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The Census

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The Census Marshals of tlie lt, 31, and 3d irtriüti of this County huw cómpleted the enumeration of ithe Inhnbitauts, and wo are gble tu ly tba reault befoi'c our readers. 'j'Jio enumeratioD of the First district waö niaJe by John Si'aukwe.vtíiek, Esq., of Ypsi iftnti, and the pópiilation of the soveral Townships, compared witli tlie Uensua of 1800, is na followa: 1830 FiUsfielJ, - - 1.232 1,301 I Salem, - - - 1,34') 1,360 ; Suprior, - - 1,127 1.344 Ypsilanti Cily - - - f'?.1Vpsilauti Tn, - 3.02 1-')CJ Totn's, 7744 9,419 Tho Second district vrea taken by N. B NV, Esq., and R. Bkaha, Esq„ of this cityCumpared as above it is : 1850 1BG0 Ann Arbor City, J Towi; - 4,S7U 1,443 Northüeld, - 1,1 IC MJ3 Webster, . . - Jt24 UÜ6 Totals, 6,910 9,015 The Third district was taken by J. D. Couït, Esq., of Manchester, nud gives B population as followa: 1850 1SGÜ Augusta, - - 80á 1,14J Bvidgewater, - - 1,148 1,290 Lodi, - - - 1,244 1,321 Manchester, - - 1 i l-'{ Saline, - . - 1.631 .Mg york . . - 1,360 1,573 Totals, 7155 8,963 Tho onumeratiun of tho Fourth district has been completcd, anl the Census Marshal, Mr. E. Haieb, of Freedom, has promised us the figures ia time for our noxt issue. His dis ■ trict comprises several Townsliips, und will probably give au aggregate of 10,000 show ing a total in the County of about 37,500, against 2á,5G9 in 1850 and 23,3.JG in 1854 , o gain aiuce 1850 of over 25 per cent. We havo choaeu to compare with 1850 rather than 1854 becausa the eenaus of the latter year was notoriously iocorrect in many of the Town Bhip3 of the County. Next week we sh&ll endeavor to give the County complet. OP We understand tbat the storm o1 ruin and wind which visitcd our City on Thursday evening of last weck, was mueh more violent in other pluces. It Fwept witli great forco over the corner of Freedom, Lodi, and Saline, and in tha N"orth West corner of the latter towu we ftre informcd that the barns of Divid Moore, J. F. Nichols and Itasücli Mills wero unroofjd. In other Coun ties severe hail was an aooompaniment of the storm. ■ ■ i i m tam