomunulated Capital, - $3,500,000. WnXrMSUEE LIVES forany amount not exöèedïng $10.00 for the whole term of Life orfor a term Of years, on thcmoit favorable térro. X. lï. Tho Coiupany ia parelj anl tie vlcy holders get all the sarplua over the exact coat of iiuueanco Ii accomodatoi tho ipanred In the setflemetif èt tholr premin Difl ON UFE P0LI0IE8, if deslred, by taking a noto f(r one half the amount, boaring intorost at six per cení, per aoiram. Dividendo are Dedared Annualhj! ; l n il .siuce thfty noT amount to nrrv )or cut on tlio nc niium, caali íinfl note, and are mcioasiug thoy may be a]plieü to cancel tlionote. ggf The rates of premiums arcas low as any other rfts)0URÍble Oompany and the large accumulated fuuil of $3,000,000 is seeurely inveated, as rnay lw Keen by ïffcrOftco to t!io f,taieinent uiade accoriling to law, on file o the office of the County Anu Aibor.-%i3L JAMHS UOODWIN, Trcst. GüVR. PllKIJSjfCT. Forparttcnlarsappljrio JAMES C. WATSON, 768jl Agdol at Anu Arbor, ttfeh. O, BlilS S StÏÏl ia' the' Field ! ■"ITH A LAKGE STOCK of GOODS in my line Oircct Grom New York, Boston, and the Manufacturers! I have just recaived a bon and wel: ntaUduntmBt of CLOCKS, WATCIIES, J 3E3 L] Ij BL 'S-. SILVEll PLATED WA11E, Musical Instrxunants, Table and Pocket Cutlery ! GOLD PEÍTS, Aml a grent vnriety of Yaukco liotioua, te. I would cali particular attcntiou ty noy larga stook uf SPEOTAOLES, of Gold, Silvor, Steel, and Platcd, with PERISC OPIO GLASS A superior article, auJ a great v.irioty of artlcles in tho line, Persons haTl&g difficult watches to fit with gla&tt; (áu boaccommodiited as my atock is lar,?o and complete. P. S. Particular attention paid to tho REPAIEING of all kinds of fino Watch&s, bucIi as Making & Setting New Jewels, riXIONS, STAFFS and CYLINDERS, aho CLOCKS, AND JEWELIÏY, Neatlj Iipah-cd and warrantel. C. BLISS. Angust2S, 180P. ÏCStf ie mw FALL C3O O3DS AT 0. ïï. Miüen & Cos. Ann Arbor Marble Works. W. P. Spalding, & Cu, "ÏTAVE on b:iul i fine awortmwt of American and TA LIAN MA li BLE whiobtbej weprepándto uwiufactuvo luto MONUMJiNJS. UK AD STONES, TQMB TABLES, TABLE 2'OPS to., e, tc, &.C., iu all tb. -ir ruieties, w in a WORKEAXUKK manuor. Havlng luid coiisjjcrablo xprarienco Iu tbe busiun . -.11 bc ablo (■■ plooio all who muy füvor Uu OTdoif. Tlui. aio u LOW AS THE LOW EST, rhoae wihlug anytblng iu llnj ' ■ ctfiillj ixi 'iu a tn oalf. ■ ■ : KG. & o. rbur. Aux.t: